Chapter 145
After Wein flew into the air, Lu Qing raised her head and stared at Wein who looked very inconspicuous in the dark night with eagle eyes.

"Gah, gah, gah."

Wein screamed a few times in the air, and Lu Qing knew that this meant that he had found the target.

Seeing this, Lu Qing hurriedly followed behind him.

The direction of Wein's flight was near the small town at the foot of the convoy's hillside. Lu Qing just followed Wein for a while, and then saw a figure running towards the town.

The night was very dark, but it couldn't block Lu Qing's sight. Lu Qing could see that it was a young man with black hair.

He is wearing a leather armor that looks old but is in good condition, and a bronze mace is hung on his waist.

But even though it looks like bronze, the ghost knows what kind of weapon it is made of in the dream, and Lu Qing will not have any thoughts of underestimating the other party.

By the way, the props that have been acquired by the player will not emit light, let alone see the attributes.

Unless the owner of that item agrees, you will only be able to see the attributes after snatching the item from the owner of the item.

Looking at the mace in the opponent's hand, Lu Qing looked at the small round shield in the young man's left hand.

From the outside, there is nothing unusual, just an ordinary small buckler.

The speed of the opponent's movement is not very fast, and Lu Qing feels that she can catch up with him.

"Do you want to solve it?" Lu Qing began to think.

Two seconds later, Lu Qing stopped thinking and prepared to give this player a ride.

After all, everyone is not in the same group. If you want to increase your ranking, you can only eliminate other players.

But before sending the other party away, she was going to see if she could ask something from the other party's mouth.

After all, players who seem so weak should become more difficult to meet after entering the night capital.

Lu Qing feels that the first main goal of the system release, to put it bluntly, is actually to eliminate those players who are not strong enough.

After all, the attention of this event is quite high, and there will definitely be a considerable number of players to participate in this event.

Wouldn't it be a mess if so many people all entered the night capital?
Therefore, it is necessary to properly eliminate those weak players.

"Huh, ha, ha."

Under the dark night, the black-haired young man in leather armor was running fast.

His game ID is called Underpants Wearing Backwards, and he is a newcomer who has only just reached level 2.

Because I happen to be a novice, I saw that I met the participation conditions of the event, so I participated in this newcomer event.

His luck was very good, and he was dropped by the system in a small town next to the night capital.

Logically speaking, he should be the group of people who entered the Night City the fastest, but in fact, when he wanted to enter the Night City, he discovered that there was a group of fully armed guards at the entrance of the Night City , checking everyone who wants to enter the night capital.

He had no choice but to retreat and choose to live in this small town temporarily, looking for a way to enter the night capital.

As a result, on the first night, a werewolf attack occurred.

He mustered up his courage, approached the mayor of this small town, and explained his reason for coming.

After the conversation between the two parties, he made a deal with the mayor of the small town. As long as he solves the strange events in the town, the mayor will give him a letter that can enter the night capital.

Many days passed, and he finally found the lair of these werewolves, but found that with his own fighting power, there was no way to get rid of these werewolves.

So when he saw Victor's convoy appearing, he suddenly had an idea.

That is to attract these werewolves to the team and let the team get rid of these werewolves.

In order to implement this plan, the young man quietly lured a werewolf out of the lair during the day, and used traps to kill the lone werewolf.

Then dragged the opponent's body to the foot of the convoy's hillside, dug a hole and buried it in the sand, and then left.

As he expected, when the night came, these werewolves found their companion missing, followed the scent to find the place where the corpse was buried.

Then he rushed up the hillside where the convoy was, and everything went as he had planned.

The appearance of that woman.

In the dark, using the night vision binoculars he bought in the small town, he saw that Lu Qing had dealt with these werewolves, and he left his hiding place without hesitation.

If it was in another dream, it would definitely be a happy thing to meet the boss player, but it is a pity that this dream is an artificial dream.

It's still the kind of dream that requires players to kill each other to improve the ranking.

Wearing the underpants backwards has no intention of getting in touch with Lu Qing at all, he just wants to stay away from her, and then ask the mayor for his reward after the convoy leaves the next day.

After all, the mayor knew about the plan he implemented, otherwise, how could he ask the mayor for a letter to enter the night capital at the end?
"I've already said everything I need to say. Boss, I was wrong. Let me live." Said with his underpants on backwards and tied to the ground, his face bruised and purple.

"Sorry, I don't have the habit of cutting weeds and roots." Lu Qing pulled out the mithril dagger with a smile.

"Then, big brother, can you be gentle." Said the young man who knew there was no hope of escape.

"Yes." Lu Qing nodded, and said, "But I still have a question to ask you, and I will give you a happy one after you answer it."

Before the young man could speak, Lu Qing asked what she wanted to know.

"How did you cover up your scent?" Lu Qing asked.

Whether it was when the young man killed the werewolf with a trap and dragged the opponent's body down the hillside of the convoy, or when he followed the werewolf and walked towards the convoy.

None of these werewolves could smell the scent of the young man, which made Lu Qing very curious.


The underpants were worn backwards, his face became a little stiff, and after thinking for a while, he said, "I have a prop on my body, which can prevent my body from emitting any smell."

After speaking, as if he was afraid that Lu Qing would snatch his props, he put on his underpants and quickly reminded: "Boss, it's live broadcasting now."

"Are you threatening me?" Lu Qing asked the young man with a cold expression.

"No, it's not."

Before the young man finished speaking, Lu Qing was the first to laugh.

"Hahaha, I won't tease you anymore, I still have some integrity." Lu Qing laughed.

"Yes, is that so?" The young man asked with some doubts.

The basic camouflage and basic acting skills made Lu Qing's expression just now so perfect that the young man couldn't tell whether what Lu Qing said was true or not.

"Okay, don't worry, your level itself is not suitable to participate in this event, after you go out, think about how to become stronger." Lu Qing waved her hand and said.

After speaking, without giving the young man a chance to speak, the mithril dagger pierced the other's heart with one blow, causing the young man's pupils to gradually lose focus.

(End of this chapter)

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