The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 396 Participate in the Underworld Marriage

Chapter 396 Participate in the Underworld Marriage
"Is this the venue for the wedding?"

Lu Qing picked up the invitation card in her hand and looked at the content written on it.

"Fields of corn"

Muttering this word, she looked at the wooden house in front of her, and noticed that there was a large piece of withered farmland near the wooden house, with a few scarecrows planted in it.

These scarecrows looked dilapidated, with many holes and dust.

For some reason, when Lu Qing saw the scarecrow, she couldn't help but think of the creature crow.

Perhaps it was influenced by the artwork. On the earth before Lu Qing crossed, there were characters about scarecrows, which were usually associated with crows.

"When you see these scarecrows, you can't help but think of Wein." Lu Qing pointed to the scarecrow in the distance, and looked at Wein standing on her shoulder.

"Gah?" Wein was stunned for a while, and then said with some disdain: "You don't think I will be frightened by that kind of thing, do you? scare away?"

"Yes, yes, I know you are amazing." Lu Qing smiled softly, but she didn't want to argue with Wein any further.

When she came to the door of the wooden house, she knocked on the door a little harder.

After a while, a note was handed out from the gap under the door. Lu Qing thought about it, picked up the note, and looked at the content on it.

"Please pass the invitation under the door." This is the text written on the note.

Since she was here to attend the wedding, it would be better to do what the other party said. Lu Qing took out the invitation and passed it along the crack of the door.

Not long after, another note was handed out from under the door. Lu Qing picked up the note and saw four words written on it.

"have fun."

After reading the contents of the note, the door of the room was opened.


The leather boots stepped on some fragile wooden boards, making a crisp sound, and small things hidden in the shadows ran frantically on the dirty ground, trying to stay away from the suddenly appearing behemoth.

Red and blue colored ribbons were tied to the walls of the corridor, and some ribbons were broken in the middle and fell to the ground.

"Boom thump. thump."

A rhythmic knock sounded from the depths of the corridor, and Lu Qing also heard a strange music.

It was as if there were hundreds of people talking, and the howling wind passed by the ears. Perhaps it was because of the sound-generating equipment that the singing sounded extremely hoarse, mixed with countless electromagnetic sounds.

The scene in front of her was somewhat scary, Lu Qing settled down and continued to move forward.

The dilapidated house, like the dust that hasn't been cleaned for several years, is matched with brightly colored ribbons, which inexplicably makes people feel chilly all over.


Lu Qing came to a courtyard, and suddenly heard a quiet laughter, turned her head, and saw a beautiful woman in a white wedding dress dancing non-stop in the courtyard. Suddenly disappeared.

Lu Qing blinked, and looked around again, but she still couldn't find where the woman who just appeared had gone.

After thinking about it, she continued to stay in this courtyard for a while, and found an abandoned carriage.

The wheels of the carriage have long been damaged, and they are decorated with colorful ribbons and flowers made of white paper. A lavender light is released from the cracks of the carriage. Lu Qing cheered up and quickly took out the items inside. .

[Prop Name: Flame Thrower]

[Item Quality: Special Item]

[Introduction: An old flamethrower, I don't know why it appeared in a farmer's carriage. It seems to have absorbed some special power, which can ignite blood and spray out fiery flames. 】

[Skills: Blood Burning, Flame Jet, Tarsus Fire]

[Blood Burning: A flamethrower that can burn blood. The higher the quality of the blood, the stronger the power of the flames it ejects! 】

[Flame Thrower: The flamethrower has an extremely powerful spraying ability, and can spray up to a range of 20 meters. 】

[Fire of Tarsus: The flame obtained by burning blood is extremely difficult to extinguish, and will burn faster after coming into contact with the blood of the enemy. 】

[Remarks: Be careful of ischemia. 】

"It's a special prop." Lu Qing looked at the flamethrower in her hand with some disappointment and said.

Special props can't be taken out of the dungeon, which makes her feel a bit pity, after all, judging from the purple light emitted from the flamethrower before, this is a purple prop!
The effect is also quite powerful, but it is a pity that only one dream can be used.

Shaking her head, Lu Qing held the flamethrower in her hand, opened the fuel tank and found that it was already filled with the blood of an unknown creature.

"If something dares to jump out to scare me later, I'll burn it to death with this thing!" Holding the flamethrower in her hand, Lu Qing thought viciously.

Walking through the flat courtyard, she finally came to the living room of the wooden house, and saw rectangular dining tables covered with white cloth appearing in front of her.

"We... have been waiting for you here for a long time."

A man was sitting on a wooden chair next to the dining table, his brain frantically hitting the dining table, making a rhythmic sound. It turned out that the "dong dong" sound that Lu Qing heard before was actually made by this man.

In addition, Lu Qing finally found the item that emits weird music - the radio.

It's not the kind of radio made of human corpses in the doctor's house, but a normal square metal box, and the weird music sound is transmitted from there.

Lu Qing picked up a plate on the dining table, and immediately crawled out of the plate were a lot of huge cockroaches and rotten and disfigured light green mushy food. She was so frightened that she hurriedly threw the plate on the table. ground, and quickly took two steps back.

"What's next?"

Lu Qing looked around, a little at a loss.

The secondary goal is to [participate in a ghost marriage], but she didn't say how to participate in it, so is she going to wait until the wedding starts?
Thinking of this, Lu Qing walked to the side of the radio, trying to turn off the weird music.

But just when she was about to turn off the music, she suddenly noticed some weird syllables in the music.

Her keen hearing allowed her to capture these weird syllables in an instant. Lu Qing felt as if her soul was constantly rising. In a trance, she seemed to see an ancient tree soaring into the sky.

At the core of the ancient tree, a huge ball of pure white light was floating, and near this white ball lay hundreds of skinny human beings. In the music she heard, those strange people The sound came from the mouths of these people.

Before Lu Qing could continue reading, her spirit dropped rapidly, and she returned to the wooden house in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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