Fantasy Westward Journey My Items Can Be Realized

Chapter 1 Realized Fantasy Westward Journey

Chapter 1 Realized Fantasy Westward Journey
In the Internet cafe, under the dim lights.

A 27-year-old young man was concentrating on playing games. Yasuo's mid laner, with a wave of smooth operations, took the opponent's Malzaha's head and returned to the city to buy equipment.

A colleague checked out and got off the plane. Before leaving, he patted him and said, "Zhou Jiaming, although tomorrow is the weekend, the boss has notified everyone to work overtime. Get off the plane early and go to sleep. I'm leaving first."

Zhou Jiaming glanced at the time on his phone, it was 23:06, it was getting late.

He replied: "Okay, finish this game, get your first win and go back to sleep."

The colleague left first, Zhou Jiaming looked at the record, emmm, no wave and a sure win, he thought so in his heart.

I get off work at 2:[-], and it’s already the fourth round, and I didn’t win a game. The bronze [-] qualifying match, I can only say that the bronze round is very difficult.

At this time, the total number of heads is 18-7, Yasuo in the middle road is against the Void Prophet, the head is 6-1, and the opposite side is 1-6.
On the road, they were headed by the dog Nuoshou, and the stone man on the opposite side had collapsed under the tower and dared not come out. Nuoshou's record was 7-0, and the stone man was 0-9.

Three of the heads were taken by the jungle swordsman, and the opposite jungler Dragon Turtle also sent a double kill to Nuoshou when he went to the road, and then he buried his head in the jungle and never saw it.

Although the bottom lane AD has fewer heads than the opponent, the three lanes opposite the upper middle field all collapsed. Not surprisingly, the opponent has no possibility of a comeback.

But you can't set a flag, the more confident you are, the more reality will slap you in the face.

Now Zhou Jiaming's face hurts. The reason is that the opponent's mid laner and jungler went to the road to catch the Nuo hand.

Nuoshou scolded: "Fucking swordsman, you know how to grab heads. You came here early to hide in the grass, and didn't come out until I was about to die. The mid laner Yasuo is also a SB, and the mid lane misses. He didn't even hit a mark."

A wave of hatred was successfully filled.

The Juggernaut didn't even kill wild monsters, so he went to dirty Nuo's pawn line.Seeing that the two men's mentality exploded, they sprayed and scolded each other, and they didn't wear the cord, Zhou Jiaming was also very helpless, and a few words of persuasion by typing didn't help.

On the other hand, the mentality was good. Long Gui went to the bottom lane. The policewoman and Morgana here couldn't play at all. They couldn't beat VN and Thresh, and then they hung up in the bottom lane.

On the opposite side, the Xiaolong was holding a group, and the Juggernaut Nuo couldn't come, and he couldn't beat 1 to 5.

Seeing the scene of his own crystal exploding, Zhou Jiaming threw his earphones down angrily.

I wanted to just check out and get off the plane, it would be a bad time, and I'm afraid I won't get the first victory today.

But I thought it was still early, at 23:22, and I was just reading novels on my mobile phone when I went back. It's not until one o'clock in the morning, so I can't sleep.

It's better to play something else, he looks for games he can play on the game menu.

I saw a familiar icon, it was the Fantasy Westward Journey that Wukai had played before, it hadn’t been registered for a few months, and the original large account was also sold, why not go up and create a small account to see the booth in Jianye City.

He opened the interface of Fantasy Westward Journey. At this time, there was lightning and thunder outside the Internet cafe, and a huge light came through the gap in the window.

There was such a big lightning, all the computer screens in the Internet cafe flickered for a while, and then returned to normal.

A commotion calmed down after the computer returned to normal. A player next to him who was playing Game of Thrones muttered: "It's raining heavily, tomorrow is the weekend, I won't go back, forget it all night."

Zhou Jiaming is creating a character, yes, it's raining, if the boss didn't inform him to work overtime, he can stay up all night tonight.

Scanned the code to log in to the previous account, the old character was sold, and the login interface was empty.

Created a random swordsman, and named it randomly as Fu Rufeng, of course there are symbols in it, and the random name has symbols.

As a novice mainline character in Taoyuan Village, he came to level 8. Because he was going to visit the stalls in Jianye City, he didn't remember whether there was a point card on his account, so he stopped leveling up and left Taoyuan Village directly to Donghai Bay.

Drag the mouse to find the way and go forward, there are two ingots of silver on the ground in Donghai Bay.

Veteran players know that this is an item that was refreshed in the game and blown up from the Dragon Palace.

When looking for the way, the mouse accidentally clicked on the silver taels, so his character picked up 100 taels of silver.

It's fine under normal circumstances, but at this moment Zhou Jiaming saw the small treasure box representing the item column in the game start to flicker.

The flickering sign of Fantasy Westward Journey usually has new news.

He opened the item bar, and saw the red letter 100 wrapped in cash, which kept blinking.

Driven by curiosity, he clicked on the flashing font with the mouse, and three more options appeared on his computer screen.

Option 1: Cash

Option 2: Withdraw to Alipay

Option 3: Withdraw to WeChat.

What the hell is this, Zhou Jiaming is puzzled, he has never seen such a situation before, or his computer has a virus, who made this prank?
He touched the brother of Genting Game next to him, and said, "Hey, brother, help me find out what's going on, is it a virus?"

The big brother looked over, took a closer look, and asked doubtfully, "No, isn't this a good game interface?"

Zhou Jiaming was puzzled, the fonts of these three options are not too small, shouldn't they be invisible?
He pointed to the three options and asked: "That's right here, there are three options, withdrawing cash to Alipay or something."

The brother looked again, but there was still nothing, and cursed: "Crazy!"

He put on his headphones and continued to play his game, ignoring Zhou Jiaming.

Only then did Zhou Jiaming come back to his senses, and said crazily in his heart: "I'm stupid, other people can't see these three options. Is this really some kind of black technology that can be withdrawn?"

He clicked the mouse on the option of withdrawing cash to Alipay, and sure enough, the phone in his pocket vibrated.

He took out his mobile phone, and it showed that Alipay received [-] yuan, and the time was just now.

He looked at the account information like a dream, and stayed for a while before he realized it.

The silver taels picked up in the game can be withdrawn to Alipay, so what are you waiting for, hurry up and continue.

Manipulating the game character, frantically picking up silver taels that fell on the ground in Jianye City, Donghai Bay.

During this period, he withdrew cash a few more times. Once he went to WeChat and received the account information immediately, and once he chose cash.

A brand new 100 yuan bill appeared on his keyboard, and it just appeared out of thin air, which shocked him.

Holding it in my hand, I checked the texture of the RMB. It was a brand-new banknote. After careful inspection, it was undoubtedly the real banknote.

He hurriedly checked the surveillance cameras of the Internet cafe. It's not good for such a supernatural event to be captured by the surveillance cameras.

After searching for a while, he found that his side was a blind spot for monitoring, and he was relieved when the camera couldn't capture him.

(End of this chapter)

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