The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 365 The Crazy Doctor

Chapter 365 The Crazy Doctor

PS: Thank you for the 1500 starting point coins rewarded by the book friend Xinyouqiansi!

"a bit sleepy"

Holding her forehead with her hand, Lu Qing controlled her body and sat down slowly on the ground.

After the battle, once the tense nerves are relaxed, it will cause a very strong sense of fatigue.

Especially after experiencing the baptism of the screaming banshee, coupled with the mental power consumed by using the golden vertical pupil, she wished she could fall asleep right now.

But the environment she is in now obviously does not allow her to do this, let alone how many potential dangers there are, that is, the windows that were smashed open, and the corpses of the banshee that smelled of blood all over the ground will not let Lu Qing I can rest in peace.

The golden vertical pupils on her forehead closed slowly, and Lu Qing couldn't resist the temptation to rest, so she closed her eyes and took a nap for a while.


At the moment when she was about to fall asleep, Lu Qing woke up suddenly.

She forced herself to open her golden vertical pupils with the help of sleepiness, and then came to the burning gas stove.

Taking out the parasitic wood in the backpack and stuffing it into the furnace, Lu Qing mobilized the energy in her body and used the [Moth] skill.


The blazing flame rose up, and the light emitted by all the glowing objects in the room became flickering and dimming, especially the burning flame in the gas stove, which directed the burning flame towards Lu Qing's place. direction is tilted.

Closing the golden vertical pupils, Lu Qing leaned her back against the wall, feeling the gradual recovery of sight and hearing, a stone in her heart finally fell to the ground.

She was actually a little scared, afraid that the damage to her sight and hearing caused by the Banshee would be irreversible.

After all, unlike ordinary wounds, the perception ability of the eyes and ears is related to many nerves in the human body. Once damaged, it is not easy to recover.

Hmm. Like in the Legend of Five Villages Fighting Glasses, the situation where you can just snap off someone's eyes and insert them into your own eyes, obviously does not exist in reality.
Silently complaining about the anime she had watched in her previous life, Lu Qing pulled herself together and didn't let herself fall asleep like this.

The waiting process was obviously long and boring, especially when she couldn't see the picture or hear any sound, Lu Qing felt that a long time had passed before she heard faint bursts of tinnitus.

Well, this is a good thing, indicating that the hearing of the ears has finally recovered.

Open your eyes, although your vision is blurry, it's not like you can't see things clearly.

This made Lu Qing more energetic. She stood up from the ground, then lifted the doctor's body, and walked towards the back compartment of the laboratory.

This should be the room where the doctor used to store sundries. After opening the compartment door, Lu Qing could smell the wood chips in the air and see all kinds of fuzzy boxes.

After thinking about it, Lu Qing went back to the previous room and dragged the box (or coffin?) containing Dinah's body over.


Scanning around the corpses of the Banshee on the ground, she gritted her teeth, reopened the golden vertical pupils, and dissected the body of the young Banshee with a dagger.

It is a pity that these juvenile bodies do not have flesh and blood cores, which completely ruined Lu Qing's plan. It seems that before growing into an adult body, the banshee will not have such a thing as a flesh and blood core.


Disappointed, she turned off the golden vertical pupils. With the last ounce of energy, Lu Qing cleared out a piece of air in the last carriage, and then threw a large pile of wooden boards on the air.

After igniting it with the flint and steel she carried with her, and finally confirming that the door of the room was locked, she couldn't stand the drowsiness anymore, and slowly sat beside the fire.

"Dinna, if there is a situation, remember to tell me."

Telling Dinah to keep an eye on the situation around her, Lu Qing closed her eyes and passed out completely.

Outside the train, Wein looked at the train, which was not damaged at all, and a worried expression appeared on Bird's face.

"Damn it, I clearly felt that the little master was hurt, but I couldn't hear anything."

Flying around the train, in the end, Wein turned into a jet-black silhouette and bumped into the train.

"Gah, why can't I get in here!" said Wein, who was bounced off by the train watch.

The ceiling of the train squirmed, and soon, a bloodshot pupil opened from the ceiling.

It seemed to be a little curious, first stared at Lu Qing for a long time, and then looked at Dinah floating beside Lu Qing.

Dinah seemed to feel something, and raised her head to look at the ceiling.

And the pupils on the ceiling slowly disappeared before Dinah raised her head.

"Dinah, my Dinah!"

The doctor's hysterical roar woke up Lu Qing who was sleeping. When she opened her eyes, she saw that the doctor was obsessively holding the box containing Dinah's body on the ground.

He seemed to have noticed Lu Qing's waking up, and turned to look at Lu Qing, with a weird smile on his face.

"Hahaha, thank you for saving my Dinah, oh no."

When the doctor said this, there was a look of doubt on his face, and then his face changed suddenly, and he said fiercely: "Who are you! Why are you at my house!?"

"Oh no, I won't let you snatch her away!"

The doctor protected Dinah's body behind him, and then stroked the surface of the box containing Dinah's body obsessively.

"Oh, my dear baby, don't worry, I won't let anyone take you away."

He lifted the box, revealing Dinah's body lying inside.

The corpse was well preserved, and the exposed parts did not suffer the slightest damage. In addition, the corpse did not appear to have any traces of corrosion. Most likely, it was treated by a doctor with special methods.

The doctor seemed to be amazed by Dinah's corpse. He looked at the corpse in the box with a dull face, and involuntarily stretched out his left hand to stroke Dinah's cheek.

"Oh~ what a beautiful body."

【The doctor's sight seems to be a little erratic. Perhaps the picture he sees at this time does not match the real world. This is different from hallucinations. He seems to be remembering? 】

The notice board trembled, telling the doctor's condition.

"Is this a memory?"

Before Lu Qing could think about what the doctor was recalling, the doctor made an unexpected movement.

The doctor grabbed the neck of Dinah's corpse, and the veins on his arms and temples bulged, obviously using all his strength.

His face was filled with tears, and then slowly fell to his knees on the ground.


Lu Qing took half a step forward, and tentatively called out.


Nothing happens.

Backing away slowly, Lu Qing looked around, feeling a strong sense of crisis in her heart, and was about to call Dinah to run quickly, but found that Dinah's face was dull, as if she remembered something.

"Dinah, damn it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the doctor took out a pitch-black medicine from his pocket, and thrust it into his neck.

The next moment, countless flesh and blood swelled and grew, and the whole train wriggled as if activated. In just one breath, Lu Qing was squeezed inside the train by countless flesh and blood, and lost consciousness.

PS: Supplement the attributes provided by the Nightmare upgrade in Chapter 364.

[Strength +2, Dexterity +1, Constitution +1, Spirit +1]

Thanks to book friend book friend 20200625143924781 for the reminder!
(End of this chapter)

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