Chapter 357 Basic Weaving
"I hope you can fetch me something."

The voice of the scientist came from behind the door, and said: "Originally, this matter was entrusted to the businessman, but she hasn't come to me these days. Since you know the businessman, please help me with that. Bring it back."

"Of course, I won't let you do it for nothing. If you help me get the things back, I will give you a few gadgets from my collection. Of course, you can pick them yourself, but only those I can give your stuff."

"So, what do you want us to help you with?" Lu Qing asked after listening to the scientist's words.

If the other party's request is not so excessive, she can still think about it. If it's something that sounds very dangerous, then she might as well just kick the door open.

Lu Qing thought so, and then heard the scientist hiding behind the door say: "I need you to go to the area behind the tree wall on the west side of the forest and find a doctor. He and I should be regarded as partners. A few days ago, I asked him to help me dispose of an item."

"Originally, this item should be entrusted to the merchant to bring it back, but you also know that the merchant has not come over in the past two days, so I can only temporarily leave this matter behind."

"If you really know the businessman, you should be quite capable. I hope you can go to the doctor and help me bring my things back."

"How did you two cooperate so far apart?" Hearing what the scientist said, Lu Qing couldn't help asking.

"Well, it's a radio. After my improvement, it can be used even in the forest, but the signal is not very good, and it's only inside the forest, and it can't be received outside the forest."

"As for how to transform, these are not important at all. In short, if you are willing to help, then I can also help you for the sake of helping me. If not, no matter what, please Go back." The doctor said in an indifferent tone.

"Okay, I'll help with this, but you have to tell me the exact location of that doctor." Lu Qing said.

"I don't know the exact location. Anyway, it's behind the tree wall on the west side of the forest. I'm not in a hurry. If you don't want to do it, go back."

[This timid scientist obviously doesn't want to communicate with you too much. In fact, he doesn't expect you to help him get things back from the doctor, but if you really do what he said, Maybe you will gain the favor of the other party, so as to find out some more important secrets. 】

The notice board in her mind trembled for a while, Lu Qing glanced at the information on the notice board, thought for a while, and kicked open the wooden door in front of her without raising her leg.

In fact, she can break down the door violently, and then go in and threaten the other party to tell the other party what she needs to know.

But if she does that, she is very likely to get false information, or even concealed information.

As for the one in the novel, when the protagonist tortures the enemy, he can see the opponent's ability to conceal or deceive several times in a row
Lu Qing is not that powerful, and the warning on the notice board is not 100% there. Even if the scientist explained in the dream that he is a cowardly scientist, there is no guarantee that the other party will tell the truth out of fear after being threatened.

Of course, in fact, these are secondary, the real reason for her to agree to the other party is.
"Doctor, will it be the doctor I know?"

After hearing what the scientist said, Dinah, who was floating beside Lu Qing, couldn't help but said.

In the entire dark forest, Lu Qing only knew one doctor, and that was the former owner of the place where she lived, the doctor who was driven away by the villagers.

Intuition tells that a character like Lu Qing is definitely not a useless trick in the dream. Go to the doctor, maybe you can get some useful props or information.

As for the fact that there is no specific location?

Just kidding, isn't there no specific location for the scientist's address? Didn't she let her find it, but it just took a little more time. She was already prepared to survive in this dream for a long time.

Thinking of this, Lu Qing raised her head and said to the wooden door in front of her:

"I see, I will help you get your things back, but the process of finding someone may take a long time, I hope you will not break your promise when I come here next time."

After finishing speaking, Lu Qing turned and left.

In the basement, in a bright room, listening to the sound coming from the old loudspeaker beside him, a middle-aged man unexpectedly stopped his work.

"Well, I actually agreed, and now I'm in trouble."

"If she really completes it, what kind of reward should I prepare?"

Because of finding the scientist today, Lu Qing returned home much earlier than usual.

She is going to set off tomorrow to explore the area behind the tree wall to the west. Before that, let her stay at home for a day.

This is not only preparation for future exploration, but also a rare leisure time.

However, Lu Qing, who was planning to take a rest, unexpectedly discovered that the old man was studying some weeds. If I read correctly, it should be the green grass everywhere in the dark forest.

After staring at the old man carefully for a while, Lu Qing asked with some uncertainty: "Well, are you studying straw weaving?"

"Uh, almost, I saw my wife do it before, so I wanted to try it."

The old man put down the semi-finished product in a little embarrassment. Unlike his skilled carpentry, this kind of craft of weaving grass products is a bit difficult for him.

Maybe I have a lot of theoretical knowledge because I often watch my lover do it, but in terms of proficiency.
Well, just look at this crooked and completely unrecognizable half-finished product.

"Well, can I try it?" Lu Qing sat in front of the old man with some interest and asked.

"Whatever, anyway, I don't want to study this thing anymore, my eyes hurt." The old man put the weeds that had been treated long ago on the table.

These weeds look like they have been air-dried, because the weeds in the dark forest are much taller than ordinary weeds in terms of toughness and size, so the weeds on the table look It looks like a very large number.

It was also the first time for Lu Qing to come into contact with this kind of thing. Although her fingers were very nimble, she couldn't think of how to weave these grasses into what she wanted.

Fortunately, the old man on the side had rich theoretical experience. Under the guidance of the old man, after more than an hour of stumbling, Lu Qing finally wove a straw basket that looked decent.

[Skill basic weaving proficiency increased by 40.00%! 】

[Current skill: basic weaving 40%]

(End of this chapter)

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