The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 327 Tree God Religion

Chapter 327 Tree God Religion

"There is nothing in the house that can entertain people, so you just have to drink some hot water." The old man invited Lu Qing into the house, let her sit on a chair, took out a teacup, put it on the table, and put it on the table. Pour hot water into it.

"Thank you." Lu Qing covered the teacup with her palm, and the warm wall of the cup made her feel as if her body had become warmer.

Hearing Lu Qing's thanks, the old man nodded and sat opposite Lu Qing.

After being silent for a while, the old man asked, "Is your name Lu Qing?"

"En." Lu Qing nodded.

After receiving Lu Qing's answer, the old man raised his head and carefully condensed her for a while, then said in a tone of emotion: "I didn't expect that the eldest daughter of the hunter's family has grown so big."

After a pause, the old man smiled again, and then said: "Do you know, your father asked me to make the furniture in your house."

"Are you a carpenter?" After hearing what the old man said, Lu Qing looked around curiously. There seemed to be no tools that could be seen as related to the carpenter's profession in this room.

"Hehehe." The old man seemed to see Lu Qing's thoughts, he smiled softly, and then said: "My workshop is not here, if you are interested, I can take you to see it later."

"Okay." Lu Qing agreed with a nod of interest.

"Yeah." The old man nodded, then changed his peaceful expression, and said seriously: "After reading it, hurry up and leave, don't stay in this village."

"Hey, why?" Lu Qing was slightly taken aback and asked.

"This village has been abnormal for a long time. You won't get any good fruit if you stay here. Listen to the old man's advice and leave quickly." The old man picked up the hot water on the table, and then took a sip.

"Is there anything dangerous in the village?" Lu Qing thought for a while and asked with some doubts.


Hearing Lu Qing's words, the old man sighed, then shook his head and said, "Dangerous thing haha, in this world, is there anything more dangerous than human beings?"

The old man took a sip of water and said, "You saw the man in the black robe next to the village chief, right? Now the village is only under the command of the village chief in name, but in fact it is the man in the black robe. to manage everything in the village."

"What does he do?" Lu Qing asked curiously.

The whole body of the man in black was covered under the black robe, and the exposed skin was almost invisible. In addition, the strange headgear made of tree branches and soil on the top of the other's head was also eye-catching. After reading it, I can't figure it out.

"He is the priest in the village."

"About two years ago, a saying began to circulate in the village."

The old man spoke silently, as if he was recalling what happened at that time.

"Tree God, many people in the village are spreading the word that when they were sleeping at night, they saw the figure of the Tree God. It was a giant tree with a thick and straight trunk and a height that could extend to the top of the clouds. Countless Green branches and leaves grow above his head, covering even the sun."

"And at the foot of this tree, thick and huge roots continue to grow, and then expand outward, forming forest after forest"

"What do they mean, is this entire forest the tree god's roots?" Lu Qing asked.

The old man nodded and said: "Those people think that the tree god will eventually spread its roots all over the world, and no place will be spared. What they have to do is to join the tree god, become the tree god's people, and finally Survive in the roots of the tree god and usher in the era belonging to the tree god."

"A bunch of lunatics!" The old man cursed angrily when he got to the end.

"No one knows when this saying started to spread. By the time everyone realized it, the village was full of people who said it. Then, that man appeared. No one knows where he appeared from. Yes, but that's how he showed up."

"He created the so-called tree god religion, and then let the people in the village believe in tree gods with him. The headdress made of tree roots and mud is the proof of his sacrificial offering."

"Why do so many people believe him?" Lu Qing couldn't help asking.

"Because." The old man looked at Lu Qing meaningfully, and said, "Many of those who didn't believe him have disappeared, and some were killed by wild beasts."

"The man said that as long as you believe in the tree god, you will not die, even if you are sick."

The old man re-described the disease that Lu Qing heard from Miss Phantom before, and then said: "He used this reason to instigate many people with diseases to become believers of the tree god, and then he made the only one in the village The doctors were driven away, and the power of the village chief was gradually emptied."

"However, what is strange is that those people who were destined to die due to strange diseases miraculously survived after joining the Tree God Sect. The only price is that their bodies have completely transformed into the appearance of monsters."

"But it's better to live than to die. Because these people survived, more people in the village joined the Tree God Sect. After two years of development, the entire village is now a part of the Tree God Sect. .”

"If it's just like this, I shouldn't be in any danger." Lu Qing analyzed in her heart after listening to the old man's words.

It's just some mutated people, and it's not a big threat to her.

Lu Qing is still quite confident in her own strength, as long as she is careful, it will not be a big problem.

Thinking of this, Lu Qing looked at the old man sitting opposite her, and said, "Are you a follower of the Tree God Sect, um, I mean, have you joined the Tree God Sect?"

"No." The old man shook his head and said, "I'm an old bone, it doesn't matter if I die or not. If I didn't know the carpenter's craft, I'm afraid I would have died long ago."

The old man snorted coldly, and said, "That Tree God Sect is definitely not a good thing. The reason I let you go is because it's almost time for them to hold a festival."

"Festival?" Lu Qing asked.


The old man nodded and explained to Lu Qing: "The ceremony is a formal initiation ceremony, and only a few people can be selected to become formal tree god believers every month."

"And as long as you become a formal believer, you will have the ability not to eat and drink, and not to be afraid of diseases."

The old man sneered: "To be honest, I think their ritual is to transform human beings into monsters."

After a pause, the old man continued: "As for the reason why I let you go, it is actually very simple. Every time a ceremony is held, a sacrifice is needed, and this sacrifice."

The old man stopped talking when he said this, and Lu Qing could understand what the old man meant.

Her expression also became serious, her icy blue pupils stared at the old man, and said word by word:

"Sacrifice. Humans, right?"
(End of this chapter)

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