Chapter 380 Flesh Train

"Don't worry, my daughter, I will definitely cure you." When the doctor was packing his luggage, he looked at Dinah's body tenderly and said.

After studying at home for more than a month, because of the poor equipment and the size of the space, the doctor wanted to leave here.

It just so happens that he knows of a place where there is a train that has been abandoned for many years, and there is a huge dump nearby.

If the train is still there at this time, the problem of room size will be solved. As for the equipment, he can go to the garbage dump near the train to look for anything that can be used.

His purpose is to develop a medicine that can cure Dinah. Yes, in the eyes of the doctor, Dinah is just sick and fell asleep, not death at all.

And what he has to do is to heal Dinah by relying on all kinds of extra knowledge in his mind.

However, this process is not so simple and can be realized. Although there are a lot of strange knowledge in his mind, these are just knowledge, and his body is just an ordinary human being. Long distance is not a simple matter.

Except for some food tools that must be carried, the doctor only took the box containing Dinah's body, and moved forward in the forest relying on a small gas stove that could be carried with him.

The hole that Lu Qing passed through the tree wall before was really dug out by hand, that’s right, it was dug out by the doctor’s hand. As for why the hole has not been filled until now, it is because the doctor smeared on the wall. A drug that prevents tree roots from growing.

After arriving at the abandoned train, the doctor used wooden boards to re-strengthen all the windows of the train, and found an iron door from the garbage dump and installed it at the entrance of the train.

After that, he made a "radio" in the train that was exactly the same as his home to receive messages from the tree roots, and at the same time established contact with the scientists on the other side of the tree wall.

From time to time, the two will conduct transactions on some items, and the person responsible for delivering the items is the merchant.

After charging a certain fee, the merchant will help the scientist deliver the items to the doctor, which makes the doctor's research plan much smoother.

Afterwards, the doctor accidentally learned of a way to make a potion from the tree root information received by the "radio", which can make ordinary humans have the same power as mutant creatures while maintaining their sanity .

That's right, this potion is exactly the potion of flesh and blood.

The first time he got this potion, the doctor didn't think of using this potion to strengthen himself, but to use this potion to revive Dinah.

But the flesh potion has no effect on the dead, so doctors can only improve on the original formula of the flesh potion.

He eagerly absorbed the knowledge in the illusion, and used this knowledge in experiments.

However, the acquisition of knowledge comes at a price. As the hallucinations become more serious, doctors are less and less able to maintain concentration in the experiment.

There was a slight shake in his heart, and he couldn't help but think that Dinah was already dead and was killed by him, and it is impossible for a dead person to be resurrected.

He started having nightmares of Dinah looking at him with resentment, cursing at it.

Sometimes, he would hear the sound of tree roots growing underground, where his love, his Dinah, was.

"Yes, she is by my side, my favorite, my daughter, she has been watching me by my side."

The doctor sat on the chair in the laboratory in a trance, staring at the sky with empty eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

And at this time, an accident happened.

Under the continuous hallucinations, the doctor actually forgot to light the gas stove in the train, causing a monster covered in pitch-black bird feathers to stare at this place.

The banshee called her family members and broke through the train's protection. Under the terrifying scream of the adult banshee, the doctor lost the ability to resist in an instant.

His chest was pierced by the bird's beak, and the flesh and blood were eaten piece by piece. At the end of the picture, the doctor held the semi-finished medicine he had made in his hand, and stabbed it hard into his neck.

And then, there's nothing
Before Lu Qing could say anything, a feeling of dizziness flooded her whole body, and when she closed her eyes, she immediately lost consciousness.

When Lu Qing regained consciousness, she found that she had returned to reality.

The moment she opened her eyes, she saw countless bright red tentacles entwining towards her from the wriggling train wall, and just as she was about to cut off these tentacles with a knife, a tingle rose in her heart. Foreboding.

Before she had time to think, she quickly took a step back, avoiding the arm protruding from her feet.

This is inside the monster's body, and it is possible to usher in an attack from any direction!

Thinking of this, Lu Qing quickly ran in the train at a high speed. She swung a knife and cut off the tentacles that wanted to get close to her, while running towards the exit of the train.

She didn't know if she could still go out from the place where she exited now, but it was better to try than not to try, what if?

Lu Qing felt that there was danger on the ground in front of her, so she hurriedly stopped, avoiding the arm that predicted her movement.

Moving forward, he kicked open the door covered in flesh and blood, and immediately stepped on a pile of wriggling white mushrooms, which erupted with a strong pungent smell.

"Cough, cough, cough"

Lu Qing couldn't help covering her nose and coughing, tears flowed from the corners of her eyes uncontrollably.

The next moment, countless blood-red tentacles rushed towards her. With her eyes disturbed by the poisonous mist of tear gas, there was no way for Lu Qing to use the nightmare series skills [Third Eye. 】

Her vision suddenly widened, and Lu Qing felt as if she had opened the perspective of God, and she could see all the tentacles centered on her.

Holding the black iron dagger tightly in one hand, Lu Qing took out the carving knife together, cut off all the tentacles approaching her like chopping melons and vegetables, then closed her eyes and ran forward.

The wall of flesh and blood kept wriggling, and then small holes opened up, from which strongly corrosive acidic liquid spewed out!
The amount of these liquids was quite large, and there was no room to dodge at all. Lu Qing had an idea, and quickly squatted down, wrapping herself in the silver-gray evening wind.

The thick green acidic liquid was sprayed on the silver-gray evening wind, leaving no trace!

While thanking her mother in her heart, Lu Qing quickly stood up and rushed into the next room.


As soon as she entered the room, Lu Qing was hit in the face by a violent punch. Fortunately, she reacted in time and immediately bent her waist back, and jumped backward with her hands on the ground to avoid the blow.

Then look at the creature that attacked him, with its exposed blood-red muscles, its body with an unknown number of eyes, and the spores hanging behind its back that were constantly spewing out poisonous mist.

If it wasn't for the fact that the other party's Mediterranean hairstyle with only a little hair left was too special, Lu Qing would never have thought that this was a doctor!
(End of this chapter)

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