The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 117 The Monster of Negative Emotions

Chapter 117 The Monster of Negative Emotions
"What was that one just now?"

Lu Qing breathed the air inside the opera house, thinking suspiciously.

The picture she saw just now is obviously not the picture in this dream. Judging from the style of the room inside the hospital, it should be a modern hospital.

The blond woman standing in front of the hospital bed is actually Shanara, and the maid next to her is Ai Li, and the person lying on the hospital bed is Shanara's grandfather.

"What exactly does that mean?"

Looking at the lively old man not far away, and Shanara, Lu Qing frowned.

"How about it, is there any danger in this black mist?"

Seeing Lu Qing walking out of the black mist, the old man asked.

Thinking back on what happened just now, Lu Qing hesitated and said: "There is still danger, I just felt a bit of a headache when I went in."

She concealed the fact that she saw hallucinations, after all, things related to the real world are hard to say.

There was a sound of footsteps in my ears, Fang Qingrou came here with a large sword scabbard on her back and a bunch of things in her arms.

"I brought the weapon." Fang Qingrou ran to Lu Qing's side and said.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Lu Qing took the Mithril Dagger, Hidden Blade, Smart Cloak, and Throwing Knife Sheath from Fang Qingrou, and quickly put them on her body.

While putting on the weapon, she explained to Fang Qingrou what happened just now.

"So we are in a situation where we don't know what to do next, right?" Fang Qingrou thought for a while after hearing Lu Qing's explanation.

"Although it's true, it's better to keep such words in your heart and not say them in the future." Lu Qing said helplessly.

Indeed, they have nothing to do with the black mist. This has to be admitted, but it still feels quite embarrassing to be told.

"Then we can't just watch this thing grow bigger and bigger." Fang Qingrou said as he looked at the growing black mist.

"Would you like to try it with fire?" Lu Qing thought for a while and suggested.

"I think so." The old man nodded in agreement.

Do whatever comes to mind, and after busying for a while, Lu Qing and the others lit a wooden stick and put it on the black mist.


The moment the fiery flame came into contact with the black mist, it burned violently as if it encountered pure oxygen, and the rising flame wrapped around the entire black mist in an instant.

Lu Qing quickly extinguished the wooden stick in her hand, threw it on the ground far away, and then took several steps back.

Looking up, the black mist was covered by flames, floating in the air like a big fireball.

A scream suddenly came from the black mist, and the next moment, the black mist surrounded by flames squirmed violently, as if it had life in an instant.

Seeing this, Lu Qing and the others below immediately took out their weapons and looked at the black mist vigilantly.

The flames on the black mist gradually began to extinguish, and then, a monster that looked like a ghost appeared in midair.

The monster was completely black, and the color was exactly the same as the black mist before, but for some reason, looking at the black mist in front of him, Lu Qing had a feeling that the other party had come alive.

This feeling was so strange that an inexplicable sense of fear rose in Lu Qing's heart.

Aware of the fear in her heart, in order not to let it continue to spread, Lu Qing pinched her thigh hard with her fingers.

The pain immediately dispelled the fear, but before Lu Qing could think about the source of her fear just now, there was a sudden sound of breaking through the air beside her.

Quickly dodging to the side, Lu Qing looked at her attacker in surprise.


Lu Qing called the other party's name, but Shanara didn't seem to hear it.

"There's something wrong with her, stay away from her and the black mist!" The old man frowned and shouted.

Of course, there is no need for the other party to say this, and they slowly retreated behind, and they opened the distance between them and Shanara.

However, what was unexpected was that after they distanced themselves from Shanara, the other party did not continue to attack, but retreated back in the same way.

Seeing the things behind the other party, Lu Qing and the others all changed their expressions.

Behind Shanara is the black mist!

Throwing the wooden stick he picked up to the ground, Shanara's figure merged with the black mist.


When the old man saw the scene in front of him, he couldn't hold back the first one, and rushed forward holding the long sword.

However, just when he came in front of the black mist, the black mist that merged with Shanara suddenly swelled, releasing a circle of strong wind with the black mist as the center, directly blowing the old man away.

Glancing at the old man who was blown away, Lu Qing took Fang Qingrou's hand without hesitation, ran towards the auditorium in the distance, and hid behind the chairs in the auditorium.

"What's going on here?" Lu Qing stretched out her head to look at the black mist in the distance.

The howling wind blew over the heads of the two of them. Fortunately, the seats in the auditorium were reinforced so that they were not blown away by the wind.

"I don't know." Fang Qingrou replied with the same confusion.

The ghost knows why things turned out like this, just burned it with fire, and then Shanara was controlled by the black mist?

Who knows, anyway, no matter how you look at it, the current situation is very bad.

After thinking about it, Lu Qing stabbed the finger of her left hand with a mithril dagger and summoned Wein.

"My dear little master, hello, wait, wow~"

Wein had just been summoned, and just halfway through the words in his mouth, his body was blown away by the strong wind. Seeing this, Lu Qing stretched out her palm helplessly, grabbed the opponent's paw, and pulled him back.

"Are you so weak?" Lu Qing asked suspiciously.

She originally thought that Wein would not be blown away by such a strong wind, but it turned out that she was thinking too much.

"According to your level here, I'm just a gray-level life form, that is, I have a lot of knowledge, and the curse level on my body is just high. I'm so surprised to be blown away." Wein said a little annoyed.

Smiling and shaking her head, Lu Qing said, "Stop talking about it, come and help me find out what that is."

Lu Qing said, pointing to the black mist in the distance.

"I told you about this." Wein replied without looking at it.

"You said that?" Lu Qing was puzzled, why didn't she remember Wein said such a thing.

Looking at Lu Qing helplessly, Wein said: "That is the monster in the spiritual realm that was attracted by the dream. If I feel right, it should be attracted to the dream by negative emotions."

"negative emotion?"

In a flash of inspiration, Lu Qing thought of the masks on the faces of the four assassins and the hallucination she had just seen in the black mist.

All kinds of clues are connected together, and Lu Qing finally figured out the reason of the matter at this moment.

"I see." She muttered.

 I had a headache when I wrote this chapter. In short, it was written very slowly, which was a bit of a carver. The plot that I thought of in school before felt a little inappropriate, so I revised it all, so the update time was much slower, sorry. .

(End of this chapter)

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