The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 115 Remorse, Anger, Suffering

Chapter 115 Remorse, Anger, Suffering
After getting off the stage, both Lu Qing and Fang Qingrou breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it's not like they haven't had a break in the script world, but spiritually speaking, they have lived in the script world for almost a month.

Of course, even if there is no scripted world, just performing on stage for two hours will be very tiring.

Seeing the audience leaving the scene one by one after the curtain ended, Lu Qing couldn't help feeling a feeling of satisfaction in her heart.

In any case, the experience of performing on stage this time may become a very strong color in her memory in the future.

And just when she felt relaxed, a sharp scream suddenly sounded from the stage.


"what happened!?"

Shocked, Lu Qing hurriedly ran towards the direction where the scream came from, but when she arrived at the place, what happened in front of her made Lu Qing's face turn cold.

I saw a man in black holding a dagger, standing behind Shanara, holding the dagger across the snow-white neck of the other party.

"I advise you to put down the weapon in your hand, otherwise."

The man in black wore a pitch-black mask on his face, and the word "regret" was written distorted in large blood-red characters on the mask.

He threatened the old man holding a long sword in front of him, and there was a wound on his abdomen that was still bleeding.

"No, don't listen to him!"

Facing the threat to her life, Shanara's face turned pale, and after hearing the assassin's words behind her, she quickly opened her pale lips and said.


Hui snorted coldly, and lightly rubbed the dagger on Shanara's neck, drawing a faint wound.

"I told you to let you go, don't play tricks!"

"Is this the black-clothed assassin in the secondary target?" Lu Qing thought as she watched the scene in front of her while hiding in the darkness not far away.

Relying on the basic concealment skills provided by the Eagle of Florence card, she is hiding in the shadow of the corner at this time, observing what is happening right now.

After all, the light in the opera house is very dark, and it is not very difficult to find a place to hide.

"You stay here, I'll deal with him." Lu Qing whispered to Fang Qingju who was beside her.

Although they are very suitable for concealment here, if they continue to move forward, Fang Qingrou, who does not have any concealment skills, will be easily discovered, so Lu Qing wants to do the next thing by herself.

"Well, be careful." Fang Qingrou nodded.

She just got off the stage, and she didn't have a weapon in her hand, and if she went up, she was just given for nothing.

On the contrary, Lu Qing hid the flying knife inside her clothes before going on stage. Although the clothes became the costumes at the end due to the world of the script, the flying knife hidden inside did not disappear.

The pitch-black blade reflected Lu Qing's face, after thinking about it, she still took the flying knife back.

"Let's use a more secure method." Lu Qing thought.

The Eagle of Florence card was activated, and a white and red-striped robe appeared on her body, and she pulled the hood on her head. It was not until the moment the eagle eyes opened that Lu Qing knew that in other corners of the opera house, there was actually There are also three assassins hidden!

Their outfits are similar to those of the assassin on the bright side. If there is any difference, it is the masks on their faces.

At this time, the mask on the face of the assassin who was threatening the old man said "regret" in large blood-red characters, while the words on the masks of the other three assassins were "hate", "anger" and "bitterness".

"Regret, hate, anger, bitterness?"

Lu Qing repeated these four words, but did not understand the meaning.

"Forget it, I don't have time to think about such things."

The time for the card to be fully activated is only 5 minutes, and it is obviously not an easy task to solve these four assassins within 5 minutes.

"Take a look as hard as you can."

Squinting her eyes, Lu Qing retreated into the darkness and moved towards the person closest to her.

With leather shoes on the floor of the opera house, Lu Qing walked lightly in the stairwell, her figure was quite dexterous, and she didn't make a sound.

The assassin with the mask of the word "angry" completely failed to notice Lu Qing who was slowly approaching, and was quietly touched behind her.

The stature suddenly rose, Lu Qing raised her left hand, and with the sound of a light mechanism, the sharp blade inside the Hidden Blade popped out, piercing through the opponent's leather armor with ease, and piercing into the inside of the body.


The assassin never expected that someone could touch his back, and was directly pierced through his internal organs by the Hidden Sword, before finally collapsing powerlessly on the ground.


Leaving here quickly, Lu Qing ran towards the next assassin without stopping.

"the second."

Killing the No.2 assassin with almost no pressure, Lu Qing put the opponent's body on the ground, and then took out the crossbow hanging behind her.

The position where the third assassin was located was a stone stick that required parkour to climb up. If Lu Qing jumped over it, the opponent would definitely notice it.

Anyway, the distance between this assassin and the second assassin is not very far, just within the range of the crossbow.

Glancing at the old man who had put down his weapon, Lu Qing gently moved his finger to the trigger.


With a slight movement of her lips, Lu Qing pressed the trigger of the crossbow, and with a sound of "whoosh", a crossbow arrow shot straight into the opponent's neck.


The opponent's body fell down weakly, and then fell to the ground, making a sound of talking about whether it was big or small.


Hui heard the direction of the sound, took a quick look, and then saw the scene of his accomplice's body lying on the ground.

Startled in his heart, he was about to do something when he heard a piercing sound enter his ears.

Kicking Shanara away with one kick, he turned around and dodged the sneak attacking crossbow arrows.

And almost at the moment when he pushed Shanara away, a gleam flashed in the eyes of the old man who had already put down his weapon.

He took a big step forward, picked up the long sword that had been thrown on the ground before, and then quickly rolled to the front of the assassin, raised the sword high at the moment he stood up, and slashed vigorously down!


A round head soared into the sky, a large amount of blood gushed out from the assassin's neck, and the body without the head finally collapsed to the ground powerlessly.


Shanara on the side couldn't hold back, she was frightened by the horror of the corpse and vomited it out.

Lu Qing walked out from the shadows, the assassin robes on her body had disappeared. Looking at the corpses on the ground, she did not vomit, but her face was a little pale. After all, she had seen more disgusting situations than this before.

As for Fang Qingrou, it seems that there is nothing wrong with her. After all, she is also a dream caller who has experienced several dreams, so naturally she will not be scared to vomit by the scene in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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