through the dark road

Chapter 397 People of the Holy See

Chapter 397 People of the Holy See
"This attack angle is really tricky..."

Chakrias moved his still-stiff elbow joint, and half of his palm felt a tingling pain that was hard to relieve. He was even thinking about whether to wear an elbow pad or something in the future.

This was the numbness of his elbow when he was hit hard for the first time in a battle. It felt so sour, and even the weapon was handed over immediately.

The pair of blade claws was acquired by the family after spending a huge sum of money, and the cost was not lower than the pile of final rewards.

"Patriarch... how do we explain..." a teammate beside him asked in a worried voice.


Chakrias chuckled lightly and didn't answer, as if he didn't care much.

The "we" from his teammates slightly relieved his loss of defeat.

If you lose, you lose.

When they practiced together, it was not that they were not chased away by various enemies.

Although thinking about his father might be crazy, he felt a sense of relief, and he couldn't explain why.

"Where did such a ruthless person come from? Didn't he come back from the front line?" Another teammate looked back and asked.

"No, he has a pair of very young eyes, which can be heard from his voice. They are so clear that old legs like you can't envy." Chakrias shook his head in denial.

"I'm the vicissitudes of smoke that he can't imitate!" The teammates retorted.

"Is it useful? We may not be able to please the four of us together, tsk, I used to call myself an elite team..."

Chakrias touched his messy stubble, and asked with a self-deprecating face.

" did it come from..."

The hustle and bustle of the square remained.

After the event ended, no patriarch of either side came out to say a word, the crowd gradually dispersed, but the discussion voice did not show a tendency to fall back, and the theme surrounding it was naturally the final battle of disparity in strength.

Chakrias, who made everyone feel helpless, was so tortured that he could not fight back. The paladin who played at the end was so terrifying. . .

And after winning, he didn't even pay attention to the time limit of fifteen minutes, turned around and went to take away the final reward. No one dared to question it, he was so overbearing. .

In addition to the paladin, there was also a bear druid with unfathomable strength. After showing crushing strength, he abstained and left the field without any worries.

After this event was held, everyone put a huge question mark on Conrad's family background. Coupled with the various advantages shown before, it seems that he already has the atmosphere of controlling the capital of the overlord!
Even the last sentence left by Mo Bei was constantly discussed.

"You should go where you are needed."

Although this sentence was spoken to the four of Chakrias, it somehow touched many people's hearts.

Virgil didn't even take a look at how his son left the field, but just followed Mo Bei's figure in a daze, looking in the direction of the Conrad family, feeling confused.

The failure of the plan is not the worst thing, but the plan not only failed, but also got a completely opposite result.

If it is said that he and the big businessmen joined forces to forcibly attack Conrad's smelter before, there is still a lot of confidence that he can grab a sample of the generator, but it will cost a lot of money. It was a mass defection of family guards and mercenaries.

A family that is already at a disadvantage is already a little panicked, and let them attack the smelter where the paladin is in charge?
There is no such thing as driving people to death. .

Why exactly. . . . .

The game that was originally handy and enjoyable, but I played it well, why did I suddenly feel like I was about to be out?

Virgil sat quietly by the window and was messy, but there was a lot of noise inside the Chamber of Commerce and Trade at this time.

The big businessmen stared at Borg as the chairman with cannibalistic eyes, saying that it was all your fault, how could that fat man fool you with just a few words?
Borg retorted: This matter can't be completely relied on the Virgil family, didn't it be agreed before! ?We also need to show momentum!Spell out style!But the result! ?

I gave you a chance, but the people under your command are useless!

Speaking of this, everyone present couldn't help but secretly glanced at Rodney, who had always seemed relatively quiet.

Although Tabetha lost, her performance was quite brilliant.The big businessmen were still a little bit desperate, and most of their own pigs couldn't beat this cabbage.

Then everyone talked about how to deal with the successive Conrad family, and their eyes turned to Rodney unknowingly.

They sighed in their hearts:
this old guy. .I gave birth to two wonderful daughters. .

Mo Beizheng showed his spoils to his friends, but the captain of the guard brought three men in gray and black cloaks, saying that they wanted to see the Patriarch.

Looking at the three tall figures in front of him, standing together like a wall, Mo Bei asked:
"Is the three of you looking for His Highness the prince?"

One of them lifted the cloak, revealing a head of gray and short-length hair, but his face didn't look old, and he was resolute and steady.

Under the gray-black cloak, there was actually a dark red cloak wrapped around it. The plain white robe inside had dark cross patterns on both ends, which explained the origins of these three people.

Holy See of Zakarum!

His eyes swept over the six Mo Bei people like lightning, as if he wanted to see them clearly inside and out, and they were all terrified when he saw them.

Eyes can convey coercion.

This man is very strong!

Moreover, there is quite a meaning that the visitor is not kind!
After Mo Bei showed that kind of strength, these three people could still come to the door so calmly and calmly, which also reflected their confidence in strength from the side.

The people of the Holy See really took action.

"Please inform Conrad, Fink asks to see."

The man in the middle spoke, his tone was considered polite, but judging from the way he called Conrad by his first name, this kind of politeness was nothing more than a show.

"Please wait a moment." Mo Bei nodded, and decided to let Conrad come forward to see if he could get some more information.

"You don't know me... haven't you been to the capital before?" The man who claimed to be Fink suddenly asked with great interest.

This question made Mo Bei and the others shudder again. They kept searching their minds for the information given by Black, but they didn't remember that he mentioned a certain member of the Holy See named Fink.

"We accepted the employment of His Highness the Prince when we were in Kurast Harbor. It is indeed the first time to come to the capital. Excuse me?"

"Fink, Wizel." Fink replied indifferently.

Bishop Wizel!
The minds of the few people tensed up a little more, and they unexpectedly came into contact with a bishop-level figure all at once.

According to the information given by Black, the Sadenko Church is not qualified to have a pope or an archbishop. The only three bishops are all reclusive, and their names are rarely known. Black, who has specialized in collecting information, only knows them by their family names.

Therefore, they were equivalent to being tricked by the other party just now.

"You, are you here to look for us?" Mo Bei simply put his heart on the line and asked bluntly.

(End of this chapter)

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