The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 342 For a more beautiful wooden spear

Chapter 342 For a more beautiful wooden spear
The side effect of [Runner] is to increase the speed of physical strength consumption. To put it more full of game style, this skill reduces Lu Qing's physical strength bar.

The side effect of [Moth] is that in the absence of a light source, the healing speed of the wound is reduced.

The side effect of [Spiritual Vision] is a bit strange. It will attract certain beings in the dark, and besides, it will also attract nearby photophobic ghosts to approach. When they see her, they rush up like seeing their own wife.

As for the newly acquired skill [Explorer], although it feels a little strange to read the introduction of the skill, it is actually not bad if you think about it carefully.

As long as it is a part of the body, it can be positioned, including blood and saliva, and I don’t know if hair is allowed. In short, there is still quite a lot of room for play.

The side effect feels a bit serious, and it will lead to a poor sense of direction. This side effect feels a bit uncomfortable in the forest with complex terrain.

"What should be eliminated?" Lu Qing was thinking with some distress.

She has woken up from her sleep, and she is sitting on her wooden chair at this moment, looking at the panel of the notice board and struggling, if it is possible, she really wants to shout "I want it all!"
Well, it's just impossible, so instead of daydreaming, it's better to think about how to make a choice.

First of all, the skill [Spiritual Vision] can be excluded. Let’s not talk about what some existences in the dark are concerned about. Just talking about photophobic ghosts that will drop solid shadows, Lu Qing will not use the side effects of this skill. Eliminate.

These guys are afraid of light, and they are very easy opponents to deal with. They have nothing to be afraid of, they are just treasure chest monsters who come to deliver materials.

The second thing to get rid of is the side effects of [Moths].

In the dark, the healing speed of the wound is reduced. This actually has no effect on her, because even if this side effect is eliminated, it is impossible for the wound to heal quickly in the dark.

So far, the only way to heal wounds quickly is to use [moths]. Eliminating the side effects is actually not that big of an impact.

"So, is the sense of direction more important, or physical strength?" Lu Qing looked at the two skills with some confusion, feeling that no matter which one was very attractive.

After thinking about it, Lu Qing called Wein over, intending to ask his opinion.

After hearing Lu Qing's distress, Wein tilted his head in confusion, and said, "Gah, that's the only thing you're struggling with, little master?"

"What do you mean, it's obviously difficult to make a decision, okay?" Lu Qing said angrily.

"Gah, choose physical strength. Your poor sense of direction doesn't mean that other people's sense of direction will also become worse. As long as someone leads the way, no matter how poor the sense of direction is, people won't get lost." Wein looked at the room on the right. The door said, that is where Dinah is resting at this time.

What he meant was already obvious. Even if the sense of direction deteriorated, it would not be unacceptable even if the sense of direction deteriorated, with Dinah leading her along with him.

"Indeed it is"

Nodding her head, Lu Qing admitted that there was some truth in what Wein said this time.

And to be honest, she didn't feel anything about the deterioration of her sense of direction, but the increased physical exertion had a real impact on her.

"Then let's make a decision like this." Lu Qing made a final decision without changing her mind.

She chose to eliminate the side effect of [Runner], a cold breath emerged from her body, and in Lu Qing's eyes, she could clearly see some jet-black mist emerging from her body, and then disappeared into thin air.

She couldn't help shivering, and Lu Qing didn't know what the jet-black mist that just left was, but she could feel that the thing just now should not be seen by ordinary people.

She was able to see it only because she possessed the skill [Spiritual Vision].

After standing up from the chair and doing some activities, she could clearly feel the decrease in the speed of physical exertion, which made her feel much better.

At this time, it was around three o'clock in the afternoon, and it was obviously impossible to burn that strange tree today, so Lu Qing planned to stay at home for the rest of the day and learn carpentry from the old man craftsmanship.

This was agreed with the old man from the beginning, not only the old man was willing to teach, Lu Qing was also willing to learn, she felt that this skill would still be useful to some extent.

At least, let the wooden spear she made not be too ugly.
Lu Qing found the old man, and after explaining her purpose of coming, the old man was very happy to bring her to his current studio.

As soon as he walked into the room, the tangy smell of sawdust came into his nostrils. There were a lot of wood in the room, in addition to various tools, it looked a bit messy.

"I haven't had time to clean up these things yet, wait for me, I'll clean up these things first." The old man smiled awkwardly and said to Lu Qing.

"Let me do it." Lu Qing wanted to help.

"no, I'm fine."

The old man prevented Lu Qing from wanting to help, and explained: "It's better to clean up this kind of thing by yourself, because only you can put the things you are familiar with in the right place."

"Don't look at the mess in the room at this time, but I know where most of the things are. If I ask others to clean them up, it would be bad if I can't even find the location in the end."

Lu Qing could understand what the old man meant, and she also had a lot of experience and experience in this matter, so she gave up the idea of ​​helping to clean up, and just used cleaning tools to clean up the wood chips and dust in the room.

After the room was cleaned up, the old man began to explain to Lu Qing the tools needed to process wood.

Because it is in the forest now, modern tools are unusable, but according to the old man, it does not make any difference whether they can be used or not.

If it wasn't because he was too old to use his strength sometimes, he wouldn't even be able to use those modern tools. Of course, even if he wanted to use them now, he wouldn't be able to use them.

"Well, this is an axe. There is nothing to say about it, but you need to pay attention when using it. Only when you know what it is used for can you use it correctly. As for this, you should also know it. It is called a plane. It is used to plan the surface of wood, and you need to use a hammer when you use it.”

[Skill base carpentry proficiency increased by 40.00%! 】

[Current skill: basic carpentry 60%]

The notification on the notice board sounded, telling Lu Qing what she had gained this afternoon. She did not actually process the wood this afternoon, but just listened to the old man’s explanation, and occasionally tried to use the props. This actually directly increased the proficiency of the skill by 40.00%.

Lu Qing guessed that this should be related to the fact that she had processed wooden spears by herself before. Processing wooden spears gave her a lot of experience in handling wood. Coupled with her perfect control of the body, she clearly knew the functions of carpenter tools. After using the method, the skill proficiency directly came to 60.00%.

Not long after her skill proficiency broke through to 60.00%, today's teaching had to be stopped.

On the one hand, it takes time to absorb the knowledge taught today, on the other hand.
It's getting dark outside, and it's time to go to bed and rest.

(End of this chapter)

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