The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 420 Life is not easy, the poor sigh

Chapter 420 Life is not easy, the poor sigh

"Of course it's reasonable. Abyss dreams are very difficult." Hearing Fang Qingrou's words, Lu Qing replied.

At this time, Xiao Lan, who had gone out before, came back with a plate in her hand.

I saw Xiaolan put down the plate in her hand, and there were four cups of coffee and four plates of cakes on it!

"Xiao Lan can still make cakes?" Fang Qingrou asked with a puzzled expression.

"Isn't it normal for a maid to make cakes?" Muir replied proudly.

"Then why did I only deserve to eat snacks when I came here yesterday afternoon?"

"Can four people be the same as two people?" Muir rolled his eyes and said to Fang Qingju.

Fang Qingrou: "."

Although I really want to refute something, but for a while I feel that it makes sense.

Fang Qingrou said that she didn't want to talk, and silently took a sip of coffee. Bah, I forgot to add sugar!

With facial features tightly wrinkled together, Fang Qing put down the coffee calmly, and then put in the sugar that came with the coffee cup.

Lu Qing, who noticed the whole process, tensed the muscles of her face, not letting herself laugh out loud.

"Let me introduce myself next." Muir put his five fingers on his chest and said, "I'm not good at melee combat. I can summon two ghosts, one is Xiaolan, and I can go through walls. , very fast, using a butcher knife as a weapon, the other is a ghost cow, I call it A Niu, there is nothing special about it except for its great strength, but its strength is really great, and its speed is not slow, generally The enemy can't dodge under the circumstances."

"In addition, I also have a blue quality sniper rifle, um. It is the one that Xiaolu gave me. I have been studying for a while recently, and my proficiency in sniper has just reached 20.00%. Um... According to the new version It's LV2."

"However, I made a card character. The background is an agent in the cyberpunk world. I focused on describing the ability of sniping, but the current integration is too low and only the basic skills of sniping."

"Agent, it's a good subject." Lu Qing exclaimed after hearing Muir's words.

Because of proficiency issues, Muir has been unable to use the [Sniper Rifle-Girl] item. Now that he has an agent-type card, he must soon be able to have a proficient level of sniper skills.

"I also think the theme of the secret agent is very good. Sunglasses and suits, sniping from thousands of miles away, cold and handsome." Hao Meng beside him suddenly said with great interest for some reason.


As soon as she finished speaking, she found that the three of them were all looking at her at this moment, and their cheeks turned red for a while, as if a pure white steam was floating upwards from her head.

Like you, Steam Queen!

Cough, no kidding, Lu Qing saw Hao Meng's shy look, reached out and patted her on the shoulder, and said, "Everyone's done introducing, it's time to talk about you."

"Oh yes, yes"

Steam is not, Hao Meng was patted on the shoulder twice by Lu Qing, and at this time she also recovered a little bit, seeing that everyone didn't seem to have any thoughts on what she just said, she was relieved in her heart.

"I have purple forging skills. As long as I have the materials, I can forge the weapons you want. As for my combat ability, I'm not very strong."

"The weapons I use are long swords, war hammers, long spears and shields. Long swords and war hammers are blue grades. Long spears and shields are purple because of the card. As for my card character, it is a knight. It is written in the setting that he is a knight who guards the abyss but is swallowed by the abyss in the end, so he is very resistant to spirit and pollution.”

Hao Meng's tone was soft and weak, but what he said was not so weak.

Purple forging skills, and the ability to master four weapons proficiently, among which spears and shields are purple-level skills.

How could this be "not very strong", the three of Lu Qing didn't know for a while whether she was showing off or really felt that she was not very strong.

Judging from the opponent's current personality, this is most likely the latter.
Lu Qing pretended to be calm and took a sip of coffee, and then took another bite of cake to suppress her shock. Fortunately, she also has a lot of purple skills, so she can still calm down now.

But on the other hand, Fang Qingrou and Muir felt that they were hit hard. They probably don't have any purple skills except their natural skills.

But this is normal, after all, Lu Qing has already used the number of dreams this month, while Fang Qingrou and Muir have not used it yet.

It's not clear whether Muir can get the purple skill, but Fang Qingrou is definitely able to, because her card character will have another dream, and the fusion degree will definitely exceed 80.00%, and the purple skill can still be obtained easily.

Therefore, the sooner the card character is established, the better, otherwise the one who suffers will always be himself. For example, even if Muir completes this dream, the fusion of the card will not reach the point where it can give purple skills.

"Speaking of which, Miu Miao, when are you and Xiao Rou going to have the next dream?" Lu Qing put down the empty coffee cup and said.

"It's just these two days. Anyway, I can only enter the dream once a month now, so there's no need to worry too much." Fang Qingrou replied to Lu Qing.

"I think this update is pretty good." Muir expressed his views on this update.

"Yes, after this update, you can use dream coins to upgrade skills that are not yet at full level, but you can only improve proficiency, and the quality of skills cannot be upgraded." Hao Meng tried to blend into the atmosphere of the three of them.

"I also think it's pretty good. In comparison, it's not unacceptable that the skills bestowed by the system cannot be directly maxed out." Fang Qingrou supported her chin with both hands, and said:
"But the cost of dream coins has also increased a lot. Skill upgrades, PVP, artificial dreams, backtracking, all of these need to cost dream coins."

"I feel that it will be difficult to save money to buy props on the auction house in the future."

"Alas." Life was not easy, and Fang Qingrou sighed poorly, lying on the table, drawing circles on it with her slender index finger.


Lu Qing feels that she should have more say in this matter. After all, the hut also costs a lot of dream coins. This time the system has an extra function to upgrade skills, which somewhat makes her feel a sense of crisis.

When the gap between the skill proficiency of other players and her is gradually narrowing, how much advantage can she have?

The only good news is that the skill quality of these players cannot be upgraded directly, they need to use item cards, and the specific details will wait for tomorrow's update.

If it costs more dream coins to upgrade skills, then the hut will make more money. Besides, the hut does not only have a training room, so there is no guarantee that there will be any new functions after this upgrade.

Moreover, Lu Qing also has a certain amount of confidence in herself. She may not be good enough now, and she can only rely on the hut to become stronger step by step, but she believes that there will be a day when she will be able to be a good girl even without the help of the hut. A real powerhouse.

(End of this chapter)

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