The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 180 Little Radish Head

Chapter 180 Little Radish Head
"Is this a fantasy?"

Walking in from the entrance, Muir looked at the scene in front of him with some curiosity.

There are not many people at the entrance, because if you want to come in, you must be recommended by an acquaintance, and there is a limit to the number of people recommended by each person, so the elderly who often go in and out of fantasy dreams will cherish their quota.

As for Bucky, he doesn't care about the number of recommended candidates, after all, he doesn't have anyone to recommend.

Since Lu Qing and Muir need it, give it to them. After all, they are recommended by Victor.

There is a display screen on the wall at the entrance, which shows the map of the first floor of the fantasy.

Lu Qing pulled Muir to the map, looked carefully, and found that the first floor of the fantasy, there are swimming pools, game halls, billiards, golf and other entertainment and leisure venues.

Those who can come to the dream are not simple people, swimming pool, billiards, golf forget it, who will go to the game hall!

But this thing still exists until now, there must be a certain reason, maybe there are big bosses who really like this kind of place.

In addition to these leisure and entertainment buildings, Lu Qing also saw an unexpected building.

Hall of Mercenaries.

As the name suggests, it is a building dedicated to mercenaries. You can receive tasks issued by various forces or individuals in this building, just like the dark web.

However, the tasks here and the tasks in the dark web are not interoperable. The tasks in the dark web are actually for killers, and the tasks are all to kill XXX.

The mission of the mercenary hall is different. It can be said that there are everything, from teaching gangsters on the street to sneaking into high-end companies to steal core technology chips.

Lu Qing felt that she had to go there to take a look later, but forget it now, after all, she only had two hours.

She still has to take Muir to the shooting range to practice guns within these two hours. After the sniper rifle is repaired, it will be used by Muir. At least let her be able to hit the target within 100 meters.

To be honest, Lu Qing didn't know much about it. After all, sniping is very difficult to learn. It's hard to say whether Muir has this talent.

But you have to try everything, right? Maybe it will work!

According to the location on the map, the two quickly found the location of the shooting range.

Pushing open the door and walking in, there are not many people inside, only five or six people, there should be some people practicing marksmanship inside the building, Lu Qing is not very clear.

The arrival of the two caught the attention of several people in the house. If it was an ordinary person, they would just take a look and then stop paying attention.

But Lu Qing and Muir are different. They are so beautiful that they are not like people of this era.

Lu Qing's words are okay, only a clean chin and palms can be seen, and the rest are covered by the clothes on her body, but Muir is different.

Shiny and smooth long hair, crystal clear eyes, fair and smooth skin, apart from her figure, she is even more beautiful than the stars on the billboards outside!
Of course, beauty is beauty, and the few people in the room have no intention of going up to strike up a conversation.

In the capital of night, the more beautiful a woman is, the less she can be messed with, especially in a place like Huanmeng.

People who can come to Huanmeng always have two brushes in their hands. When they meet a beautiful woman, just look at it. Who knows if the other party is some kind of ruthless character, and whether there is anyone in the background.

Sensing the gazes of several people in the room, Lu Qing didn't pay attention, and went straight to the counter.

"You two beauties, do you want to shoot?" The middle-aged man sitting behind the counter looked at them and asked.

"En." Lu Qing nodded, without saying much.

She had never been to a place like a shooting range before, and she didn't know anything about the rules inside, so she just waited quietly for someone to ask.

Sure enough, without Lu Qing asking, the middle-aged man in front of him asked:

"Number of people, type of firearms, whether to teach personnel, and time."

After thinking for a while, Lu Qing said:

"Two of us, two pistols, two hours each, need to teach people."

You have to take one step at a time, you have to eat one bite at a time, and Muir can't even use a pistol, let alone a sniper rifle. Everything has to be done slowly.

Practice the pistol first, and then practice the sniper rifle. As for Lu Qing, she doesn't need a sniper rifle, she only needs to practice pistols.

In this regard, Muir has no idea of ​​resistance. Lu Qing has not told her that she will use the sniper rifle after it is repaired. Lu Qing intends to take this as a surprise.

In Muir's heart, she simply felt that there was no harm in practicing marksmanship. Anyway, with Lu Qing paying for it, who wouldn't love free whoring?
Oh, let’s forget about prostitution novels. (whispering BB)

Following the staff, the two came to the room where the guns were selected. After Muir selected the weapon he wanted to use, Lu Qing suddenly asked the staff:
"Can you use the weapons you carry?"

The staff froze for a moment, and then said: "Of course there is no problem. It is the customer's freedom to use whatever weapon he wants."

After finishing speaking, the staff asked: "Do you need bullets?"

"Need." Lu Qing nodded.

"Please specify the caliber of your bullet."


staff member:"."

Lu Qing took out her White Wolf revolver and broke the magazine out, revealing six hollow holes inside.

Bucky, that profiteer, didn't even reload the weapon after making it. Lu Qing checked it on purpose when he was on the street, and there wasn't a single bullet in it.

In fact, it was Lu Qing who wrongly blamed Bucky. The shotgun Muir bought before had provided bullets, and the reason why he didn't provide bullets to White Wolf was because Bucky forgot.

After he made the weapon, he called Lu Qing, and Lu Qing also said that he would go there immediately.

This also caused Bucky to forget about it.

But no matter what, it has become a fact that Bucky didn't reload his weapon. In Lu Qing's heart, Bucky's image has been linked with profiteers.

But thinking of the white wolf as a weapon of blue quality, Lu Qing suddenly felt that the word profiteer was too much, and it would be better to change it to miser.

Lu Qing bought five boxes of ammunition for each of them, and planned to try it first.

The instructor responsible for teaching the two was also arranged at this time. The other party's name is not clear, but the staff called the other party Coach Hua.

She was a tall, black-haired woman who was a head taller than Lu Qing, and her skin looked yellow.

When Coach Hua stood in front of Lu Qing and Muir, both Lu Qing and Muir had to raise their heads to meet each other's eyes.

Coach Hua lowered his head and looked at the two girls in front of him. He felt a little funny in his heart, so he said with a smile:
"So, the people I want to teach are you two little carrots?"

(End of this chapter)

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