through the dark road

Chapter 659 The Greatest Reliance To Enter Hell

Chapter 659 The Greatest Reliance To Enter Hell

In Haierbu's eyes, Mo Bei's actions made him ignore most of the embarrassment in his heart.

In a daze, it seemed to be a relatively peaceful time. This is how he and his father led the hounds in the Salwar Forest to find the prey.

He still clearly remembered how swift the Salwar black pig was when it ran through the woods, but if the lasso was arranged properly, it would not be too much effort to hunt it down. The price of two high-quality black pig hind legs in Ernstinger was even as high as a complete bear hide.

In my memory, that was the happiest moment, and it was also one of the few pictures worth recalling in my life.

However, at that time, like other young people, I yearned for the sacred and magnificent Cui Fanke.

But after he became a member of Zakarum as he wished, he became more and more at a loss. Then he traveled far to Kanduras, went to Duncrey, King's Harbor, and finally removed the badge of Zakarum in Westmarch and became a blacksmith.

It was also during this period that Trevank's depravity broke through all shackles, and Kurast became a purgatory on earth. . .

Many people witnessed his devout prayers every day, but they didn't know that it was actually a way of paralyzing himself.

This kind of persistence in the dark without knowing the passage of time is really too difficult. .

However, the memories or concerns that can make him feel relieved are really limited!
He looked at Jamela tentatively, and the two of them looked at each other, and they touched each other immediately. He still felt a little embarrassed, but the corners of his mouth involuntarily curled into a slight arc.

Mo Bei was taking off his helmet and armor one by one, and repairing them with Horadric cubes.

He didn't want to give Izual enough time to hide in the dark to recover his strength, and kill him while he was sick. This is the greatest respect for the enemy!

As early as Caltim's time, he had harvested a large number of low-level runes in Conrad's family treasure house, among which there were dozens of No. [-] and No. [-] runes that could be used to restore the durability of weapons and armor.

In the following period of time, he and his teammates have also been paying attention to collecting and accumulating these two runes, so that they can use this method to maintain their combat power in the future when they enter the hell plane and cannot get logistical supplies.

Now he felt that his bottomless pit-like inventory was probably prepared for that moment, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that it was the biggest reliance to enter hell.

In the item column where time is still, it is not a problem to store rations and daily needs that can last for several years, and he has the ability to return to the original world. When he purchases the last batch of supplies, he does not need to worry about daily needs.

With such convenient conditions, it would not be difficult for him to go to Hell as a pioneer to build a temporary camp. He even wanted to see if he could put the ready-made War Fortress into the inventory and bring it there, just like the base vehicle of the Red Police.

If it was someone else, I really didn't dare to think so.

Ordinary job-changers, who are not careful to arrange their inventory space carefully, not only to ensure that there is no shortage of what they need to go out to practice, but also to leave room for the loot that falls.

Especially at this stage, when the battle situation is tight, everyone needs more than two sets of spare equipment, so that some of the trophies have to be selectively given up. How can it be like before, even ordinary equipment has to be brought back as materials to pay for repairs.

The style of Mo Bei and his group has never changed. Even if they kill a few times in the frozen tundra, which is known as the place where Bartun soldiers are located, there is no way for a gold coin to fall from the pile of monster corpses.

Thinking about it now, the long-term spare no effort to search for loot may not be one of the reasons why Perona's mental power is far superior to ordinary people. . .

With Mobei's large mobile warehouse, the inventory space of the rest of the team members is also quite ample, and they pick up things without thinking, plus they have been rushing forward, and after this scuffle, they have also received a lot of goods.

Jamela hesitated for a moment, and said:
"Forgive me for not being able to walk with you. It is not easy to accumulate strength in this body. I have already consumed most of it just now, and the frequent use of this kind of strength will easily make the Anglis council aware of the changes here. I need to go back to the fortress of the demons first, and there cannot be unattended for a long time."

Mo Bei took it for granted, and weighed his own combat strength. Perona, Tesserus and himself, even Izual in his heyday, could fight, so he nodded to Jamela.

The banshee immediately let out a mocking laugh, feeling that her chance to fight back had come, but just as she was about to wipe out this nasty person who "retreats before the battle", she saw her master glanced at her, so she could only shut her mouth and look away as if nothing had happened.

The stronger the demon is, the more cunning it is. After these two strength upgrades, the banshee is indeed a bit more thieves than before.She was keenly aware of the suffocation in Mo Bei's eyes and wanted to clean up herself, and of course she didn't want to make fun of herself.

She was very unhappy with her almost instinctive obedience. The soul connection was constantly affecting her consciousness, and even some emotions that did not belong to hell demons originally appeared, such as care and pity, so she subconsciously assisted and protected people other than Mo Bei, even Perona, who she hated very much.

But following Mo Bei did allow her to get a huge improvement in a short period of time, which gave her a reason to accept the control of the soul connection. Anyway, she never thought about what to do after her revenge was successful. It seems to be good as it is now. . .

As soon as the battle was over, Alvin turned his bear face away and grinned at Ned, showing a self-satisfied, but actually grim, silly smile.

Seeing this, Ned smiled lightly, and raised his hand to stroke a strand of hair hanging from the green leather cap, confidently believing that in the face of telekinesis, any method of hairy equipment is weak.

It's just that right now they are standing together with Akali and Milor, and they have received a lot of attention, and the surrounding crowd keeps looking at them, so they have to keep a low profile for the time being, and compete again after they go back.

The fighting prowess of these four people is obvious to all, and the scene of Akali quickly killing the soul spreader in the midst of rabbit ups and downs shocked everyone even more.It's just that the external temperament and strength of the green hat mage and the black bear man are somewhat inconsistent, and they really don't have the image of a master. .

At this time, Mo Bei suddenly appeared aside, causing everyone around him to take half a step back involuntarily, with a little awe in their eyes.

Even Akali and the others feel that Mo Bei now has a daunting sense of oppression at close range.

Mo Bei noticed this situation, and immediately restrained his breath, and the force of heaven and earth that continued to resonate with it dissipated immediately, and the sense of oppression also disappeared.

This kind of control method appeared in his consciousness almost instinctively, and he was able to retract and release it directly.

He came here to say hello to Akali and the others. He was about to enter the deepest part of the river of flames with Perona to hunt down Izual.

When the crowd saw Jamela walking towards this side, some of them saluted without thinking, as usual, while some looked at her blankly as if they hadn't recovered from their senses.

Jamela calmly responded to everyone's greetings, and didn't seem to notice any differences in the attitudes of some people.

She didn't need to explain anything to anyone, because while she was fulfilling the mission entrusted by Tyrell, she also stood on the same front with everyone and never slackened or wavered.

She can fully understand some people's hesitation, but if she suddenly finds out that a long-time comrade-in-arms hides another layer of identity, it will be difficult to pretend that nothing happened.

And no matter what, she didn't feel the slightest rejection from everyone's eyes.

In fact, some people just remembered that they had expressed their disdain for Supreme Heaven and the Anglis Council in front of Jamela, and said bad things in front of the Lord, and they couldn't face it for a while. .

(End of this chapter)

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