Chapter 101 Asking for Leave
We have an exam next Friday, and I heard that there is still a physical examination and a blood draw. To be honest, I am a little flustered
There is no time code word today because there are some things to deal with.

Um, so take a day off.

To be honest, I'm a little embarrassed, after all, you all voted for me, but I didn't update
But in the third year of high school, there is really too little time. I started to write the outline during the evening self-study at school.

I have an exam recently, so I am very busy.

After the exam on Friday, the time should recover a bit, and there should be no problem in taking two hours a day to code words.

After all, I'm a night owl, the kind that doesn't go to bed until twelve o'clock.

After graduating from high school, I will definitely not stay up late. Now I can only rely on staying up late to barely maintain a newer sub.

That's it, take a day off today, love you~
Thank you to every friend who voted for recommendations and rewards.

I will definitely repay you with better plots.

I know that the plot during this period may seem a bit boring, but please believe me, after the next dream begins, it is time for the protagonist to exert his strength.

By then Xiaoluqing will become very handsome~
Well, kawaii must die!

(End of this chapter)

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