through the dark road

Chapter 393 Why didn't you say it earlier

Chapter 393 Why didn't you say it earlier

"Look what I got!"

Alvin didn't know that he was being missed, and he waved the Shenyu bow excitedly as soon as he returned to the rooftop.

"Tsk...this's beyond words."

Mo Bei took off the animal skin wrapped around the Shenyu bow in his hand, revealing its original appearance, and said with a tangled expression.

According to his minimum requirement, Shenyu Harmony has to be done with exclusive weapons, and using a Gothic bow to make do with it seems to him to kill obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Because he has a Horadric Cube, and there are a lot of various materials now, it is not a big deal to punch holes in white equipment.

"You don't know how good the equipment is on that woman!" Alvin listed the equipment he saw on Tabetha just now. The gold content of his victory.

"Why are you back? It would be nice to continue pretending for a while like just now, maybe the final reward will be yours." Ned joked seriously.

Irwin's move just now really shocked everyone present. If he continued to stay on the court, he might really be able to bluff all the challengers.As long as there is no challenge for a quarter of an hour, you can go up to get the prize.

"Why didn't you say it earlier..."

Hearing what Ned said, Alvin felt a little regretful, and the complacent expression on his face collapsed.

But the qualification to play is only one time, so as to prevent the situation that if you win the game, you will leave the game, and wait for the profession that you restrained to go to the game to challenge.And when he left, he basically vented his old self.

"If you don't pretend to beep, you will regret it later." Mo Bei made up the knife.

. . . . . . . .

Chakrias also regretted Irwin's departure at this time:
"It's a good opponent..."

"There will be a chance."

Virgil watched his son fasten the wristband slowly and steadily, and put on the helmet. The calmness in his movements stabilized his inner uneasiness, and he still felt sure about the implementation of the plan.

However, Chakrias's movements were slow, in fact, it was just because he didn't have much energy right now. Finally, he found an opponent who made him want to fight, and ended up voluntarily leaving the field.

As the second son with no right of inheritance, he aspired to be the guardian force of the family since he was a child, and won the love and appreciation of his father.Fortunately, he has quite outstanding talent, so he has indeed done this now.

It's just that as he has a more real understanding of the stance of the great nobles, the voluntary he has always insisted on makes him feel a little confused.

Although he has to admit that he has been cultivated by the family during his journey, but deep down in his heart, he still has an urge to leave the family.

After returning from this experience, he was thinking about whether to teleport directly to Ernstinger, enter the mountains of Arreat or the land of fear, and do what he and his teammates really wanted to do.

He walked slowly to the side of the field, and found that the field was still empty, the positive atmosphere just now was gone, and everyone had wait-and-see and apprehension on their faces.

It's just that the astonishingly rich final reward is still attracting everyone's thoughts, stirring up their urge to give it a go.

Chakrias took out a black and gold kite-shaped shield and put it on his left arm, and casually stomped on the sharkskin shoes under his feet. Feeling that he was comfortable wearing all the equipment, he walked slowly into the arena.

After a moment of silence, someone finally took the stage to accept the challenge, which aroused warm cheers from the onlookers. For the vast majority of people here, they simply wanted to watch some exciting duels.

Not long after, there was a small commotion among the crowd on Conrad's side, and a gap was made from it. A large metal bump covered in spikes came out with the sound of footsteps. A burly steel golem!

"Necromancer." Mo Bei's eyes lit up on the rooftop, looking forward to the figure behind the steel stone demon.

This profession is really rare, so he also wants to see how the necromancer performs in the duel.

However, when he saw the necromancer continuously throwing the corpses of various mutated creatures, he sweated a lot. The medium required for this summoning was quite speechless.

I remember seeing a necromancer bring out a bunch of messy things before summoning them, such as dead snakes, dead mice, iron spoons, copper keys, no handles, small knives, etc. There are many kinds of things, just holding them in your hand will kill you 3000 like. . .

The summoning medium used by the necromancer below is quite particular, at least much better than ordinary dead mice. It is said that in addition to the skill level, the summoning medium they use can also have a little influence on the summoned objects.

After the dead bristle mice, desert lizards, and jungle poisonous frogs fell to the ground, their whole bodies were twisted and pierced by the bones in their bodies. The bones were quickly spliced ​​together in various seemingly random forms, standing up from the corpse rise.

The last ones standing on the flesh and blood of the mutated creatures were human-shaped skeletons, holding sharp-edged shields, or holding faint elemental brilliance in their palms.

For this series of skeleton calls, the crowd's reaction was relatively calm. They had just seen that man holding a deformed metal boot and transforming into that big iron man.

At this time, the necromancer was surrounded by twenty or thirty pairs of skeletons, an inseparable steel stone demon, and a paladin teammate who was stepping on a meditative halo. . . .

Restoring the spent mana for him. . .

It seems that the scene is not small, but this way of appearance still caused bursts of laughter. This back and forth can last for two to three minutes. Normally, a duel cannot be played for such a long time.

Chakrias, who was standing opposite, raised his hand generously, greeted his opponent, and waited patiently until the paladin left the field, then put a pair of blade claws on his right hand, and put a pair of claws on his shield. There was a light knock on the edge, and two crisp knocks were used as a reminder.

The necromancer immediately leaned against the steel golem, and at the same time cast a bone shield around his body to prevent the assassin's instant kick from behind.

The Iron Golem has its own damage reflection, and it is the strongest cover and shield for the Necromancer. In this kind of solo battle, the Necromancer usually exchanges positions with the Iron Golem back and forth, which seems to be the same as passion Pas de deux.

Seeing that the opponent used acceleration and rushed towards him around the furnace in the center of the square, he swung the bone staff in his hand, planning to hit a bloody rain of light spots ahead of time.


The sprinting figure disappeared into the spot of light at the same time as the curse shrouded it.


The skeleton closest to the necromancer suddenly shattered, and the necromancer's reaction speed was not slow. Almost at the same time, he pointed the bone staff at the piece of broken bone that was flying away.

However, before the accumulated spells could be released in time, he was knocked back half a step by an invisible explosive force, and hit the steel stone demon behind him. In a blink of an eye, the assassin's claws had already touched the lower edge of his helmet .

Psychic Hammer!

The sharp claws did not touch the skin of his jaw, but it already made him feel the pain like a needle prick.The bone stick in his hand froze in mid-air. He didn't have the courage to exchange damage with the other party, so he hung down dejectedly.

Everyone was in an uproar, and the laughter that had just subsided broke out again, and lasted for a long time.

After preparing for so long before the battle, and with the assistance of teammates, the battle lasted less than three seconds, and even the passionate pas de deux was not staged, and those with a bit of a bad mouth have already started to tease:

"Dude! Foreplay doesn't count as time!"

(End of this chapter)

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