The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 182 The Invisible Blade

Chapter 182 The Invisible Blade
"Heh, heh, of course, this is a shooting range." Coach Hua said with a dry smile.

"As expected of Lu Yi, it's amazing." Muir looked at the target in the distance, his eyes seemed to shine.

"It's not that powerful anymore." Lu Qing said a little embarrassed by Muir's adoring eyes.

After finishing speaking, seeing Muir still looking at her, Lu Qing hurriedly said: "You can try it too, I think it's quite simple."

"It's pretty simple." Coach Hua on the side seemed to be offended.

"Well, I'll try."

Muir excitedly followed the posture taught by Coach Hua, raised the pistol in his hand, and aimed at the distant target.


With a gunshot, the bullet's bullet flew out of the muzzle and hit the target in the distance.

Lu Qing opened her eagle eyes to look, and found that Muir's bullet hit the seventh ring.


Another shot was fired, this time it was still the seventh ring.

"Well, that's normal." Seeing this, Coach Hua nodded in satisfaction.

Although not as exaggerated as Lu Qing, she still has talent, and being able to hit the seventh ring twice in a row is already pretty good.

Under the guidance of his marksmanship master, the speed of progress will definitely not be slow.

Looking at the bullet holes in the target, Muir fired the pistol and said, "I've tried my best, it's far from Lu Yi."

"It's good to be like this for the first time, but if you work hard, you can still become a sharpshooter." Coach Hua said from the side.

"Oh." Muir said flatly.

At this time, Lu Qing said: "It will be better if you practice more in the future, I believe in you."

"En!" Hearing Lu Qing's words, Muir nodded happily.

Coach Hua: "."

Isn't this the same as what I just said! ?
Why is your response so flat when you reply to me?
Coach Hua suddenly missed those licking dogs who wanted her body to train here. I didn't think much of it before, but now that I think about it, when those guys speak, they sound quite pleasing to the ear.

Sure enough, something can only be cherished after it is lost.

Regardless of coach Hua's inner thoughts, Lu Qing is quite satisfied with the training in the shooting range.

Perhaps it was really because of the influence of the flying knife that her marksmanship improved rapidly, but in just two hours, she had trained the skill of [pistol basics] to 80.00%.

It is almost equivalent to being able to easily hit a target that is moving at high speed 100 meters away. Of course, if you want to hit the red heart, it still depends on luck.

And because she was so focused on pistol training, Lu Qing forgot to practice the crossbow she just got.

But it doesn't matter, the pistol is accurate, and the crossbow is definitely not far behind. In addition, Bucky also thoughtfully installed a sight for the crossbow, so it is very easy to aim.

When leaving the shooting range, Lu Qing bought some bullets by the way. This is the capital of night, isn't it normal to buy some bullets while practicing guns in the shooting range?
Leaving from the entrance of the fantasy, the two took the elevator back to the first floor, and then took a taxi back to Bucky's shop.

"You really don't want me to have a good rest." Bucky said, looking at Lu Qing who came in from the shop.

"After finishing our work, can't you rest, the sooner you finish your work, the sooner you rest." Lu Qing said indifferently.

"You don't understand. It's the fastest to procrastinate the work every day until it's finally finished." Bucky said with an expression on his face.

"Hehe." Lu Qing laughed dryly, expressing that she didn't want to discuss procrastination with Bucky.

Seeing this, Bucky didn't say much, but bent down and took out the two weapons that were placed under the cabinet.

"Take it, here is the boxing sword you want, and the sniper rifle."

"Huh?" Lu Qing looked at Bucky suspiciously, and asked, "Aren't you going to study this sniper rifle?"

"I have something to do recently, so I won't study it carefully. I have already stored the scanned data. It doesn't matter if I look at it later, at most it will be slower."

After a pause, Bucky showed a serious expression on his face, and said:

"This store will be closed after tomorrow. For Victor's sake, let me give you a piece of advice."

"No matter what you are here for, it's best to leave immediately recently. There may be a big incident in the capital of the night recently."

"What's the big deal?" Lu Qing asked suspiciously.

Apart from werewolves and vampires, are there any big things going to happen in the capital of night recently?

Could it be that a large number of players have entered and caused something to happen in the capital of the night? Is the big thing Bucky said related to werewolves and vampires?
Lu Qing couldn't get a result after thinking for a while, and Bucky didn't tell Lu Qing what the big thing he was talking about was.

"Okay, take the weapon away and leave quickly, I'm going to close the door." Bucky looked at the two and said.


Although I couldn't get anything out of Bucky's mouth, it didn't matter, Lu Qing had already got what she wanted, and I'm afraid she wouldn't come to Bucky again in the future.

As for leaving the Night City according to Bucky's words, that is impossible. They still have to complete this dream activity.

Walking out of the store, Lu Qing watched Bucky pull down the shutter door in front of his store, and then took Muir away.

They had been out long enough today, and it was time to go home.

But before going home, Lu Qing took Muir and Wein who flew in on time after the meal, found a fast food restaurant to solve the problem of hunger, and then took a taxi all the way back home.

Putting the box of the boxing sword and the sniper rifle on the metal table, Lu Qing is going to open it now to have a look at the boxing sword.

He reached out and lifted the lid of the box, revealing the two fist swords lying inside.

[Prop Name: Praying Mantis Fist Sword (Blade)]

[Prop Quality: Blue]

[Introduction: Small and unique weapon, the structure of the hand guard is much more than the blade, which can be fixed on the wrist or arm. Because of the special improvement of the designer, the blade of the boxing sword can be controlled to pop out or covert. 】

[The blade is longer and can protect the entire palm. It can protect the palm from being attacked in a head-on confrontation. Because the prototype of this item is the Mantis Knife, Gu retains part of the skills of the Mantis Knife. 】

[It is very suitable for high-speed continuous attacks, and its lethality is no worse than that of the Mantis Knife! 】

[Skills: Efficient Dismemberment, Squall, Invisible Blade]

[Invisible Blade: In the face of a storm-like blow, it is often difficult for the enemy to catch the silhouette of the two fist blades intersecting each other. The higher the skill of the user, the stronger the effect of this skill! 】

[Remarks: The invisible blade is the deadliest! 】

(End of this chapter)

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