The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 399 Black Mist Hounds

Chapter 399 Black Mist Hounds


Lu Qing suddenly felt that there was something strange about the corpse on the ground. She opened her eagle eyes and observed it carefully, and felt that something was wriggling inside the corpse.


The sharp dagger slammed into the corpse, splashing out a little dark green liquid. Lu Qing controlled the tentacles to pick up, and immediately picked out two huge centipedes!

The centipede screamed and struggled on the ground. Obviously, these two centipedes were parasitic in the bodies of the two creatures that attacked her just now.

In other words, it was because of these two centipedes that the parasitic humans became such monsters.

Killed the two centipedes, and then picked out a pitch-black thread-like object from their bodies with a dagger, which was the flesh and blood core of the two centipedes.

Now the core of flesh and blood is of no use to Lu Qing, but it still needs to be collected to a certain extent. If it can be put on the loot rack in the hut, it can also increase a lot of experience points.

As for the other parts of the mutated centipede, she planned to sell it to the three of them, but she didn't know how much she could sell it for.

In the early morning of the next day, when the three of them arrived, Lu Qing sold the corpses of the mutant centipede, which was more than expected. The three of them not only bought the corpses of the mutant centipede, but also sold them Parasitic human corpses were also bought.

Lu Qing had reminded the other party that the core of flesh and blood had been poached by her, but the three of them didn't care much about it.

Although I don't know what they plan to do with the corpses of these monsters, but what does this have to do with Lu Qing, it is always good to sell more money
Time passed quickly, and two weeks passed in a trance.

During these two weeks, Lu Qing walked down the river and explored for a while, getting a general understanding of the environment downstream of the river.

There is a very huge swamp, and the ground is full of stagnant water.

In addition, there was a very thick fog, which was written in the scrolls given by the three people. In order to prevent the air from being poisonous, she bought three gas masks from the three people.

There is no doubt that these three gas masks are for each person. I bought three just in case. Although I have poison resistance, but in case the poison is very strong, even her blue level poison resistance cannot resist it. ?

Keep an eye on everything, and being careful can never go wrong.

In addition to the gas mask, she finally got the armor of the old man and the scientist, and it was only after getting the armor that Lu Qing knew why the three of them spent a lot of money to buy the centipede's corpse.

It turns out that the armor sold by the three people is made of centipede carapace. Of course, it is only a small part, most of which are the skin of mutant giant deer or other creatures, and then add various mutations. Insect shell.

It’s not aesthetically pleasing at all, but the protection ability is not bad. In addition to protection, it also has a certain degree of cold and waterproof ability, which is not bad.

Now that the armor and terrain survey are ready, it's time for them to leave the forest.

The three of them had already made psychological preparations in advance. None of them wanted to stay here, so after deciding to set off, they didn't bother to do anything else. After carrying the supplies they had to carry, they left the building Lived in the wooden house for less than a month.

And in the early morning of the second day after the three of them left, the three of them watched people go to the empty wooden house, looked at each other, and guessed where the owner of the house had gone, but that's what happened later.

Walking by the river, nothing terrible happened. Perhaps it was because the level of [Nightmare] was too high. Those creatures mutated by the forest would run away in fright as long as they could feel Lu Qing's breath.

Except for some creatures with slow perception, most of the mutant creatures will escape before Lu Qing comes here.

Of course, most of the mutant creatures mentioned here are low-level mutant creatures. As long as they have some strength, such as monsters like the head splitter, after sensing Lu Qing's breath, they will attack her fearfully and greedily.

Well, but up to now she hasn't met him yet.

Continuing to go down, the water level of the river became lower and lower, and finally it was scattered on the ground, forming puddles one after another.

At some point, a pale white mist filled the air. The three of them wore gas masks, and their spirits gradually tensed up.

After walking for about half an hour, a large group of mutated hounds wrapped in black mist rushed up from the front of the mist.

There are about 20 of them, perhaps because of the black mist, or perhaps because of the boldness of the dogs, these mutant hounds ran to Luqing greedily one by one, only to tear the creature in front of them into pieces and swallow them into the stomach middle.

This should be considered a good thing for Lu Qing, because of her own attractiveness, there is no need to worry about these hounds attacking old people and scientists, but at the same time, it is not easy for one person to deal with so many hounds.

The main reason was that the black mist was too much of a hindrance. Without the black mist, she could kill these hounds with one hand. After thinking about it, Lu Qing took out the flamethrower she found at Ming·Yan.

The last time I used the flamethrower, it only sprayed for a second and then stopped. At that time, she thought it was broken, but after a careful inspection, it turned out that the blood in the blood box had been burned out. .

Well, a box full of blood burned up in a second.

At first, she wondered if this thing was too blood-consuming, but after experiments, she discovered that the burning time of the blood of different creatures was different.

The blood of the more powerful creature, the longer it will burn and the stronger its power will become.

The blood that was placed in the blood box before was probably ordinary human blood, because there was some leftovers, Lu Qing sniffed it with her nose, and guessed it, it only burned for a second before it was used up, and then she got some mutant creature blood Going in, not to mention anything else, is the blood of the mutated giant deer, and a box can burn for about 20 seconds.

If you use Lu Qing's own blood
Cough cough, it can burn for one and a half minutes, and it is very powerful. For this reason, Lu Qing saved a lot of her own blood without affecting her, and used it as fuel for the flamethrower, which can be filled with blood. box three times.

In addition to her own blood, she also brought the mutated giant deer blood that can fill the blood box three times, and used this thing when encountering ordinary creatures.


Blazing flames spewed out, but in the blink of an eye, the black mist on the mutated hounds was burned away, and then the hairs on these hounds were ignited.


The hounds were entangled in flames one after another, rolling in the puddles on the ground in pain, and when they faced each other, only two or three hounds were left alive with burnt wounds all over their bodies.

"Get lost!" Lu Qing stomped her feet, smelling the burning smell in the air.

"Wow~" The mutated hounds lost the blessing of the black mist, and their companions were also killed and injured. After being so frightened by Lu Qing, they wailed and ran away with their tails between their legs.

(End of this chapter)

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