The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 418 I'm so unwilling

Chapter 418 I'm so unwilling

"Fawn, here!"

A familiar voice came from next to her ear. Lu Qing was holding a cutlet in one hand and a cup of milk tea in the other, and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw Fang Qingrou and Muir sitting in the gazebo of Jinghu Community and looking at her at this moment, and it was Fang Qingrou who made the sound just now.

Lu Qing came to the gazebo with the food in her hand, looked around, but didn't see any strange figure, so she asked, "Is Mengmeng here yet?"

"She might have to wait a little longer. She said before that she would call us when she arrived." Muir said after hearing Lu Qing's words.

"That's it"

Putting the snacks in her hand on the seat, Lu Qing took out her mobile phone to check the time, and found that it was only 07:30, one and a half hours before the agreed nine o'clock.

"Did you come so early?" Seeing this, she looked at the two of them in surprise.

"It's Xiaolu, you came early." Fang Qingrou smiled and said, "Miao Miao originally lived here, but I came to play yesterday afternoon, and I also slept at Miu Miao's house at night."

"Yesterday afternoon, you..." Lu Qing looked at Fang Qingrou in surprise, she did not expect her relationship with Muir to develop so quickly.

How long have we known each other, and we have already reached the point where we can sleep together?
Wait, I seem to be the same, and we took a shower together, so it's okay
Lu Qing suddenly thought of what she had done in the Night City, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

"Sniff, sniff."

Suddenly, Fang Qingrou seemed to have noticed something, she smelled the air carefully, then looked at Lu Qing and said: "Xiao Lu, why do you have a scent of flowers on your body?"

"Yes." Muir also said at this time.

"Ah, this one"

Lu Qing scratched her cheek and didn't know how to explain it for a while. After thinking for a while, she said, "This is a prop I got from the dream when I was in the dream yesterday. Smell oops~"

In the middle of Lu Qing's speech, she realized that Fang Qingrou had already stuck to her body at some point, hugging her waist and rubbing against her chest.

"What are you doing?" Lu Qing looked at Fang Qingju with black lines all over her head.

"I don't know, I just feel that the deer smells very good."

"It's almost done!"

Hearing Fang Qingrou's description, Lu Qing immediately guessed that it was the effect of the dreamy black rose perfume.

She pushed away the murder weapon on her face with her hands, struggling to break free from Fang Qingrou's embrace.

And just as the two were fighting, a slightly trembling voice came from outside the gazebo.


The two who were fighting stopped for a moment, and looked towards the direction of the sound. What they saw was a conspicuous golden hair and the light blue headband tied behind the hair.

Appearing in front of the three of them was a blond girl with lavender eyes. She was wearing a light blue dress and black and white stockings, and she was standing outside the gazebo with a flushed face.

"Please, may I ask, you are foreigners, do you still have sugar cubes for donuts?" The girl stammered and said nervously.

"Uh..." Lu Qing and the three of them looked at each other and guessed the identity of the person who came.

"Are you Mengmeng and not a girl?" Muir came to the girl, looked at the girl and said.

"Hmm..." Maybe it was because Muir was too close, the girl couldn't help lowering her head, staring at the ground, not knowing what she was thinking.

When the three of them saw this, a word came to their minds involuntarily.

Social phobia, the full name is social phobia, everyone who understands this thing understands it, and those who don’t understand need to spend a lot of words to explain it. In addition, Lu Qing doesn’t think there will be people who don’t know what social phobia is, so there are not many people here said.

The girl in front of her seemed to fit the characteristics of social terror, and the nervous feeling could be felt just by looking at it like this.

"So, since everyone is here, let's go to my house to play." Muir clapped his hands and broke the silence.

"Yeah." Lu Qing and Fang Qingrou nodded, and then involuntarily looked at 【Mengmeng is not a girl paper. 】

"I, I have no objection!" The girl said even more nervously after feeling the eyes of several people.

"Ah this."

The three looked at each other, and could only shake their heads helplessly. Lu Qing threw the empty bags and cups into the trash can in the community, and then followed Muir towards her house.

They seemed a little silent along the way, because the three of them couldn't help but focus on the blonde girl. After all, the three of them were already familiar with each other, so they would naturally be curious about the blonde girl.

"What to do, what to do, what to do, you are all looking at me!"

【Mengmeng is not a girl paper】Following behind the three step by step, the embarrassment in my heart can almost pierce three floors with my toes.

"Is there something wrong with what I'm wearing, but the maids say there's nothing wrong with this suit?"

"Why is no one talking, don't look at me!"


Lu Qing, who was walking second to last, could not help but twitch the corners of her mouth twice as she felt the increasingly oppressive atmosphere behind her.

After thinking about it, she deliberately slowed down, came to the girl's side, and said:

"Hello, my name is Lu Qing, what's your name?"

"Hey? Me, my name is Hao Meng." The faint fragrance of flowers came over the face, and for some reason, Hao Meng's heart was calmed down a lot. She was a little flustered at first, and then replied.

"So cute?" Lu Qing was taken aback for a moment, but she didn't expect the girl's name to be like this. After thinking about it, she asked, "Is it Chijia from the equator and the Hao next to the ear knife?"

"Yeah." Hao Meng nodded and looked down at the ground.

"It's a cute name." Fang Qingrou came to Hao Meng's side at some point, and said with a smile on her face.

"You three." Muir looked back at the three of them helplessly, and said, "Go faster, don't drag yourself behind."

"Okay, okay!" Hearing Muir's words, Hao Meng was the first to respond, and then trot behind Muir.

"Let's do this first, and it'll be fine when you get familiar with it." Lu Qing looked at Hao Meng's back, and Fang Qingrou said so.

"Well, it will be fine once you get familiar with it." Fang Qingrou nodded and said.

Lu Qing still understands social fear very well. After all, she was like this before high school. She doesn't like to go out or socialize with others. She just likes to nest in her own small world every day.

After entering high school, she felt that she couldn't do this, so she took the initiative to attack. She tried her best to pretend that she was not afraid of socializing with her classmates at all, and when she was dragged out by her classmates, she also pretended to be As if going out frequently.

In fact, as long as one can take the first step towards social fear, it will be easy to solve later.

She also performed in an opera house with hundreds of people before, didn't she?

Smiling, Lu Qing quickened her pace and came to Hao Meng's side.

PS: Yes, the new character is Hao Mengda~
This name is the name of the protagonist in a book I read before, and it is also the name of my group of friends.

I designed her as a big-breasted loli, with a very introverted and shy personality, and also has an unknown side, although I haven't explicitly said that she is big.
The character card will be created soon. As for the pictures, I found a few, but I can only take a look at them.

Speaking of which, I originally planned to design Hao Meng as a cute male character, just to write a female character and insist on a male character, but after the persuasion of the group of friends and my deep thinking, I still did not do so.
Damn it, my big D lolita plan has been ruined like this, I'm so unwilling
(End of this chapter)

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