The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 329 The Twisted Tree Man

Chapter 329 The Twisted Tree Man
In the wooden house, shrill screams continued to be heard. If someone who did not know the situation heard these sounds, he might mistakenly think that there was a ruthless butcher slaughtering innocent villagers in the room at this time.

In fact, a massacre is indeed taking place here.

Tried to capture an innocent girl as a sacrifice to the tree god believers of her tree god. It wasn't until Lu Qing took out a knife that she realized that the girl was not as harmless as she appeared on the surface. .

She has a speed that is completely unresponsive, and she can dance flexibly even when surrounded by people. The carving knife in her hand lands on the vital points of the tree god believers with incomparable precision, and the knife is deadly.

But in just 3 minutes, the screams in the room stopped.

Lu Qing looked at the blood stains accidentally on her body, frowned, and then searched the corpses of these tree god believers.

It's a pity that although these guys are seriously distorted in appearance, they don't look like humans anymore, but they don't have flesh and blood cores on their bodies. After confirming three corpses in a row, Lu Qing no longer wastes time searching the corpses.

There is nothing worth noticing on these tree god believers, but after thinking about it, Lu Qing still found a roll of cloth from a person, tied the weapons of these tree god believers together, and carried them on his back on the back.

These guys don't care about the venue at all when they fight. They only use the little space in the room, and they use weapons like pitchforks and long sticks.

As for whether killing so many people will make any sense.
Except for the bad smell in the room, Lu Qing didn't feel the slightest bit of guilt. These guys wanted their own lives, and it would be too shameful for her to be merciful.

Helping the old man in the house up, Lu Qing thought for a while, then let the old man lean on the chair and fall asleep peacefully.

With a thought, the wolf spirit she had put away before appeared beside Lu Qing. Lu Qing looked at the wolf spirit and said, "Stay here and protect the old man."

"No problem." The wolf spirit made two laps around the old man, bared his teeth, and those who didn't know thought she was observing where it would be better to start biting.

Closing her eyes, Lu Qing and Wein's line of sight were linked together, and then she "saw" that outside the old man's house, the mysterious priest covered in black robes was standing at the door of the house, Behind them was a large group of tree god believers who also wore black robes.

From the perspective of momentum alone, this group of believers seems to be stronger, presumably they are the core members of the Tree God Sect.

Pushing open the door and going out, the black-robed priest looked at Lu Qing, and said in a low voice: "Hello, my mysterious lady, I am a priest of the Tree God Sect, I wonder if you are interested in paying tribute to the greatness of the Tree God?" Woolen cloth?"

"I don't believe in religion." Lu Qing replied coldly.

"You don't need faith, I mean, cooperation." The black-robed priest stretched out his hand, as if inviting Lu Qing, and said:
"I can feel that you are different from others, your body is full of energy."

"The expansion of trees is unstoppable. We have to prepare for the upcoming new world. Just imagine, when the whole world is occupied by trees, our tree god religion will be the only ruler of the whole world."

The man's ambitious words came to his ears, and Lu Qing could feel the mood of the other person when he spoke. For other people, this may be quite contagious and tempting.

But it's a pity, first of all, Lu Qing is not from this world, and secondly, she doesn't believe that the expansion of trees will eventually spread to the whole world. Even, if a nuclear bomb is thrown in at this time, maybe this large forest will be destroyed. It's ruined.

Of course, this is just a possibility.

Shaking her head, Lu Qing said nothing, she just silently pulled out the carving knife.


Shaking his head, the black-robed priest said in a pity tone: "Stupid decision, although you are really strong, but because of your decision, you are doomed to die here today."

As soon as the words fell, the bodies of the dozen or so tree god believers behind him suddenly twisted and swelled, and countless tree roots entwined and reorganized under their swollen skin, which was filled with viscous white secretions, which looked like Like glue.

But in just a few seconds, these Tree God Sect believers who looked like individuals turned into tall tree men one after another.

Their epidermis looks like rotten human skin. Under the skin is a mixture of flesh and tree roots. From time to time, sticky black blood and white secretions flow out from it. The two are mixed together, looking like Disgusting no.

Seeing this, Lu Qing looked at the carving knife in her hand, feeling a little worried.

She is not the great swordsman in novels and anime, the kind who can cut out sword energy with one knife. The trees in front of her are tall and tall, and she wants to kill them with the carving knife in her hand. If so, I'm afraid it will be a bit strenuous.

Um, it's better to say, is it really as simple as a little effort?

【Forever Hunting Twins·Qian Jue】

The effect of the card [Full Activation] was activated, but in the blink of an eye, a blue longbow appeared in Lu Qing's hand, and at the same time, her attire was also changing.

At the same time, a tree god believer who turned into a tree man opened his mouth wide, and spit out a sharp wooden thorn and flew towards Lu Qing.

Rolling on the spot, Lu Qing quickly pulled the bowstring while dodging the attack.

【Dance of Arrows! 】

Silver-white arrows flew out, piercing into the tree man's body like a ray of light. The defensive power of these guys was completely incomparable to that of their mother. in.

And at this time, the wolf spirit flew out of the room, and then bit the tree man's torso violently, immediately biting off a large piece of wood.

"Wood scum, it's unpalatable." The wolf spirit tore off a piece of the tree man's torso.

Suddenly, the wolf spirit seemed to hear something, she shook her ears twice, and then turned into an incorporeal state, and got into the tree man's body.

As long as you want, the wolf spirit can switch between the solid and incorporeal states, but it is worth mentioning that after the wolf spirit enters the incorporeal body, if the body collides with other objects, it cannot transform into a solid body.

And if it is transformed into an entity in the air and liquid, the air and liquid will be automatically expelled from the body.

After a while, the wolf spirit emerged from the tree man's body. She grinned happily, her ferocious and pale teeth closed together, and then opened again: "I found their weakness!"

As he said that, the wolf spirit turned around and turned into a solid body. Its sharp teeth directly tore apart the tree man's armor, exposing the beating heart inside.

"Well done Wolf!"

Lu Qing sighed in admiration, then immediately drew the longbow and aimed the arrow at the beating heart.


The pure white arrow flew out, like a judgment of a god of death, and pierced the tree man's heart fiercely.

PS: There will be a free extra chapter in a while.

Hmph, you are not allowed to say something like "the author of the scraps can't think of the main text, so he writes a side story"!
"The author who can't think of the main text and writes a side story is crumbs" doesn't work either!

(End of this chapter)

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