Chapter 351 Swamp area
PS: Thank you book friend Lafite for the reward of 1588 starting coins!
Thanks to book friend Fengchen's Xiaojiuxian for the 1500 starting coins!
Thanks to book friend Haoxia Zhaomu for the 1500 starting point coins!
Thanks to book friend book friend 202101102 (full name cannot be displayed) for rewarding 1500 starting coins!
After sorting out some discarded parts of the gunship that had not been taken away, and stuffing them into the backpack, Lu Qing left here.

This helicopter has been searched by others long ago, and there is nothing useful left on it. The parts she sorted out are not very useful, but they can be sold to merchants as scrap metal.

Anyway, I didn’t put anything in the backpack, so I can’t go back without taking anything when I go out. I’ll pack the metal first, and if I really come across something better, it’s not too late to throw the metal away.

And, what if, maybe there is something particularly useful in these parts that can be sold for a good price?

After thinking about it, thinking that there might be a possibility of returning here in the future, Lu Qing took out a carving knife, cut a scar on her palm, and spilled blood on the cockpit of the helicopter.


A wonderful feeling welled up in her heart, as long as she wanted, now she could feel the position of the blood anytime.

As for how long the blood will last, Lu Qing is not sure. After all, this is the first time she has used this skill. In fact, this time there is also an experimental meaning in it.

After all, if you don't practice and just look at the effect of skills, you will never know the specific details.

After leaving here, Lu Qing continued to explore in this area.

Perhaps because of the excessive humidity here, there are many mushrooms growing on the ground, but these mushrooms are not red mushrooms that can be used as flesh potions, but white mushrooms that can produce parasitic wood.

These white mushrooms can release poisonous fumes if stepped on accidentally, so be careful when walking.


Suddenly, a black shadow rushed out from the water beside Lu Qing, shooting at her like a cannonball.

Almost the moment she heard the sound coming from the water surface, Lu Qing dodged aside, and after dodging the attack, a strange creature emerged from the bottom of the water.

This creature has a frog-like head and a human body. Its eyes look like those of a catfish, and its dark green skin is full of wrinkles.

Obviously, the sneak attack just now was made by this guy. The well-developed tongue muscles can make it shoot the tongue very far, and the power can even penetrate trees!
If he was hit by the opponent just now, without the protection of the silver-gray evening wind, Lu Qing's head might be blown off the spot.

"Is this a frog?" Dinah asked, looking at the creature in front of her.


Let's call this creature a mutated frog. Lu Qing pulled out the carving knife and fixed her eyes on him.

Don't be careless, the attack of the opponent's tongue is not only far away, but also very fast. It is no joke to be hit!


The mutated frog opened its mouth wide, and its thick tongue shot out instantly. Lu Qing shortened her stature, lowered her head to avoid the opponent's tongue attack, then leaned forward, and quickly ran in front of the mutated frog.

Using the carving knife to stab from top to bottom, just cut a little bit of skin, the blade of the carving knife was cut open by the opponent's skin!
The wrinkled surface didn't look smooth, but it could easily slice through Lu Qing's attack, which made Lu Qing realize that she had made a mistake in her judgment. At the same time, it strengthened her desire to change to a small knife.

The carving knife itself is not a weapon for combat. Although Lu Qing maintains it frequently, it is still inevitably worn out. At least, in terms of sharpness, the carving knife is far worse than when it was first obtained.

If you change to a sharp weapon, even if the skin of this mutated frog is very smooth, with the blessing of Lu Qing's own skills and attributes, it will definitely be able to pierce it.

As for now.
Even if the knife couldn't penetrate it, so what, Lu Qing directly threw the knife on the ground, then clenched her fist, and hit the mutated frog hard in the face with one punch!


In terms of unarmed combat skills, Lu Qing doesn't have much, but her attributes are very high. This punch directly knocked out the mutated frog.

After knocking down the mutated frog to the ground, Lu Qing pulled out the wooden spear she was carrying, and stabbed it directly along the mutated frog's eyes.

After stirring the mutant frog's brains, she pulled out the wooden spear and threw it to the ground.

This wooden spear is basically useless, so it can be thrown here. Picking up the carving knife again, Lu Qing cut off the mutated frog's tongue, which is the core of flesh and blood, and left here.

After that, she continued to explore the forest for several hours, collected two red mushrooms, plus a heart that looked like a mutated crocodile and the other's meat, and left the area.

Back home before it was completely dark, Lu Qing threw the gunship parts collected today into the sundries storage room, and put all the flesh and blood cores into the iron bucket for making [Nightmare Potion], and then spent After a period of time, the meat of the mutated crocodile was processed, and it was prepared to be made into jerky for storage.

Of course, not all crocodile meat has to be made into jerky, and some of the meat has not been processed, but is prepared to be used as food in the next few days.

There is still a lot of mutant giant deer meat, but Lu Qing wants to change the taste.

Of course, it's all meat, so the taste won't be much different. For now, what Lu Qing is most looking forward to is the growth of mutated tomatoes.

In fact, she also thought about using the Whispering Tree Heart to ripen mutated tomatoes, but the Whispering Tree Heart would attract nearby creatures, and it might cause some strange mutations in the plants, so she gave up on this idea.
After dinner, Lu Qing started to process the flesh and blood core she got today.

Two red mushrooms, the tongue of a mutant frog, and the heart of a mutant crocodile.

[Prop Name: Nightmare Potion]

[Prop Quality: Blue]

"Upgrading doesn't take much experience. After drinking this bottle of potion, I guess I can upgrade."

Lu Qing raised the Nightmare Potion in her hand, and said after leveling with her eyes.

Letting Wein and Wolf Spirit protect herself, Lu Qing raised her neck and drank the blue [Nightmare Elixir] into her stomach.

A thick fog enveloped the entire space. The girl opened her eyes in confusion, and found that the only thing she could see was the glowing stone lying quietly on the ground.

For some reason, when she saw this kind of stone, a strange sense of security rose in the girl's heart.

She squatted next to this luminous stone, looked around, and unexpectedly found that there was the same light as this stone in the mist not far away.

If she followed these rays of light, would she be able to leave this fog?
The girl couldn't help but think like this.

But the price of getting lost in the fog will be very heavy. The girl needs to choose carefully. Perhaps it is a good idea to squat here all the time, or why does she have to walk out of this fog?
PS: On "What should authors do if they want to adjust the update time to daytime but procrastinate during the daytime"

(End of this chapter)

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