The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 385 Excited Scientist

Chapter 385 Excited Scientist
After the werewolf finished speaking, he jumped out of the window of Lu Qing's house, not giving Lu Qing a chance to speak at all.

"If you don't leave the front door, you're insane." Lu Qing looked at the wooden boards that were removed from the window by the werewolf and said speechlessly.

Using nails to re-reinforce the wooden boards on the window, she then went to cook breakfast and enjoy the rare leisure time in the dream.

After breakfast, Lu Qing stuffed two bottles of oxygen tanks into her backpack, took Vin and Dinah with her, and walked towards the tree wall where the scientist was.

It is still a familiar route. After the side effects of the [Explorer] skill are eliminated, she has successfully got rid of the title of road idiot, and naturally she does not need Dinah to lead her the way.

It took about half an hour, and with Lu Qing deliberately speeding up, they came to the door of the scientist.

He knocked on the door with his hand, but there was no response from the room.

After thinking about it, Lu Qing said, "It's me, I brought what you asked for."


There was a loud electric sound in the room, and it returned to normal after a while, and the voice of the scientist came out: "I remember you, you are the girl who wanted to come to me before, right?"

"You tell me first what I want you to bring over for me, and then I will open the door for you."

"Oxygen tank." Lu Qing replied without hesitation.

"." There was silence in the room for a while, and then the voice of the scientist came, saying:
"Well, I didn't expect you to actually go to the doctor. I've opened the door for you, please come in."

After speaking, the door in front of Lu Qing's eyes opened automatically. After looking at the opened door, Lu Qing stepped in and kept her mental concentration all the time.

She doesn't know what a scientist is now, and entering the other's room rashly is not a wise choice.

But after all, she has something to look for, so she can only choose to go in. In this case, she must be vigilant.

At least, if it was Lu Qing now, back in the morning, she would definitely not miss the werewolf hiding in the shadow of the room.

Looking at the furnishings in the room with some curiosity, Lu Qing found that the furnishings in the living room were similar to what she had seen in the Mimic Mushroom before, but some places were not exactly the same.

At least, she had never seen the speaker placed in front of her at the Mimic Mushroom.

"Can you show me the oxygen tank?" The scientist's voice came from the speaker.


Nodding, Lu Qing looked around, and soon found the location of the camera in a hidden corner of the room.

She took out the oxygen tank and put it in front of the camera.


"Have you found the location of the camera so quickly? It doesn't feel good to mess with," the scientist in the basement touched his chin and thought.

Soon, he said in a steady voice: "Well, I have seen it, thank you very much for bringing me the oxygen tank, as a reward."

"I don't need you to give me anything as a reward, I only have one question to ask you." Lu Qing interrupted the scientist's words:
"I want to know what to do to be able to leave this forest."

"Hehe. Friends, you are joking. If I knew about this kind of thing, how could I still stay here?" The scientist laughed dryly, and his voice sounded a bit bitter.

"Then what are you using this oxygen tank for?" Lu Qing continued to ask.

"Don't say it's an experiment, what kind of experiment do you want to do with just two oxygen tanks?"

"All I can think of is what are you going to do with these two oxygen tanks, go through poisonous gas, or dive?"

The ice-blue pupils stared at the camera, while Lu Qing was talking, she was vigilant around her surroundings to prevent possible attacks.

"These are just your guesses. There are many items in my collection that will help you. Use the oxygen tank to exchange with me and go back. I don't have a way to get out here."

"Do you really not have one, or do you simply don't want to tell me, if you don't tell the truth, I won't give you the oxygen tank." Lu Qing put the oxygen tank into her backpack and left.

"Wait, wait a minute!"

The scientist was a little anxious, he quickly called Lu Qing to stop, hesitated for a while before saying: "I have a way to get out, you can sit down."

"It'd be better if it didn't happen sooner."

Muttering something, Lu Qing sat down on the sofa in the room again.

"Oh, I've really convinced you, why are you so sure that I have a way out?"

"Intuition." Lu Qing said without hesitation.

It's really intuition, although Lu Qing doesn't know why she thinks this way, but her feeling is like this, this scientist must know the way to get out.

This was the thought that popped up in her mind when she learned that the scientist wanted an oxygen tank. In addition, when she first met the scientist, the secret said on the signboard was worthy of her doubts.

Now it seems that her guess is correct. Maybe this is, the legendary woman's intuition?


The scientist rubbed his temples first, and then slowly said: "I do have a way to get out. I know that there is a tunnel, which was dug by government personnel to enter the forest."

"But the entrance of that tunnel has collapsed, and it is basically broken if you want to go in from the entrance."

"I surveyed there for a long time before, and finally found a way with a high probability of getting in."

"It was a waterway. It was originally a huge groundwater lake, very close to the tunnel. After the tunnel collapsed, the groundwater seemed to flow into the tunnel from a gap or hole."

"So you want to dive into the tunnel?" Lu Qing frowned, feeling that the scientist's idea was a bit dangerous.

"Yes." The scientist replied.

"Do you have a solution to Blackwater?" Lu Qing asked carefully.

In the dark forest, as long as the amount of water accumulates to a certain amount, it will turn into highly poisonous black water. Lu Qing does not think that scientists will not know about this.

As for Lu Qing, after taking the Nightmare Potion, she no longer has to worry about the problem of black water.

"I have two full-body closed protective wetsuits, so diving is not a problem."

As expected, scientists had already prepared protective measures.

"When are you going to leave?" Lu Qing asked after listening to the scientist's words.

"The sooner the better." After a pause, the scientist said helplessly: "Although I really want to say this, I have something that I must take away, so I still need to make preparations for a while."

"That's fine." Lu Qing nodded, then stood up, and said, "There is another person in my family, and I will bring him over. Besides, I have six bottles of oxygen tanks at home. As for the protective clothing The problem"

"I have taken the flesh potion, and I will not be infected by black water."

"Have you taken the flesh potion before!?" Hearing Lu Qing's words, the scientist suddenly became a little excited, and said, "Then you must be very strong."

"Uh, almost." Lu Qing scratched her cheek subconsciously, and said with some inexplicable embarrassment.

"Great, don't worry, I will wait here for you to bring someone over, I hope you can protect me in the future trip!" The scientist said happily, as if he was very happy that Lu Qing had taken the blood potion .

(End of this chapter)

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