The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 121 The Black Mist Dissipates

Chapter 121 The Black Mist Dissipates
Lu Qing was taken aback for a moment, she didn't expect that her dagger throwing skill was fully proficient at this time.

But this kind of thing doesn't seem to be surprising, after all, even if the sign shows that her skill proficiency is full, she will not have any special changes.

This is not about skill upgrades in novels. After the skills on the panel are upgraded, the protagonist can automatically upgrade along with the attributes on the panel.

But if it doesn't help at all, it's not true, that is, when the skills on the panel are fixed, even if Lu Qing doesn't use them for a long time, her proficiency will not decrease due to her hands-on skills.

Lu Qing had discovered this before. You must know that she hadn't used throwing knives and daggers for a long time before, but her skill proficiency didn't drop at all.

The moment he touched the weapon again, the feeling was still so skillful.

Quickly coming to Fang Qingrou's body, Lu Qing held her face with her hands and kneaded her face vigorously twice.

"Xiao Rou, wake up!"

Fang Qingrou's body froze for a while because of her words just now, Lu Qing noticed it in the air, so she wanted to try to wake up the other party with words.

A look of light flashed in his eyes, Fang Qingrou didn't reply, but just looked at the short sword that was hit by the flying knife.

"Can't you?"

Lu Qing put down her hands and just relied on words, although the effect was better, but not significant, and Fang Qingrou couldn't be woken up at all.

Looking around, Lu Qing picked up a belt that someone left behind on the ground, and tied Fang Qingrou up.

During the period, I observed the movements of the black mist monster from time to time, but because the chandelier was too heavy, although the black mist monster wriggled many times, it never got up successfully.

"It's finally tied up."

Letting go of the hand holding the belt, Lu Qing looked at Fang Qingrou whose pupils were out of focus, feeling a little headache.

I don't know if it can be restored later.

In fact, she originally planned to knock Fang Qingrou unconscious, but unfortunately, she didn't know how to knock people unconscious.

As a modern person who knows a little bit about everything, she still knows that the method of knocking people out by hitting the neck hard in the movie requires certain skills.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong, Lu Qing pulled out the mithril dagger and walked towards the three remaining masks on the black mist monster.

"Quack quack!"

Wein flew over with fluttering wings and landed on Lu Qing's shoulders, his pair of vertical pupils staring closely at the black mist monster on the ground.

"Gah, I want to devour this guy." Wein said.


Lu Qing looked at Wein suspiciously, and said, "Can you still devour this kind of thing?"

"Of course!"

Wein straightened his chest and said, "The low-level energy of negative emotions is just food for me."

"Then why didn't you come out before?" Lu Qing asked.

"Because I can't beat this guy, duh!" Wein said cheekily.

"This guy, his skin is getting thicker and thicker." Lu Qing said speechlessly in her heart.

After stopping, Lu Qing looked at Fang Qingrou, and asked Wein: "Is Xiaorou's problem serious?"

Wein turned his head and glanced at Fang Qingrou, and said relaxedly:

"It's nothing, it's just disturbed by the escaping negative emotions, and it won't take long to recover."

"Is there any way I can avoid being disturbed?" Lu Qing asked.

She has already seen Fang Qingrou's situation. Although she knows that her mental strength is higher than Fang Qingrou's, she doesn't know exactly how much higher.

So she didn't have much confidence in the face of the mental interference of the mask.

"You can't avoid it, just go through it." Wein said with an expression that didn't take mental interference in his eyes at all.


Closing her mouth, Lu Qing decided not to talk to the stinky bird for the time being.

Coming to the mask, Lu Qing took out a mithril dagger, and poked at the distorted human face drawn on the mask.

The sharp mithril dagger pierced the mask, leaving only a tiny crack. Lu Qing's palm trembled slightly, and she raised her hand to strike at the crack again.


A bit of crumbs fell off, and after another slash, Lu Qing felt some distorted sounds coming from her ears.


With a firm mind, she stabbed several times, and finally she poked a big hole in the mask.

Taking a step back, Lu Qing frowned tightly, and suppressed the thought in her heart that she wanted to kill herself with a knife.

"It feels like it's not very serious."

After a while, Lu Qing expressed her feelings.

It's hard to imagine how low Fang Qingrou's mental attributes would be to be disturbed by this level of mental attack.

Hearing the meaning of Lu Qing's words, Wein stared at Fang Qingrou for a while, and said:
"Her spirit is about 7 o'clock."

"7 points?"

Lu Qing was a little puzzled. Her spiritual attribute was 9 points, which was only two points away from 7 points. Logically speaking, there should not be such a big gap.

Seemingly seeing Lu Qing's doubts, Wein explained:
"Physical attributes such as spirit and endurance are different. If you can resist it, you can resist it. If you can't bear it, you will feel very uncomfortable."

"For example, if you need 8 points of spirit to counter the illusion, people with 7 points of spirit will be pulled into the illusion, while people with 8 points of spirit will not be drawn into it."


Lu Qing pretended to understand and nodded. After resting for a while, feeling almost recovered, she soon came to the third mask, and stabbed the third mask with the mithril dagger again. break.

After resting for a while, the fourth mask was quickly destroyed.

And just after the four masks were destroyed, the black mist monster's body shrank rapidly like a deflated balloon.

In the end, it dissipated in the air like water vapor.

On the spot, Shanara was left in a coma.


The disappearance of the black mist monster caused the chandelier on it to fall. Fortunately, Shanara was relatively small, so she was lucky not to be crushed by the chandelier.

This matter also made Lu Qinghou afraid for a while. If the chandelier is really pressed on Shanara's body, the chandelier, which is so heavy that it can crush the black mist monsters to the point where they can't walk, may not be able to hold Shanara. His bones were broken.

[Secondary goal: eliminate all assassins who came to assassinate (completed!)]

"Huh, it's finally done."

Seeing the news that popped up on the notice board, Lu Qing also heaved a sigh of relief. She looked at Fang Qingrou who was tied up by her not far away, who was sitting on the ground sleeping soundly.


With a somewhat helpless expression on her face, Lu Qing sighed as she looked at the messy venue in the opera house and the old man who knocked his head against the wall and passed out when he was blown away not far away.

"Am I the only one still awake?"

"Gah, you are indeed the only one." Wein said standing above the chandelier.

Turning her head, Lu Qing looked at Wein carefully, and felt that there was no change, so she asked: "Didn't you say that you want to absorb this monster? Why do I feel that you have not changed?"

(End of this chapter)

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