The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 124 Level 3 in a row!

Chapter 124 Three Levels in a Row!

[The dream is over, and the settlement begins! 】

[Congratulations on completing a dream mission, your resume is being updated.]

[Your personal resume has been updated, this dream has been recorded, please check it in your personal resume. 】

[Secondary goal: Pass the admission with excellent grades (completed!) Solve the employer's troubles (completed!) Eliminate all assassins who came to assassinate (completed!) Become the focus of the audience at the curtain call banquet (completed!)】

[Main goal: Let the opera show have a gorgeous curtain call and wake up the owner of the dream (completed!)]

[Your evaluation of this dream is——SS! 】

[You have received rewards: experience value gift pack SS, 8 attribute points, a white skill card, a blue item card, a white skill upgrade card, and 102 dream coins. 】

[Your card - Eagle of Florence, Fusion +20%]

【Returning to the lobby】

"Ah, it's finally over!"

After returning from the dream, Lu Qing looked at the small wooden house that made her feel warm, and immediately collapsed on the wooden chair in front of the wooden table.

"Whenever I can have a couch or a bed or something in my cabin."

Feeling the slightly hard texture of the wooden chair under her body, Lu Qing had some unrealistic thoughts.

Looking at the table, just like last time, the rewards of the dream were all placed on the wooden table.

The kerosene lamp released warm and soft firelight, shining on Lu Qing's face, just as she got up, she stretched out her arm and picked up the notebook.


【table of Contents】

[Volume [-]: Misty Town]

【Volume Two: Gorgeous Opera Performance】

The content of the first volume has not changed in any way, Lu Qing quickly skimmed the content of the first volume, and flipped to the cover of the second volume.

It was still a group portrait, with Lu Qing and Fang Qingrou dressed in elf armor at the last moment of the opera performance.

In addition, Shanara, Maid Ellie, the old man, blacksmith, Wein, Ice Warcraft, Senal and others also appeared on this cover.

As for the four assassins, they were drawn in a corner, acting as a background board.

On the first page after opening the cover, what comes into view is a huge black and white illustration.

In the picture are two girls, sitting inside the carriage, one of them is looking out the window of the carriage towards the street outside, the warm sunlight shines on the girl through the window, while at the side, the other A young girl was watching the scene in front of her intently.

"The illustration is as good as ever." Lu Qing couldn't help admiring.

In fact, sometimes, Lu Qing would feel that the illustrations recorded in the notebook were even more beautiful than herself.

However, this is not the case in fact. The record book just presents Lu Qing on the paper at a very perfect time and from a very perfect angle.

This also makes Lu Qing on the screen more beautiful than usual.

"Use all the rewards first!"

Lu Qing glanced at the time, there were still about 8 hours before the official event, and she had enough time to absorb this delivery.

Picking up the experience value gift pack on the table, he casually glanced at the SS pattern on it, and with a pull of Lu Qing's finger, the gift pack was opened.

[Congratulations on gaining 4512 experience points! 】

【You have upgraded!The current level is 5, you have gained 15 attribute points! 】

"It actually went up three levels in a row!"

Lu Qing was a little surprised looking at the information displayed on the notice board. She didn't expect that the SS-level experience value gift pack could give out so many experience points.

But it's quite normal when you think about it. After all, this is an SS-level gift package. The previous S-level gift package allowed her to upgrade two levels in a row. It seems quite normal that the SS-level gift package can be upgraded to three levels.

"15 attribute points, plus the 8 points rewarded when the dream is settled, I now have 23 attribute points!" Lu Qing thought a little excitedly.

Suppressing the impatient thought in her heart to add some, Lu Qing looked at the other rewards on the table.

The white skill card and the blue item card, Lu Qing had obtained these two items in her first dream, and it was the first time she had seen the white skill upgrade card.

It can be seen from the name that this card is used to upgrade skills, and the effect should be to upgrade white skills, which seems very useful.

Taking her eyes off this card for a while, Lu Qing used the white skill card.

[Skills are being randomly selected from the skill library.]

[Skills are drawn, please choose! 】

[1. Basic battle axe: The battle ax is a heavy weapon that is easy to learn but difficult to master. Of course, the premise of all this is that you can wield it. Using this skill, you will be able to skillfully use the battle ax to chop Open the head of the enemy. 】

[2. Throwing spears: At the very beginning, after the ancestors of mankind created the stone spear, they began to use and throw it to hunt and kill prey. After using this skill, you will become a skilled spear thrower. 】

[3. Basic camouflage: a technique to camouflage oneself, which can slightly change the appearance, and skillfully use props to camouflage as the ground, walls or stones. It is easy to be found when you get close~】

[4. Basic gambling skills: You are an experienced old fritter in the casino, and you know how to rely on your IQ to win gambling. Although sometimes mistakes are inevitable, it is undeniable that gambling will no longer let you You lost money, oh, as long as you don't mess with the croupiers or casino owners. 】

"Do I have any other options?" Lu Qing looked at the four skills in front of her, and chose [Basic Disguise] without hesitation.

The first option can be eliminated when you see the name. After all, Lu Qing’s advantage is flexibility, and her fighting style is not the one that confronts the enemy head-on, so there is no need to think about weapons like the Tomahawk. .

As for throwing spears, Lu Qing herself can throw daggers. Both are throwing weapons, and they have certain similarities. If possible, Lu Qing will definitely not be slow in learning to throw spears.

As for the fourth option
Except for some special dreams, Lu Qing really doesn't know what this skill does.

After confirming the options, a lot of camouflage skills and usage methods drilled into Lu Qing's mind.

[Congratulations on acquiring the skill: basic camouflage]

"This is."

Frowning, Lu Qing found that although all the ways to use the basic camouflage were engraved in her mind, she didn't have the feeling of being able to use it immediately.

It's just omitting the process of memorizing the knowledge.

"If that's the case, those basic battle ax or spear throwing skills are probably the same," Lu Qing thought.

If this is the case, then Lu Qing is confident that she, who relies on the hut to learn and master skills, can beat other players who rely on the system to directly acquire skills!
(End of this chapter)

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