The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 354 Lu Qing's Brain-Opening Speculation

Chapter 354 Lu Qing's Brain-Opening Speculation

Hypothetically, we assume that this forest is conscious and intelligent, then she can be regarded as an intelligent creature.

And since it is an intelligent creature, it must want to continue to evolve. After all, it is human beings who have been developing the power of science and constantly exploring beyond the universe.

What about this forest?
After appearing in this world, the forest expanded rapidly and surrounded all the humans and animals in the village.

From the rules in this forest, one can feel that in this forest, only mutants can survive.

All creatures that have not mutated are not only weak, they will die on the spot when they touch the black water, and there is only a small probability that they can mutate into creatures in the forest.

In other words, this forest is rejecting all life except her power!
The tree god religion that appeared in the village before, their teaching is "sooner or later this world will be covered by forests, only by joining the tree god religion can you become a resident of this forest and survive forever."

The emergence of the Tree God Sect was not created by humans themselves, but by the tree with thousands of hands and faces. So what is the purpose of that tree?
To subdue humans into the people of the forest?
Lu Qing thinks that this idea should be correct, because although the mutant creatures in the forest are powerful, they all have a fatal flaw, or in other words, humans have a characteristic that these mutant creatures do not have.

That is wisdom!
So, from the perspective of the forest, is human being a creature with great potential?

Because of this, the forest wants to subdue humans.

However, her own power will only cause creatures to become irrational monsters, and it is impossible to mutate human beings while retaining human wisdom.

So after many years, she gradually researched three solutions.

The first is the Tree of Thousand Hands and Thousand Faces, which tries to preserve the ability of human thinking by retaining the human soul and only mutating the body.

However, this thing should have been discarded. After all, the human beings need to be devoured first to convert them, and the converted human beings are not very powerful, and they don't even have a flesh and blood core.

Up to now, even a whole tree has been burned by Lu Qing, it can be said that it is useless at all.

And the second method is to rely on mimetic bacteria to mimic human beings, and the businessman is likely to be a mushroom man who mimics her appearance!
The wooden house she was in at this time might all be mimicked by mushrooms. Lu Qing planned to go back and see if there were any other things inside, and to test her own thoughts by the way.

As for the third method, it was not made by this forest, but [Nightmare Potion], which was made by those researchers in the ground before.

After taking it, it can be immune to black water, retain one's own consciousness, and can also enhance strength. It can be said to be a perfect product.

The disadvantages are not without. For the forest, the materials for making [Nightmare Elixir] are the cores of mutated creatures and the liquid secreted by tree roots.

In addition, the ability obtained after taking the potion is completely uncontrollable, and the creatures taking the potion will not obey the orders of the forest. It is also a meaningless product for the forest, but it will be a threat?
But if there was a real threat, why would the merchant sell this thing to her?
Well, Lu Qing is suddenly not so confident about her own thoughts. The above thoughts are all her own imagination, and she still needs to confirm what it looks like in the future.

Back in the wooden house full of mushrooms before, Lu Qing came to the room where the mushroom man was before, and observed various experimental instruments on the table.

[You carefully observe the experimental equipment placed in the mushroom man's room, and you are surprised to find that these experimental equipment are actually useless, they are just decorations, of course, maybe give these mimic mushrooms enough time , it is possible that they can really change into usable experimental equipment. 】

[It's just that now, after the death of their "main body", all changes in this wooden house have stopped, maybe it won't take long before this wooden house will be decomposed by the ubiquitous microorganisms . 】

"Sure enough, it's all fake."

Lu Qing recalled how to use the microscope she learned in school in her previous life, and when she found out that the microscope could not be used at all, she had such an expression on her face.

Since the entire building is simulated by mimic mushrooms, there is no point in continuing to stay here. After all, everything here is just mushrooms.

But since there is a building simulated by mimic mushrooms, that is to say, there must be a building similar to this building in this forest. According to the experimental equipment in the room, Lu Qing feels that the house simulated by mimic mushrooms, Maybe it was the house where the timid scientist lived.

After leaving the mushroom house, Lu Qing continued to explore the forest for a while, and then returned home.

What she didn't expect was that on the way home, her [Danger Perception] skill proficiency suddenly increased by 20.00%.

[Skill danger perception proficiency increased by 20.00%! 】

[Current skill: danger perception 60%]

This [Danger Perception] is quite easy to use, and it has helped Lu Qing countless times, especially when dealing with those head splitters who like to attack sneakily, it can often make her aware of the opponent before they make a move.

However, apart from the rapid increase in proficiency of this skill at the beginning, it has not been improved for a long time after reaching 40.00%. I did not expect it to reach 60.00% today.

Lu Qing felt that this must have something to do with the mushroom man. The explosion power of the other party is still very strong, and it will produce poisonous gas after the explosion. If it wasn't for the skill [Advanced Poison Resistance], she might not be entering the mushroom house He died instantly at that moment.

The night passed quickly, and the next morning, the businessman came to Lu Qing's house as usual.

After opening the door to let the businessman in, before Lu Qing could speak, the businessman took out a piece of paper and handed it to Lu Qing.

What is written above is:
"The quicklime you asked me to look for a few days ago has been found, and it costs 100 yuan a catty."

Lu Qing asked the businessman to find the quicklime a few days ago, because she and the old man wanted to make leather and needed some quicklime, but the businessman didn't have it, so she asked the businessman to look for it, and unexpectedly found it today.

Lu Qing immediately dismissed the idea of ​​showing the mimic mushroom to the merchant, and bought the quicklime first, in case she showed the mimic mushroom to the merchant first, but the merchant turned his face, it would be bad if she couldn't buy the quicklime.

(End of this chapter)

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