The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 319 The Mutated Wild Dog

Chapter 319 The Mutated Wild Dog
"How long have I slept?" After checking the information on the notice board, Lu Qing looked at Wein beside him and asked.

"Gah, about two hours." Wein said with a hoarse voice as usual.

"Two hours." Lu Qing stroked her chin, pondered for a while, then came to the window and looked at the sky outside.

The gloomy forest is as dark as ever today, the intertwined trees cover the sky, leaving only a little sunlight to pass through, so that the entire forest is not dark and nothing can be seen.

In the forest that has just been washed by rain, there is a strong damp smell in the air, and the skin is in contact with the air, as if you can feel the humidity of the air.

Lu Qing just gave up after looking at it for a while. In the dark forest, it seems very difficult to judge the time by the weather. Maybe she should buy a pair from the merchant when he comes next time. Watch.

The premise is that she has enough supplies to trade with merchants.

Lu Qing sat back on the wooden chair in the room, and began to think about her next plan.

Her primary goal must be to get out of the dark forest, but the problem is that she doesn't know how to get out of the forest.

So where should one go to find a way out of the forest?

Combining the information she has so far, Lu Qing quickly sorted out the places where it is possible to get out of the forest.

One is the village. From the dream information, we can know that there is a village not far from her home. Before the forest surrounded it, her father relied on hunting and trading with the villagers.

But now the road to the village has been blocked by the tree wall. If you want to pass the tree wall, you have to cut a road yourself, or...
Lu Qing looked at Wein, she remembered that Wein seemed to have said this before.

Withdrawing her gaze, Lu Qing continued to sort out the information she knew.

Besides the village, she can also try to get out from the merchant's mouth. If the merchant doesn't know, she will go to find the timid scientist. If it still doesn't work, she will go to the other two customers of the merchant. .

"The strong hunter and the leader of the wildlings?"

Lu Qing raised her eyebrows, and finally stopped thinking. The things to be done have been planned, and it is time for her to start acting.

Cut the beast meat from the merchant before into pieces, and skewered them with her own processed wooden sticks. Lu Qing put the meat skewers on the grill, and sprinkled salt while grilling.

She found the barbecue stove from her own kitchen, and there was charcoal in it. Considering that her father was a hunter and relied on hunting for a living, it didn't seem strange to have a barbecue stove at home.

Before being surrounded by the forest, her family should have used this thing a lot.

Lu Qing also prepared to eat skewers after seeing this barbecue pit. After all, she hadn't eaten for many days.

But if you want to say how hungry she is, then she is not. After drinking the [Nightmare Potion], the energy in Lu Qing's body has been replenished. In fact, she is not hungry.

The reason why she wants to eat barbecue is that on the one hand, Lu Qing is a little greedy, and on the other hand, it is because she is leaving the wooden house, and she does not have a bag or package to store the meat.

There is no place to put it, so I can't just throw it at home, so Lu Qing should clean up all the food before leaving to avoid waste.

"Phew, it should be ready to eat."

Looking at the somewhat scorched black pieces of meat grilled by the charcoal fire, Lu Qing nodded, and then handed the darkest skewered meat to Vin.

There is no way, this is the first time she has made a barbecue, and there is no way to burn it.

But the taste of this stuff is still good, after all, it is barbecue, even if it is burnt a little, it will not hurt. Although only salt is added, for Lu Qing who has not eaten for many days, this stuff is already very delicious.

After cleaning up all the grilled meat and bread slices, Lu Qing extinguished the charcoal fire, and then left the cabin with Wein.

The ground in the forest is not easy to walk, not only because of the darkness, but also because of the puddles, the muddy ground is not easy to use, and one who is not careful may even fall to the ground, covered in muddy water.

Lu Qing walked cautiously in the forest, guarding against wild beasts that might appear from nowhere.

"Win, you said last time, where is the route to the village?" Lu Qing asked Wein as he walked.

"Ga, just keep going, if you go in the wrong direction, I will tell you." Wein answered Lu Qing's question in the air.

The voices of the two are not loud, but because of their sensitive hearing, even if one is in the sky and the other is on the ground, they can clearly hear what the other is saying.

After all, Weinfei's height is not very high, it's just to ensure that Lu Qing is going in the right direction, and it also plays a certain investigative role by the way, and will notify her if any abnormalities are found.

Although, Lu Qing looked at the densely packed branches above her head, she didn't have much expectation for Wein's investigation.


Suddenly, Lu Qing, who was walking in the forest, noticed something. Two burly dogs appeared in her line of sight not far in front of her?
Yes, it's a dog, not a wolf. As for how Lu Qing judged... what else can be judged? Isn't this something that can be seen at a glance?


"Wow woof, woof!"

The two wild dogs in the distance seemed to smell Lu Qing's scent or something, Qiqi turned around and looked at Lu Qing, with a ferocious expression on his face that seemed to have been corroded by sulfuric acid.

The two dogs in front of me don't look like normal dogs at all. Their skins all over their bodies are festered. They are tall and strong, with sharp teeth biting together. Constantly trembling.

At this time, two wild dogs drilled out of the trees not far away, with the same festered skin and the same incomparably strong body.

"Are these guys barking to call their companions?" Lu Qing analyzed in her mind as she listened to the barking of dogs.

"Hurry up and get rid of them." Lu Qing thought.

Stretching her hand into the quiver behind her back, Lu Qing pulled out a wooden spear, and within half a second she was in a throwing posture.


The soles of the feet firmly grasped the ground, and Lu Qing's waist and arms exerted strength at the same time, and threw the wooden spear out.

Almost instantly, the head of the wild dog in the distance was shot by the wooden spear. Perhaps because the wooden spear was not sharp, the head of the wild dog burst open instantly, and the whole body was shot by the wooden spear. pierced.

Seeing this scene, Lu Qing felt somewhat disgusted, and decided to use a little less force in her throwing.

The wild dogs on the side were not frightened by the death of their companions at all, but rushed towards Lu Qing viciously.

(End of this chapter)

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