Chapter 178 White Wolf
Lu Qing gently stroked the shell of the silver-white pistol with her hand, and the cold touch came from her fingertips all the way to her brain.

"Do these two weapons have names?" Lu Qing suddenly imitated what Kirk said in the game when he got his first weapon.

In this regard, Bucky didn't think there was anything strange about it. In the capital of night, every unique weapon should have its own unique name.

"These two weapons are yours, of course you have to choose the names yourself." Bucky grinned his lips and said tremblingly with his rough beard.

"Well, let me think about it." Lu Qing looked at the silver-white pistol emitting blue light, inexplicably recalling the silver-white werewolf she met outside the town before.

Picking up the pistol, Lu Qing placed it under the light, the smooth metal casing reflected a non-dazzling white light.

"Just call her White Wolf." Lu Qing said.

After finishing speaking, Lu Qing looked at the alloy crossbow again. The dark gray crossbow did not emit blue light, but bright white. It should look worse than the ruthless mask.

"There is no need to name this one." Lu Qing picked up the alloy crossbow and said.

Thinking about a name is still a waste of brain cells, since it's not a blue prop, let's forget about naming it.

"Well, White Wolf sounds pretty good." Bucky laughed and said his evaluation of the name of the pistol.

"The total of the two weapons is 8 yuan, pay quickly." Bucky took out the money collection machine beside him and said.

"A happy transaction." Lu Qing nodded, took out her personal terminal and typed in the money.

After paying the money, Lu Qing also put the damaged Praying Mantis Knife and PMPS-125 on the table.

"Don't forget to help me fix these two weapons, you promised it would be free."

"Don't worry, I haven't forgotten." Bucky said angrily.

After speaking, he turned his attention to PMPS-125. This electromagnetic sniper rifle can be said to be the weapon he is most interested in.

This kind of weapon can only be used by those company dogs, and occasionally it will be bought at a high price when it appears on the black market. The black technology inside has made many lower-level gun manufacturers curious.

But this is not his workshop after all, it's hard to see what's coming if you just look at it with your eyes, so after just looking at it for a while, Bucky temporarily put this thing aside.

Looking at the Mantis Knife, the corners of Bucky's mouth twitched twice.

"You are bad enough."

Only the top two blades are left, can it not be thorough?
"By the way, this thing can't be used without implants. Why are you repairing this thing? Will you sell it after repairing it?" Bucky looked at Lu Qing suspiciously and said, after he finished speaking, he didn't forget to add another sentence.
"The Mantis Knife is not very valuable, and if you sell this thing, you may be targeted by the Mantis Gang."

"I don't intend to sell this thing." Lu Qing shook her head and said.

"You just need to modify it for me. I want to use this thing to make another weapon."

Only people with implants can use the Mantis Knife. Lu Qing knew this a long time ago, so of course she couldn't ask Bucky to repair the Mantis Knife, but to modify it.

As for the weapon to be transformed, she had already thought about it.

"Do you know Fist Blade?" Lu Qing looked at Bucky and asked.

Fist blade, also called fist sword, seems to be like this, Lu Qing doesn't remember it very clearly, but it's almost the same.

This weapon is similar to the Hidden Blade, but unlike the Hidden Blade, it is worn on the wrist, and the blade is not as thin as the Hidden Blade, but much wider.

If you have played League of Legends, you can also think about the weapon of the Lord of Shadow Stream Jie, which is a boxing sword.

What Lu Qing wanted to do was a weapon like that.

Fixing the blade of the Mantis Knife on the wrist is actually like pressing a melon seed, but what Lu Qing is wearing is not the claws, but the blade.

If possible, it would be better to be able to use the same pop-up device as the Hidden Blade. It should be fixed in the wrist when not in use, and pop out when you want to use it.

As for you, after this thing is produced, what is the use of the Hidden Blade?
Of course, it is still useful. Use the fist blade when fighting head-on, and use the hidden blade when attacking sneakily. After all, when the fist blade pops out, there is no way to cover it with your palm.

However, the hidden sword can still be used, but the dagger is really useless. The frontal combat ability of the fist blade is much stronger than the dagger.

Moreover, the dagger and the fist blade have some similarities. For example, these two weapons are quite short, and Lu Qing can learn them relatively quickly.

After explaining the appearance of the fist blade in detail with Bucky, after learning about the requirements, Bucky said that there is no problem at all.

Even, this is very simple for him, if Lu Qing is willing to wait, he can handle Lu Qing's needs in only two hours.

However, one thing worth noting is that because Lu Qing wants to design the fist blade in a style that can be ejected, it will be more troublesome.

That is, there is some conflict between the fist blade and the hidden blade, and it may cause the two weapons to pop out together, and the palm of the hand can be used at that time.

So Lu Qing asked Bucky to make an insurance, that is, he can lock the fist blade at ordinary times, and then unlock the lock when he needs to use it.

This is more troublesome, so let's think of it as a preparation to draw a weapon. If the enemy makes a surprise attack, doesn't Lu Qing still have a dagger?
Children only make choices, and Lu Qing said that she wants them all, whether it is double daggers or double fist swords, anyway, she can learn everything quickly if she has a hut.

Leaving Bucky's shop, Lu Qing was going to take Muir to play outside for two hours, and then come back to pick up the equipment.

But before that, let her see how her new weapon is doing.

[Prop Name: White Wolf]

[Prop Quality: Blue]

[Introduction: An extremely powerful large-caliber revolver, using 12.7 caliber pistol bullets. The gun body shell is made of silver-white alloy, which has very strong durability. It is a good equipment for home travel and killing people. 】

[The design scheme imitates the style of the classical pistol M500. In fact, at the very beginning, the designer Bucky named it M600 for convenience, until the girl appeared and gave it the name "White Wolf". 】

[Skills: Quick draw, quick reload, extreme armor penetration, black gunpowder, No. [-] bullet. 】

[Quickly draw the gun: the reasonable design of the gun body can increase the speed of the user's gun drawing, making you as fast as lightning~]

[Rapid reloading: When both sides empty their bullets at the same time, the speed of reloading determines the strength of both sides. When using White Wolf, the reloading speed is greatly improved! 】

[Extreme armor-piercing: The large-caliber bullets fired by the white wolf have extremely powerful armor-piercing effects, which can easily disintegrate the enemy's armor! 】

[Black gunpowder: When the hammer hits the bottom of the bullet, the gunpowder burns more fully, increasing the power and speed of the bullet. 】

[Sixth Bullet: When there is only the last bullet left in the magazine, the power of the bullet can be increased through the effect of consuming mental power. The higher the mental power consumption, the higher the power of the bullet, and the maximum power can be increased to 500 of ordinary bullets. %! 】

[Remarks: Take it bro, this is my last bullet. (I heard that turning the revolver in the palm of your hand can increase the power of the bullet~)]

(End of this chapter)

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