The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 401 Battle in the Darkness

Chapter 401 Battle in the Darkness
The journey in the mist was much easier than Lu Qing imagined. This may be thanks to the flamethrower in her hand. The black mist, which was extremely difficult to deal with, only needs to be burned with the flamethrower to dissipate.

Speaking of which, she was actually very curious about one thing. In the tunnel full of groundwater, the black mist head splitter she met had dropped items such as black miasma after killing it.

However, the mutated creatures encountered in the mist, although they are also wrapped in black mist, will not drop black miasma after being killed.

Lu Qing also guessed whether it was because she used a flamethrower to burn off the black mist on them, so she deliberately kept a mutant hound for testing, and the result was that no black miasma appeared after killing them.

But since you can't figure it out, then don't do it. Anyway, it will always appear when it should appear. She already has one in her hand, so she doesn't have to get a second one.

That is, on the third day when the three came to the mist, the fog in the air became thicker. According to speculation, they should have come to an area that even the three of them could not go deep into.

The fog here has a strong light-absorbing effect, and even daytime here is almost like night, as long as the distance between people exceeds three meters, basically nothing can be seen.

In addition, when he got up this morning, the scientist seemed to be in a state of mind. He said that he seemed to hear some strange voices in the fog.

Lu Qing and the old man didn't hear anything, they could only warn the scientists that there was nothing in the fog, and continued on the road.


After walking for about half a day, Lu Qing frowned, feeling that something was wrong.

After such a long period of time, according to past experience, one or two mutated creatures would attack more or less, but at this moment the surrounding area was completely quiet.

It's not that she thinks there's anything wrong with not meeting monsters, it's just that she feels a little strange because things are different from what she imagined.

Of course, not encountering mutant creatures is also very likely due to luck, but do they really have such good luck?


At some point, a stream of water appeared under her feet, flowing downwards along the soles of her feet.

Lu Qing didn't know where these water streams came from. It was obvious that she was advancing in a swamp full of stagnant puddles, but suddenly a shallow river appeared under her feet.

This couldn't help but make her feel a little strange.

After talking about his thoughts with the old man and the scientist and telling them to be more careful, the three of them continued to walk forward.


The dark wind sounded from nowhere, it sounded like passing through a dark tunnel, the scene in Lu Qing's eyes suddenly turned black, and then gradually recovered.

"here is"

She blinked her eyes, but in a trance, the scene in front of her changed dramatically.

There is gurgling water beside her ears, and a space surrounded by pitch-black mist in front of her eyes. She can only see things within five meters in front of her, and things farther away seem to be swallowed by darkness. discomfort.

Looking at his side again, the old man and the scientist had disappeared at some point, and all he could see in front of him were pale white stones and a dark linear river.

Everything here looks like a child randomly scribbled with crayons. The river is divided into black and white, and the jet-black lines rush forward in waves.

Lu Qing stepped on the "painted" river and took a deep breath.

"If I'm not crazy, there's only one explanation."

Lu Qing bent down and felt the flow of the river with her hands.

The icy river water passed between the palms, bringing a piece of ice cold, Lu Qing took his hand out of the river water, and could still see some jet black river water staying on the palm.

A strange feeling came to her heart, she felt the mark from the Seal of Thousand Jue, as if they were in the same space.

"Anyway, let's go and have a look first."

Touching the dagger at her waist, Lu Qing stepped on the river and walked towards the direction she perceived.


The strange cold wind passed through her body, making her shiver uncontrollably. The temperature here seems to be very low, and a white mist can be seen gushing from the tip of her nose while breathing.

After walking a few steps, Lu Qing heard some voices that seemed to be far away from her. She could hear them clearly, but she couldn't hear what the speaker was saying at all. She could only roughly feel the emotion in the tone of voice. .


Suddenly, there was a sound of breaking through the air above her head, and Lu Qing retreated back in time, and saw a head splitter hidden in the black mist.

The opponent didn't seem to be affected by the black mist, and could move freely in the black mist. In comparison, Lu Qing, who could only see within five meters of her, seemed a little anxious.


Her ears trembled twice, and Lu Qing immediately judged the location of the head splitter at this time.

Ever since she acquired the ability of the listener, her sense of hearing has become very keen. The reason why she didn't find the split-headed one just now was because the other party crouched motionless on top of her head.

At this time, the sneak attack failed, and the head splitter had to move its position, so it could only be slaughtered by Lu Qing.

It took a while to get rid of the head splitter, and Lu Qing didn't go to get the material from the head splitter, so she continued to move towards the direction felt by the imprint.

Along the way, I encountered a few black mist crackers, but each time they appeared alone, so they didn't pose much threat to her. When she came to the location where the Qianjue Seal was located, she found something moving around her. nor.

She could only feel that the mark was nearby, but she didn't know where it was.

It stands to reason that the target of the mark is the king of the head-splitters. According to the habits of ordinary head-splitters, there is no reason why the king of the head-splitters should not attack her after discovering her.

"So, where is it?"

She could only see objects within five meters, and did not catch any sound in her ears. After thinking about it, Lu Qing closed her eyes and actively used the skill [Listener. 】

Almost instinctively controlling the nightmare energy in her body, Lu Qing suddenly had the illusion that her perception had been magnified countless times, but it only appeared for a moment and then disappeared.

Then, she heard, a tiny voice that couldn't be more subtle
"In the back!"

Lu Qing opened her eyes suddenly, turned around and backed away without hesitation.

A flash of knife light flashed, and a huge wound appeared on Lu Qing's abdomen.


Strongly corrosive blood splashed onto the attacker's body, causing him to roar uncontrollably. After realizing that the attacker was behind her, Lu Qing immediately used the [Acid Blood] skill.

However, judging from the opponent's performance, although it hurts, don't expect the severity of the injury.


Feeling the pain from her abdomen, Lu Qing tried her best not to cover the wound with her hands, and used the skill of [Emergency Recovery].

A feeling that physical strength seemed to be emptied in an instant emerged, and the huge wound that had appeared on the abdomen healed quickly, but it returned to its original state in the blink of an eye.

PS: Let me explain here, the silver-gray evening wind is a windbreaker, so some places cannot be blocked.

(End of this chapter)

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