Chapter 168 Trimming
[Kill the werewolf wandering in the 44-66 street of D area. 】

【Client: Black Gold】

[Reward: 15]

[The 44th-66th street in the D area of ​​the night capital has been strangely killed every night recently. According to the preliminary investigation, it seems that some kind of creature with sharp claws was injured. The internal organs of the corpse are usually eaten up. The creature is swallowed. 】

[According to the testimony of some eyewitnesses in the neighborhood, the identity of the attacker is similar to the legendary werewolf, with jet-black body hair, tall stature, blood-red pupils, sharp claws, and will touch the ground on all fours when running fast . 】

[The damage that the gun can cause is very weak, and the physical quality is unknown. It may be a species that escaped from the laboratory of some biological company, but no specific information has been obtained. 】

"A werewolf?"

Lu Qing looked at the line of information she had clicked on, and carefully thought about the content above.

Judging from the information provided by this mission, it is obvious that the creature that attacked pedestrians in the dark of night must be a werewolf.

If Lu Qing can kill this werewolf, he will get a bounty of 15.

But that's when it can be done.

The injuries on her body haven't healed yet, and her daily activities are fine, but if she does any strenuous exercise, the wound on her abdomen may rupture.

"Leave it alone."

Lu Qing turned off the display screen of her personal terminal, and prepared to recuperate quietly in these two days. If the task has not been resolved after two days, she will take it up.

The only thing that worries me is the strength of this werewolf.

Ordinary werewolves were fine, but if it was a werewolf with the same strength as the Silver Moon Wolf King we encountered before, it would still be possible to overturn.

But thinking about this kind of guy who sneaks up on passers-by at night and can let go of one or two, he shouldn't be a powerful and ruthless character.

"Where are we going next?" Seeing that Lu Qing put away her personal terminal, Muir, who was walking aside, asked.

"I'm not very clear either." Lu Qing said in a daze.

She definitely couldn't do it until the wound on her body healed, but what could not waste two days and investigate the werewolf and vampire thing?
After all, investigation means that she may be in danger, but she can't be in danger now!

Lu Qing felt a little crazy, the feeling of being hurt was really uncomfortable.

"How about we go to the Golden Triangle Gang and ask?" Seeing that Lu Qing couldn't figure out what to do, Muir suggested after thinking for a while.

"Golden Triangle Gang?"

Lu Qing had a thoughtful look on her face. Of course she knew about the Golden Triangle Gang, which was the gang that Muir had told her about before.

"Are they reliable?" Lu Qing asked.

If the members of the Golden Triangle Gang are reliable enough, they can indeed go there.

Ask if there is any information about werewolves or vampires.

After all, it is still a gangster. Although it is not a particularly famous one, it must have strength and connections.

After all, it is not a simple role to be able to mix gangsters in the capital of the night.

The reliability that Lu Qing asked about meant whether the other party would do anything to them, and how honest they were.

Naturally, Muir could understand what Lu Qing meant, and said:

"It should be quite reliable. After I helped them win the fight, I didn't blackmail me. After knowing that I didn't have an implant, they gave me a personal terminal and a chip for identification."

"They probably want to win you over because of your strength." Lu Qing thought, Muir's own strength is not strong, but the ghost she can summon is so strong that guns can't even hit that ghost.

"How did you help them before, did you let them see your ghost?" Lu Qing asked.

Shaking his head, Muir said: "Of course not, I just helped them assassinate a few core members of the other party."

"So is there an element of fear in it?" Lu Qing thought.

After thinking for a while, she nodded and said:

"In this case, they can indeed be said to be more reliable people. Let's go and have a look tomorrow."

The reason why I didn't go today is because it's almost afternoon now, and I don't have enough time.

In addition, Lu Qing has just been discharged from the hospital, and she doesn't want to go to work as soon as she comes out.

Let her have a good rest this afternoon, and go to the Golden Triangle Gang when she wakes up tomorrow morning.

"By the way, I've been in a coma for so long, why am I not hungry?" Seeing the synthetic meat barbecue stall beside her, Lu Qing suddenly asked in confusion.

"Instant food liquid, Sister Feili gave you a drink when you were unconscious." Muir replied.

"I said why aren't you hungry?"

Lu Qing reached out and touched the bandaged wound on the top of her head. She didn't know how big a stone was on her forehead to make her with a 17-point physique bleed so much.

The wound on the abdomen was even more outrageous. Lu Qing felt that it was probably scratched by the fragments blown up during the explosion.

Looking at it this way, the wound on the leg hit by the bullet at that time was the least serious. The bullet was taken out and treated after it was taken out, and it did not affect walking at all.

17 points of physique is still quite powerful.

"Well, it's mainly because the prosthetic doctor Muir found is quite good." Lu Qing glanced at Muir and thought.

After staring at Muir for a while, Lu Qing suddenly thought of Fang Qingrou, and knew whether she had entered the Capital of the Night, and if so, where she was now.

"By the way, isn't Xiao Rou good at divination? Couldn't divination reveal my location?" Lu Qing thought to herself.

"Ah, it's cotton candy!"

Just as she was thinking, Muir's surprised voice came from her ear. Lu Qing looked in the direction Muir was looking at, and saw a small stall selling cotton candy.

Even in a worldview like cyberpunk, this kind of small stall still hasn't closed down. I have to say it's quite amazing.

Lu Qing remembers that the background of the cyberpunk world is generally high-tech and low-living. Only the rich can enjoy the convenience brought by high-tech.

It seems to be the case, Lu Qing carefully observed the street, and found that the people who can buy things in this street are people who are well-dressed.

After all, this is Zone C, which is much better than Zone D and Zone E.

"Here are two marshmallows." Lu Qing came to the stall and said to the stall owner.

"Here, 20 yuan." The stall owner handed two cotton candy to Lu Qing.

Good guy, it costs 10 yuan a piece, the price of sugar in the capital of the night is really fucking expensive.

Lu Qing complained in her heart, but on the surface she paid the money very simply and handed one of them to Muir.

Seeing this, Muir was a little embarrassed, glanced at the tempting candy, Muir took the wooden stick, and said:


"It's okay." Lu Qing said casually.

After finishing speaking, Lu Qing looked at Muir who was happily eating the marshmallow, and felt a little funny in her heart. She didn't expect to buy her with just a marshmallow.

It seems that girls like to eat sweets.

Squinting her eyes, Lu Qing stuck out her tongue and licked Tangsi, with a comfortable expression on her face.

At this point, she is the same.
(End of this chapter)

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