Chapter 130 Practice Skills

"There are only 15 dream coins left."

Looking at the three icons lit up on the stone platform, Lu Qing thought for a while, then stretched out her finger and clicked on the [Free Training] button.

[Low-level training] It costs 10 dream coins. Although it can speed up skill training, you can only train one skill at a time.

As for [Free Training], although it will not speed up her training speed, it can provide a variety of wooden training weapons on the wall.

Without picking up the kerosene lamp on the ground, Lu Qing returned to the room of the hut and found three extra books on the wooden table.

【Fancy Dagger】【Advanced Dagger】【Flying Knife Specialization】

Judging from the thickness of the book, [Fancy Dagger] is the thinnest, followed by [Flying Knife Specialization], and the thickest one is [Advanced Dagger].

It is obvious that the fancy dagger is the thinnest. After all, it is the cheapest skill, and only needs 10 dream coins.

Although the flying knife specialization is more expensive than the advanced dagger, but the thickness is thinner.

However, the gap between the two is not too big, it seems that there are only a dozen pages missing.

Flipping the dagger step by step, Lu Qing read page by page.

There are not many words, most of the time there are various patterns, which look as if they were printed, very neat.

Unlike basic daggers, which explain how to use daggers to attack or use force in large pages, most of the content written in this advanced dagger is what to do when facing enemies with various weapons.

They are all based on experience. In addition, there are also ways to crack when facing a siege by multiple enemies, how to use weapons to disarm the opponent's attack, and so on.

After reading the whole book, Lu Qing couldn't help showing a puzzled look on her face.

Although when I read it, I felt that the content in the book seemed to be very helpful to me, but after reading it, Lu Qing couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Because it is different from the basic dagger, there is no content on how to train at all in this book, it is all about experience, and the response plan when facing different enemies and different scenarios.

It's not that there are no advanced skills, but it's just a description.

For example, using a dagger to deflect the strength of the enemy's weapon attack is written in the book, but how it is deflected is completely unclear.

After reading it, there is a lot of knowledge in my mind. Although I have memorized a lot, it is a question mark whether it can be used in actual combat.

It feels like there is something weird, but if you think about it carefully, you don't think there is anything wrong with it.

After all, this kind of thing itself cannot be described in detail in words. The difference in the direction of the enemy's knife and the trajectory of the attack will cause changes in the use of advanced skills.

These skills, in the end, rely on actual combat to learn a little bit. This book just provides experience and ideas for advanced skills. Whether you can do it or not depends on yourself.

Putting the advanced dagger book back on the table, Lu Qing picked up the flying knife specialization.

There is nothing to say, the throwing knife specialization is similar to the advanced dagger, and the throwing weapon is more accurate and more ruthless.

However, Flying Knife Specialization provides a high-speed weapon throwing skill, which can throw a large number of flying knives in a short time.

In addition, there is another outrageous technique of using another flying knife to attack the flying knife thrown in front, so that the flying knives collide with each other in the air and change the attack trajectory.

However, according to the book, this skill requires brains, and it is impossible for people with insufficient computing power to use it.

Of course, if you are experienced enough to know how to throw without counting, it is another calculation.

"Two hours left."

After finishing the flying knife specialization, Lu Qing glanced at the time and said.

Now she only has Fancy Daggers left to read. As for the two books of Advanced Daggers and Flying Knife Specialization, after reading them once, there is no need to read them again in a short time.

"is that so."

Lu Qing sat on the wooden chair, while looking at the fancy dagger skill book on the table, she used her right hand to control the mithril dagger and rotate it in the palm of her hand.

The skill of Fancy Dagger was unexpectedly simple, and she easily performed the movements written in the book one by one.

It didn't take long at all. When Lu Qing finished reading the whole book while trying it out, the skill proficiency of the fancy dagger had reached 80.00%.

She can easily do the movements in the book, and it looks very entertaining. As for why she couldn't achieve [-]% proficiency, Lu Qing thinks it should be because she still can't use this skill proficiently.

These movements are all done by her own control of the palm according to the content in the book, and she has not yet reached the level of muscle memory, that is, she can subconsciously control the dagger with her fingers to make fancy dagger movements without much thought.

"One hour left."

Glancing at the time, Lu Qing came to the notice board.

Open the game forum, find the official event post from favorites, and click in.

Go to the bottom of the whole post, there is a line of numbers there.

This is the dream number for entering the dream in this event. After Lu Qing clicked on it, the interface jumped to the [Dream Space] module.

[Dream name:? ? ? (Displayed after the event officially starts)]

[Dream Difficulty: Gray Five-Star]

【? ? ? 】

【main target:? ? ? 】

[Secondary target:? ? ? 】

[Ticket price: 1 dream currency]

[Yes/No to buy artificial dreams? ? ? , the ticket price is 1 dream coin. 】


[Note: After purchasing this ticket, it means that you will participate in the official newcomer event [Newcomer Contest]. For details, please go to the official address of the game forum to view: XXXXXXX]

After choosing "Yes", another dream coin was deducted from Lu Qing, and then a metal card appeared on the wooden table in the hut.

Lu Qing picked up the card and looked at it carefully.

The material feels like metal, with a slight cold feeling. There is no pattern on the card, only dark red metal lines, emitting a faint red light, which looks like fluorescent powder.

Of course you can't use it, after all, the activity hasn't started yet.

After thinking about it, Lu Qing returned to the training room, planning to fight the wooden man again within an hour.

As for the wasted hour, just waste it, she wants to get a good ranking in the next event, and improving her strength as soon as possible is the most important thing.

After spending another 10 dream coins, after adjusting the level of the wooden man to 1.5, Lu Qing held a wooden dagger and a wooden throwing knife, opened Hawkeye and started fighting with the opponent.

10 minute later.

[Dagger advanced proficiency increased by 20.00%! 】

[Dagger advanced skills have been unlocked! 】

[The current skill is: advanced dagger (learning: 20%)]

Casually glanced at the notice board, Lu Qing continued to fight with the wooden man.

Four 10 minutes later.

[Flying knife specialization skill proficiency increased by 20.00%! 】

[Flying knife specialization skill has been unlocked! 】

[The current skill is: Flying Knife Specialization (Learning: 20%)]

(End of this chapter)

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