The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 371 A businessman in a fantasy world?

Chapter 371 A businessman in a fantasy world?

"God, angel?"

Lu Qing was a little embarrassed by what Du Da said, but thanks to him, she also let her know what others would look like when they looked at her.

And judging from the reaction of the other party, when others look at themselves, their appearance seems to be blurred?

The fuzziness mentioned here does not refer to visual fuzziness, but psychological fuzziness, that is, what you see in your eyes is her appearance, but you don’t care about her appearance subconsciously.

And what Lu Qing thought of just now in a flash of inspiration was actually to make more people notice her appearance.

Uh, it feels a bit weird to say that, it should be said that it is a sense of existence, so that people in the illusion realize that she is Lu Qing, not the bald doctor.

"However, how can we increase the sense of presence in the eyes of others?" Lu Qing thought with some distress.

She couldn't run in front of everyone and let the other party take a closer look at herself. Let's not talk about how strange it is, just from the feeling, the illusion is not so easy to break.

"So, what to do?"

Lu Qing was thinking about this problem while working, and after thinking of a few feasible solutions in her mind, her work was almost over.

Stuffing the parasitic wood into the furnace, Lu Qing led the young man to his dilapidated room, where he studied the antidote to the infectious disease alone.

[Skill Basic Pharmaceutical proficiency increased by 20.00%! 】

[Current skill is: basic medicine 20%]


Lu Qing looked at the information on the notice board with a dazed expression, and she didn't understand why a [basic medicine] skill suddenly appeared.

She knew about Hammer Pharmaceuticals, and it was all based on the doctor's subconscious instincts, although she did write down the efficacy of many plants these days, and the knowledge about how to process plants into medicinal materials was correct.

But these plants are unique to the dark forest. Although there are many medicinal materials in the real world, can they add new skills?
Speaking of which, since pharmacy is a skill, why doesn't she have a cooking skill? Lu Qing thinks that her cooking skills are actually pretty good, and she can't have 20.00% of them.
Shaking her head, putting these strange thoughts in her mind behind her, Lu Qing continued to study how to make an antidote for infectious diseases.

But this time her motivation has become a little bit more. Anyway, since the system has recognized that she has the skill of [Basic Medicine], her behavior of researching antidote is not meaningless.

At least, it can increase some skill proficiency, right?

"Well, is there anything I can do to help?" Du Da, who was sitting in the corner of the room, said a little embarrassed.

They also worked in the basement of the church, but the doctor didn't rest even after taking care of those patients. Instead, he was a big man sitting in the corner, always feeling a little embarrassed.

"I can do this by myself. You are not a doctor, so you can't help much." Lu Qing replied without hesitation.

Although it hurts a person's self-esteem to say so, the fact is true. Even if Lu Qing wants the young people to help her, she can't find anything to ask the other party to help her.

Rather than embarrassing both parties afterwards, it is better to make it clear from the beginning.

But after thinking about it for a while, Lu Qing added later: "Go to bed early, if the day's work is over quickly enough, I won't have to study the antidote so late."

"Yes!" Du Da, who was a little depressed by Lu Qing's previous words, immediately regained his spirit.

Yes, as long as he works faster during the day, wouldn't the doctor be able to rest earlier?

Thinking of this, Du Da sat in the corner of the room, closed his eyes and rested.

Only by going to bed early can I get enough energy to help the doctor tomorrow. As for the only wooden bed in the room?
Just kidding, it must be for the doctor, how could he have the nerve to lie on that bed?
Lu Qing turned her head to look at Du Da who was resting with her eyes closed. She wondered if it was an illusion. After the other party recognized her appearance, she seemed to be more respectful to her?
Lu Qing couldn't say exactly what it was like, if she had to say it, it would be like, this guy really thinks of herself as an angel?
Nonsence!what an angel!
Lu Qing couldn't help but blushed a little, and couldn't help but feel ashamed for her own thoughts. Although no one heard it, she just felt embarrassed.

Looking at the young man sitting in the corner of the room again, Lu Qing felt that she seemed to have to apply for a blanket like the village, at least, she couldn't let the young man sit and sleep in the corner every day.

Silently keeping this matter in mind, Lu Qing continued to research the antidote to the infectious disease.

This was the third day that the young man joined the basement of the church. Because he was getting familiar with the work, the young man shared a lot of work for Lu Qing. As a result, it was only around two o'clock in the afternoon that the work in the basement was over.

And it was at this time that Lu Qing came up with the idea of ​​going home and taking a look.

But before going home, she still has two things to do.

The first thing is to promise the little boy to find his sister and ask her to send him a message or something.

The second thing, of course, is to go to the village head and apply for another batch of blankets.

Anyway, I have gone all the way, so I can’t just have one. If you want a few more, it will be a good thing for the patients in the basement.

Without changing her clothes, Lu Qing went out in her dirty blood-stained white coat. This way, she would make herself look more miserable, and she would be more confident when applying for supplies.

Walking on the street where there were no people at all, Lu Qing ignored one or two eyes from the house from time to time. She came to the door of the village chief's house and knocked on the door vigorously.

"Well, who is it?" The village head's doubtful voice came from the room.

"It's me, doctor." Lu Qing replied.

"Doctor?" The village head paused, and then said, "If you want to come in, come in, the door is unlocked."

"The door is unlocked?" Frowning, Lu Qing pushed the door open.

And just after she pushed the door open, two unexpected figures appeared in front of her.

Beside the village chief, there was a burly young man with a wooden bow and a wooden spear, and in front of the two of them stood a figure that Lu Qing felt very familiar with. .

After seeing that figure, she froze immediately, and it took two seconds for her to come back to her senses.

At the same time, the figure standing in front of the village chief and the young man also slowly turned his head and looked at Lu Qing, revealing her familiar dusty motorcycle helmet.

That's right, it was the businessman who appeared in front of Lu Qing at this time!

(End of this chapter)

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