Chapter 157 So Sweet
[Prop name: Fang Tang's Red Leather Boots (Soul Binding)]

[Prop Quality: Blue]

[Introduction: It looks like a relatively fashionable red leather boot, because the existence named [Fang Tang] hosts a special spirit body, which can be summoned in battle and fight for it. 】

[Because the existence of the spirit body is to serve the existence named [Fang Tang], only the existence named [Fang Tang] can summon and command the spirit body in it to fight. 】

[Skills: Summon spirit, nourish spirit, ghost speed, soul binding. 】

[Spirit Summoning: Summon the spirit body in the leather boots to fight, cool down for [-] hours after use. 】

[Nursing the soul: It can warm and nourish the soul residing in it, and restore the wounded soul. 】

[Ghost Walk: It was originally an ordinary [Rapid] skill, but now it has become a skill that can increase a lot of movement speed and have the effect of passing through walls. 】

[Note: The effect of passing through the wall cannot be used when the spirit body is in combat or cooling down. 】

【Soul Binding: The spirit body in this item is soul-bound with the player [Fang Tang]. Even if the item is lost, the spirit body will return to the player [Fang Tang], and the player [Fang Tang] ], no one can use this item! 】

[Remarks: Where did I come from, and where did I go? 】

"What is soul binding?" Lu Qing looked at Muir doubtfully after reading the properties of the shoes.

She had never heard of soul binding, and besides, the name of the boot was confusing.

Sugar Cube's red leather boots?

Judging from the brief introduction, it seems that the spirit body inside the red leather boots was created by the person named Fang Tang.

Originally, Lu Qing thought [Fang Tang] was referring to someone, but after seeing that only [Fang Tang] could use this pair of leather boots, she immediately lost sight of it.

So, the girl player in front of me is [Fang Tang]?
So the question is, how did Muir inject this ghost into the prop?
Well, it’s not hard to think, it’s nothing more than something that happened in a dream, and this soul binding has also been said, it’s the soul in the boot that binds Muir.

Anything is possible in dreams, and there is nothing surprising about it.

"That's why I don't want to show you the props." Muir curled his lips and said:
"Even if the props are given to you, you won't be able to use them. Even if they are lost in the end, Xiaolan will return to me. The only loss I have is the ghost speed."

"This Ghost Walk is quite useful, isn't it? If that's the case, you'd better be honest and let me return the item to you." Lu Qing said angrily.

Knowing the cooling time of the props, Lu Qing is not in a hurry anymore. She looked at Muir and said:

"Follow me, don't get out of my sight."

The originally planned shopping seemed to be cancelled, and Lu Qing was going to go home now, and then asked the girl to hand over the props.

The cooling time of [Spirit Summoning] is quite long, and Lu Qing is not some devil who makes a beautiful girl walk barefoot on the ground. On the way back, she is going to buy a pair of shoes.

Looking at the girl following behind her, Lu Qing sighed, feeling something strange for some reason.

Bringing a girl back to my home or something, I don't know why, but I just feel that there is something strange.

After thinking about it, it should be because Lu Qing is not familiar with the other party, and I don't know if the other party will sneak up on her while sleeping at night.

But it was impossible for her to let the girl leave, no matter how she thought about it, Lu Qing felt that she had made trouble for herself and came back.



Lu Qing stopped and turned to look at Muir who was following behind her.

The light blue pupils and Lu Qing's eyes met each other, and after a moment of silence, Muir was the first to lose.

Somewhat embarrassed to avoid Lu Qing's sight, Muir whispered: "What's so strange, it's late at night, and I haven't eaten yet."

Lu Qing didn't speak, but looked around.

The two of them had already left the street just now. At this time around this block, Lu Qing only saw a shop located in the corner.

"Let's go have a meal." Lu Qing pointed to the shop and said.

It was okay when I didn’t pay attention, but now that Muir said it, Lu Qing felt a little hungry. After all, I only bought a box of octopus balls before, and many of them were returned to Wein.

"Yeah." Muir nodded softly.

"Let's go."

There were no other customers in the store, and there were only three tables. Even so, the cleanliness was surprisingly good, which surprised Lu Qing somewhat.

Before she came in, she thought it would be a mess here, but there was no way, the door of this store was really a bit... dilapidated.

"Boss, what do you sell in the store?"

After walking in, Lu Qing came to the counter, looked at the bald boss in front of her and said.

"Look up, there is a menu on it." The boss pointed his finger at his head and said.

Looking up, Lu Qing looked at the menu above the boss, and found that most of the items sold in this store were pasta.

"What do you want to eat?" Lu Qing looked at Muir and asked.


Before Muir finished speaking, the boss suddenly said at this moment:

"I forgot to mention, another kind of pasta is specially provided today."

While talking, the boss took out a note and pasted it under the menu above his head.

Seeing this, Lu Qing forgot to ask about Muir, and looked at the words written on the menu by the boss on the wall.

"Today's special offer, Lantern Festival and rice cakes."

"What holiday is it today?" Lu Qing asked curiously after reading the note posted by the shop owner.

"It's a festival in my hometown today, so you don't need to know what festival it is." The shop owner nodded and said.

"That's it."

Lu Qing stared at the menu for a while, then said:

"Then I'd like a Yuanxiao and a dumpling."

"I, I want wontons and rice cakes." Muir said immediately after Lu Qing finished speaking.

"Well, it will be fine soon."

The shop owner's round bald head was a little shiny under the light. Lu Qing took Muir, found a table at random, and sat down on the chair in front of the table, quietly watching the shop owner work.

During this time, Lu Qing and Muir did not speak, just sat quietly in the chair and waited.

It didn't take long to wait, but after a while, accompanied by bursts of aroma, the shop owner held a plate in one hand and brought up the food ordered by the two of them.

At this time, the door of the store was opened, and a man with sunglasses on his face and a metal arm on his left walked into the store.

"Hey, old Wei, you have someone here. I thought your store was going to close down." The man in sunglasses said to the boss after he walked in.

"Fuck you, I won't be able to go bankrupt if you die." The shop owner said angrily.

"What do you want?"

"Well, let's make dumplings."

"Okay, sit down and wait quietly."

The conversation here did not attract Lu Qing's attention too much, she just took a look at it silently, and then used a spoon to put a Lantern Festival into her mouth with a little expectation.


Feeling the taste in her mouth, Lu Qing squinted her eyes comfortably.

so sweet.

PS: Happy New Year everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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