The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 331 The title girl was taken away again

Chapter 331 The title girl was carried away again

At some point, a strange mist rose up, Lu Qing rubbed her temples, and wanted to take two steps back, not to listen to the whispers from the strange tree.

She felt as if she had lost some instinct.

No, it's not instinct, she just didn't know the direction for a while, as if she was disturbed by some kind of interference.

Her legs moved forward, obviously her mind was thinking of going backwards, but Lu Qing's body walked forward, and the distance between her and the strange tree became closer.

There was an earthy stench in the air, Lu Qing hurriedly stopped, and looked at the strange tree in front of her.

She tried to walk to the left, but her body still couldn't stop moving forward. There was no way, Lu Qing could only stop the thoughts in her head, but found that the half-stretched calf could not be retracted.

This situation made Lu Qing feel a little scared in her heart, she was not timid, she was simply afraid of invisible or weird things.

If she could see it with her eyes, or know the reason, she wouldn't be so scared.

"help me"

"it hurts."


"elder brother."

The human faces on the strange tree kept wriggling their lips and whispering one after another. These voices passed into Lu Qing's ears, like some kind of special spell, which made her feel a little headache.

She seemed to be able to feel the pain of the souls imprisoned by the strange tree, and the other party kept making noises, just hoping that someone would come to rescue them from this hellish pain.

"No, I can't save you."

The delicate facial features were slightly wrinkled, and Lu Qing's cheeks were covered with sweat. She stared blankly at the trunk of the strange tree, walking forward with both legs.

Finally, she came to the strange tree, and at the same time stepped on a branch buried in the ground.

"it hurts."

A muffled whisper came from under Lu Qing's feet, a person buried in the ground spoke with a numb expression, his arm stretched upwards, it looked like a branch.

That was the part that was trampled off by Lu Qing, and a thick white liquid continuously flowed out from the broken branch.


Lu Qing's body paused, and then her eyes regained their sanity, and at the same time, the notice board in her mind suddenly trembled.

[Win was flying in the air a little anxiously. He was in a foggy space at this time. No matter whether he was flying up or down, he couldn't find a way to get out. He had completely lost his way and couldn't tell the difference. Where is the ground and where is the sky. 】

[The knowledge in his mind cannot allow him to break through this space. Obviously, the existence that allows him to enter the illusion is much stronger than him at this time. 】

【And at this time, you suddenly noticed something. On this strange tree in front of you, there was a man staring at you, his lips wriggling as if he was saying something. 】

"Someone on the strange tree is staring at me?"

When Lu Qing saw the information on the notice board, she couldn't help trembling in her heart. Although she knew it was a reminder, she still felt a little bit tricky.

Eyeballs kept rolling, and Lu Qing quickly found the man mentioned on the notice board.

This guy wasn't hard to find, because all the faces except him kept their eyes blank, and only he stared at her with piercing eyes.

The other party's lips twitched, Lu Qing focused, trying to hear what the other party was saying.

"go backwards"

This is the other party's reminder, Lu Qing frowned, feeling that she didn't quite understand the other party's meaning.

She wanted to walk backwards, but her body was out of her control at all.

But the notice on the sign cannot be in vain, and it must be reasonable.

After thinking about it carefully, Lu Qing once again controlled her body to step back.

Sure enough, her legs were still trying to move forward, and she couldn't move backward at all.

The whispers continued, and Lu Qing felt that she couldn't hold on for too long, and had to think of a way quickly.


"It doesn't matter, you have to try it to know!"

Heartbroken, Lu Qing closed her eyes, and then moved her body back.

The next moment, she felt her hand lifted up and touched the trunk of the strange tree.

The bark of the strange tree feels sticky and slippery, like the skin of some kind of creature, wriggling constantly in the palm of the hand, and it is full of wrinkles.

This feeling was really terrible, it made Lu Qing feel like her scalp was tingling, and a large piece of goose bumps could not help but appear on her skin.

However, this was just the beginning. In her perception, she seemed to be climbing this strange tree.

Suddenly, Lu Qing's palm touched a very familiar thing, it was a person's chest, because it was so thin that Lu Qing touched row after row of ribs.

At the same time, a sudden memory flooded into my mind.

It was the memory of a man before he died. He was captured by the followers of the Tree God Sect, and after hollowing out all his internal organs, he sacrificed to this strange tree.

Pain, resentment, fear.
Countless feelings came to her heart, and before Lu Qing could digest them, she touched another person's body.

It was the face of a person. Judging from the memories that suddenly flooded into my mind, it seemed to be a little girl. In order to keep her body climbing upwards, her arm pressed the little girl's head down with force. .

With a click sound, Lu Qing's body successfully moved a certain distance towards the top of the strange tree, but the little girl's head fell from the strange tree.

"it hurts."

"who is it."

"Don't step on me"


"Why. You're still alive"


Lu Qing's behavior seemed to have completely awakened the soul of this strange tree. All the arms around her body began to stretch towards Lu Qing. They were like water ghosts trying to pull people into the water. Pulling Lu Qing's body.

Knowing that there is no turning back, Lu Qing clenched her lips, closed her eyes tightly not to look at the situation on the strange tree, but kept giving orders for her body to retreat.

However, as one pair after another of hands pulled her limbs, one after another of memories and resentment before death passed into her mind.

Lu Qing kept climbing up, broke one arm after another, and stepped on one body after another. After not knowing for a long time, finally, under the continuous impact of memories and emotions, Under the pressure, her spirit could no longer be restrained, and she passed out.

At the last moment of dizziness, a picture flashed in her mind.

It was a big tree with a very strange appearance, and one after another withered human beings were clinging to the skin of the big tree.

And she is the same as those humans, her body is tightly attached to the bark, her limbs and body are bound by withered arms one after another
PS: I posted the wrong paper again. I’m an idiot. Forget it and leave it alone. Let’s insert the extra chapters in the main text. It’s free anyway. When I finish the book, I’ll put all the extras. Unify it again, and send it all into one volume.

(End of this chapter)

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