Chapter 407 Depressed City

This is a somewhat dilapidated city. Not only is it small in size, but there are not many pedestrians on the streets.

The old asphalt road was dirty and broken, and the buildings on both sides of the street looked quite old.

When the three of them came to the city, the first human they encountered was an old woman sitting on a park chair basking in the sun, who was watching the three of them with vigilant eyes.

After all, the three people in front of me looked really strange.

Two men in closed protective clothing and gas masks were on their faces, and their ages could not be seen.

The silver-haired girl walking in the middle is dressed in ragged clothes, and the marks on it look like they were torn apart by some kind of horrible creature. Combined with the blood stains on the girl's body and her limping walking posture, it will inevitably remind people of many things .

"You, who are you and what are you doing here?"

The old grandma felt that her body was not strong enough to support her to run on the ground, and when she saw that the three of them were coming for her, she immediately asked aloud.

The three of them looked at each other, and it was still Lu Qing who came out, looked at the old lady and said, "We don't mean anything malicious, just want to ask how to get to the police station."

"Police station?"

The wrinkles on her face were crowded together, and the old grandma's heart tightened, feeling that something was wrong.

Lu Qing knew at a glance that the old man might have misunderstood something, so she quickly said, "Well, do you have a mobile phone? You can also have a mobile phone. Can you lend me a phone call?"

"Yes, yes."

After hearing Lu Qing's words, the old lady took out an elderly phone from her arms after thinking about it, and handed it to Lu Qing.

"Thank you." Lu Qing thanked.

After taking over the elderly phone, Lu Qing skillfully pressed the alarm number on it and called.

The old man and the scientist came out of the forest without a penny, and they had to be taken care of.

Thinking of the crashed helicopter I saw in the forest before, the government must know about the forest, plus the identity that the scientists said on the way back.

He was actually a member of the collapsed research institute that Lu Qing found in the ground before. After the tunnel collapsed, he was lucky enough not to die, so he left there.

That's why he knew about the tunnel.

With this level of identity guarantee, the police probably wouldn't do anything to them.

After explaining on the phone that he and the others came out of the dark forest, the operator immediately said that someone would be sent to them soon, and asked them to stay where they were and try not to move around.

"Did you come out of that forest?" After hanging up the phone, the old woman looked at Lu Qing in surprise and asked.

"Do you know that forest?" Lu Qing looked at the old woman in surprise.

"Of course I know. I sent a message about that forest a year ago. Because the forest's expansion cannot be stopped, the government has issued an emergency evacuation notice to let people in the city leave as soon as possible." The old woman replied to Lu Qing road.

"Then why are you still here?" Lu Qing looked at the old man strangely and asked.

"Hehe." The old lady smiled, shook her head and said, "I'm getting old, I don't want to move anymore, most of the people in the city have left, and the only ones left here are old people who are as old as me , and only the poor remain.”

"That's right."

Lu Qing looked at the desolate streets and finally understood the reason, but it was precisely because she knew the reason that she felt a little uncomfortable.

After a while, four police cars arrived and found Lu Qing and the others.

"Are you the survivors who escaped from the forest?" A male police officer carefully observed the three of them.

"Well, we are right." Lu Qing nodded and said.

After speaking, the old man and the scientist also took off their gas masks one after another.


After a moment of silence, the policeman showed a smile on his face and said, "Welcome home, since you are survivors in the forest, can you tell us about the situation in the forest in detail?"

"And, how did you escape from the forest."

"No problem." Lu Qing nodded, and then said with a trace of fatigue on her face, "But before that, can you give us a rest, we are really tired."

"Of course it's no problem." The police officer had observed the three of them carefully, so he naturally knew their condition, so he naturally agreed to Lu Qing's request.

After Lu Qing and the others boarded the police car, the first place they went to was the hospital.

There were almost no pedestrians along the way, only a few people hiding in their houses watched the police cars pass by curiously.

After coming to the hospital, there were not many people. I don’t know if it was because no one took care of it for a long time. The environment of the hospital did not look very clean. The walls were covered with grass and moss, and the trees in the green belt There are tree roots growing to the ground.

After coming here, Lu Qing seemed a little nervous. After all, this is a hospital. In case of blood tests or something, I don't know if she will be regarded as a monster given her physique that has taken the flesh potion.

Fortunately, this kind of thing didn't happen. The hospital just checked the injuries roughly, and then treated them to a certain extent and provided them with food.

As for asking about information about the forest, that is tomorrow's business.


Lying on the soft and comfortable hospital bed full of food and drink, Lu Qing felt that her whole body had softened. If there was one bad thing to say, it would be the smell of disinfectant in the room.

The comfortable environment will make people gradually relax their vigilance. Lu Qing is lying on the hospital bed, her eyes are gradually closed, and she is about to fall asleep.

At the same time, the surrounding space began to change, and Lu Qing, who was about to fall asleep, felt that she had returned to the hut.

And just when the dream was about to end, a piercing and hoarse voice rang from Lu Qing's ears.

"Gah! The little master is not good, there is something wrong with this city!"

"What's wrong!?"

Lu Qing, who was about to fall asleep, shuddered when she heard Wein's words, she suddenly woke up from her sleep, looked at Wein and said.

【"Oh, that's terrible." A figure hiding in the corner couldn't help but say so. 】

【The girl it was looking at woke up from sleep, making this dream that should have ended less than perfect become confusing again. 】

[Inquiring the truth is everyone's instinct, but sometimes, is the truth really satisfying? 】

The notice board trembled, and typed a paragraph of text that made Lu Qing's hair stand on end.

Someone in the room was watching her?
Not so perfect ending?
Does this mean that if she had just fallen asleep, the dream would end, but it would not be a perfect end?

For some reason, Lu Qing suddenly thought of a saying that is often used in games.

True and false endings.

"Is it really the end?" Lu Qing glanced at Wein and sat up from the hospital bed.

Maybe ending now is a good choice, but since she knows there is another ending, why doesn't she try it?

The guy who watched her secretly didn't seem to want her to find out the truth, but it was precisely because of this that she wanted to know what the truth was.

She hates being observed, but since she can't find the other person, it's fine to do something that makes the other person uncomfortable.

PS: Readers, rest assured, the dream in the next chapter will be over, and it will be updated today, so I won’t wait too long~
(End of this chapter)

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