Chapter 389 Black Miasma

The black fog cracker seemed to have spotted Lu Qing and the others. It roared and swam towards the three of them nimbly.

The heavy lake water didn't affect the speed of the head-splitter. Almost in the blink of an eye, the head-splitter came to the scientist.

Black mist wrapped around the head-splitter. The scientist looked at the monster that suddenly appeared in front of him, and was frightened for a moment. He even forgot the idea of ​​manipulating his body to escape.

But he was stunned, but it didn't mean that Lu Qing would be stunned. She reacted quickly, pulled the rope suddenly, and pulled the head splitter before the sharp claws pierced the scientist's protective clothing.

The attack of the Black Mist Head Ripper missed nothing, he seemed to be taken aback for a moment, and then turned his head to look at Lu Qing.

And something unexpected happened to Lu Qing. After seeing her, the black mist cracker backed away in fear, and didn't rush forward immediately.

[You found that the black mist splitter seems to be a little afraid of you. It should be able to feel the more powerful nightmare aura on you. Desire, as long as the entire creature in front of you is devoured, it can become stronger! 】

"Because the nightmare has reached level ten?"

Lu Qing glanced at the message that popped up suddenly on the notice board, but she didn't find it surprising.

She has encountered this situation once before, and such creatures that can be afraid of her are generally not very powerful.

But at this time she is in an underwater environment, and with the backpack and oxygen tank on her back, it is not very convenient to move around, so it is better to be careful.

"Can't bear it anymore?"

Lu Qing squinted her eyes, and saw the black mist cracker patted his paws angrily, and rushed towards her with a loud roar.

"How did it shout so loudly underwater?"

Couldn't help but think about it for a while, Lu Qing temporarily put this question behind her mind, and pulled out the dagger hanging from her waist.

She still has some experience in dealing with head splitters, but the head splitter in front of her is much fiercer than ordinary head splitters in terms of appearance and strength, so she cannot judge with common sense.

Swimming upwards, Lu Qing avoided the rush of the black mist head splitter. Taking this opportunity, she stabbed the black mist head splitter's head, but the dagger was blocked by the black mist wrapped around the opponent's body surface down.

There was no such feeling as if something had been cut, as if the strength had been sucked away suddenly, Lu Qing's forceful thrust of the knife failed to leave the slightest trace on the body of the Black Mist Head Ripper.

Lu Qing was taken aback, and quickly turned around to avoid the next attack from the head splitter.

Putting some distance away from the other party for the time being, she observed carefully, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the black mist on the head splitter didn't seem invincible. After being stabbed by her with a dagger, although she couldn't pierce it, it also reduced the black mist on the opponent's body a lot.

However, the feeling just now was indeed a bit weird. It was clearly hit, but it was as if it hadn't been hit. All the kinetic energy was sucked away by the black mist without leaving any traces.

The Black Mist Cracker didn't care about this, seeing that Lu Qing couldn't hurt it, he immediately roared arrogantly, and rushed towards Lu Qing again.

"It's a pity, if you were smarter, this battle might not be so simple." Seeing the head splitter rushing towards her, Lu Qing shook her head, thinking in her heart.

The strength of this head splitter is far superior to that of ordinary head splitters, and it is quite familiar with underwater activities. It is fast and not bad at the same time.

But I don't know if it's because this guy has obtained the black mist for a long time, and when he encounters enemies, he comes over rashly, and the wisdom possessed by ordinary head splitters is thrown away by him.

This guy doesn't know how to sneak attack, nor does he rely on his own flexibility to fight. This kind of stupid charge is nothing more than delivering food to her after all.

As expected, Lu Qing easily dodged the attack of the Black Mist Head Ripper, and then slashed at him with a dagger.

The black mist decreased again, but the head splitter didn't notice this at all, and charged towards Lu Qing again and again under the temptation he felt instinctively.

And the black mist on the head splitter became less and less. In the end, as if he noticed the reduction of the black mist, the head splitter became a little scared, and turned around and ran away into the distance!

Lu Qing was taken aback, she didn't expect this guy to run away, she glanced at the rope hanging around her waist, because of this rope, she couldn't immediately speed up to catch up.

And when Lu Qing felt a little distressed, she suddenly thought of something and immediately used a skill.

【Wolf Spirit】

There was a feeling that the soul was slowly splitting apart, and a pure white shadow flashed past, biting the head splitter's neck fiercely, tearing him to the ground.


She thought softly in her heart, the sharp fangs bit the neck of the head splitter, Lu Qing slowly swam forward and came to the head splitter's body.

Black mist rose up, and then gathered on its corpse.

[Prop Name: Black Miasma]

[Prop Quality: Blue]

[Introduction: The dense black miasma has a strong pollution effect. It seems to be the residue floating down from the upper reaches of a certain river. There is a certain probability of obtaining one of the extraordinary skills of plague, curse, pollution, and fear. 】

[Skills: Abyss Class, Rejection]

[Rejection: After absorbing the black miasma, the extra sequence materials cannot be absorbed again before the Transcendent Sequence exceeds level 20. 】

[Remarks: Extra sequence material - a material that can additionally increase other sequence skills of the extraordinary, but it is worth noting that the extraordinary can only devour an additional sequence material after breaking through a certain level, so when choosing materials Please be careful when 】

"Extra sequence material?"

Lu Qing looked at the black mist in front of her eyes, and had an inexplicable thought in her heart that this thing was delicious.

The energies in her body seemed to be a little ready to move and become a little active, but as long as Lu Qing didn't control them, they wouldn't rush out of her body to swallow up this black miasma.

"A rejection reaction"

Touching her chin, Lu Qing decided it would be better not to absorb this material.

In this dream dungeon this time, there are blue materials all over the place, and it always feels a bit disadvantageous to devour blue materials as their own extra sequence materials.

It doesn't require high quality, at least, there must be purple.

But this thing can't be wasted, throwing it into the hut can probably get some experience points.

"However, how should I collect this thing?" Lu Qing looked at the black mist, thinking with some distress.

The scientist at the side seemed to see what Lu Qing was thinking, and he took out an empty glass bottle from his waist and handed it to her.

When handing Lu Qing the glass bottle, he also looked at the wolf spirit floating in the water very curiously.

Because it was underwater, several people couldn't talk, so even if he was curious, he could only hold it in his heart.

"This should also be the effect of the flesh potion." The scientist guessed in his heart.

PS: Due to some accidents, Chapter 2 is gone.
When typing this passage, I always feel that my confidence is not enough.
But this accident was really bad, and I don’t know if it was because of a different power supply. After I restarted the computer today, some software couldn’t be opened. (There is no problem with playing games on the browser during the day, so 23333 was not found)

The system prompts me what XXXX.dll file is missing.

I have encountered this kind of situation before. Generally speaking, it should be easy to solve. Just go to the next one on the Internet and copy it to the corresponding file.

But I don't know why, but it still doesn't work after I did it this time!
This time it's not that the file is missing, but that it can't be read or something, I forgot.

In short, I just fiddled with it for several hours until two o'clock in the evening, checked a lot of information, and finally used a tool called [DirectX Repair Tool] to fix it.

It's so pitiful that I even said that I would stay up all night

(End of this chapter)

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