The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 422 Actually, it's mainly what I want to write

Chapter 422 Actually, it's mainly what I want to write
"So, this is the solution you said?" Lu Qing looked at the building in front of her eyes twitching, feeling that everything was so familiar.

"Yes, it must be difficult to fall asleep when sleeping now, but it will be different if you use the dormancy compartment. You can sleep when you want." Fang Qingrou said with her hips akimbo proudly, although Lu Qing didn't know her Just be proud of something.

"Sorry, I only have one hibernation cabin at home, which is not enough for four people." Muir smiled apologetically.

"I'm here as an airplane," Hao Meng whispered.

Four very beautiful girls stood at the entrance of the Internet cafe, attracting a lot of attention for a while. Although Lu Qing was more or less used to it after time travel, she still felt awkward.

Fortunately, she said that Hao Meng was already shyly hiding behind her.

For some reason, Lu Qing suddenly thought of the words of the proprietress of the tailor shop when she was in the capital of night.

"Will there be cameras or scanning devices in these game cabins?" She whispered worriedly.

Fang Qingrou glanced at her speechlessly, and said: "What are you thinking, the abilities of dream players are so strange, how dare you play with that kind of thing, don't you want to live anymore?"

"And the police will come here regularly to check, how could there be such a thing."


That's right, Lu Qing suddenly realized that she was thinking too much, but just in case, she decided that when she used the game cabin later, she must turn her perception to the highest level, and then use the eagle eye to turn the entire cabin on. Give a careful look at the environment inside.

No, not only the eagle eye, but also the golden vertical pupil, even if there is only a [-]% possibility, she has to check it again!
Thinking of this, the four of Lu Qing walked into the Internet cafe, attracting an unknown number of young teenagers who were surfing the Internet.

"Fuck, the chicken neck is not clear, look over there, what a beautiful girl." A young man patted the shoulder of his companion beside him and said.

"Ah?" The young man who was patted on the shoulder glanced at the four people in the distance, then turned his head and said speechlessly: "You have a snake spirit, does being beautiful have anything to do with you?"

"Uh..." The young man was speechless for a while, and said in silence for a moment: "It's okay, it's okay, but it looks good, much better than that female webmaster with leaky back and thighs."

"Especially the one with the silver hair and the white legs. Wait, why do I feel like I've seen it somewhere?"

"Grass, the chicken neck can't stop attacking you, you know her if she's a girl, right, I'm dead, it's all because of you." The young man glared at him sharply, and said.

"Oh no, listen to me, I have seen it."

The young man was a little anxious. After thinking about it carefully for a while, he slapped his thigh suddenly: "Fuck, I remembered."

He quickly turned on the computer, and then opened a video.

"That's it, the newcomer king of the dreamland actually does this kind of thing to the sun!" The young man pointed to the video channel on the screen.

"Grass, this video of yours was made by the shock department of UC, right?" The boy said speechlessly, and then looked at the young man's screen.


At the same time, Lu Qing didn't know that she had been recognized. After paying the Internet fee, the four of them went to the idle dormancy cabin to go to sleep.

And at this time, a young man strode over, with an excited expression on his face.

"Hi, hello, please wait a moment!" Seeing that Lu Qing was about to get into the dormant cabin, the young man hurriedly said.

"Huh?" Lu Qing turned her head and looked at the other party with some doubts.

"What's the matter?" Lu Qing asked after confirming that the other party was calling her right.

"Well, are you a foreigner?" The young man asked nervously.

"Am I already so popular?" Lu Qing was confused, she didn't expect that she would be recognized in reality.

After all, although she was the rookie king of the last dream game event, that event was only held in a few regions, and the attention was not very high. (The high here is based on the popularity of all dream games)

In addition, because her level is not very high, there are only more than 70 fans so far, and she really didn't expect to be recognized in reality.

But after thinking about it, it made sense. Jinghu City was one of the areas where she could participate in the last event, so it was reasonable for the people here to recognize her.

"It's me, what can I do for you?" After thinking about it, Lu Qing admitted.

"I knew it was you, I admire you very much, may I have your autograph?" the young man said expectantly.

"Uh, you don't need yours. I'm not very used to it. As for the signature, it's fine, but I don't have a pen with me."

"I'm ready!"

The young man took out the Two-dimensional bank card he got from an event he didn't know, and a marker pen that seemed to have just been borrowed from the female network administrator, and handed them to Lu Qing.

"I'm quite well prepared." Lu Qing smiled, took the other party's bank card and a marker pen, and then gracefully wrote down the three characters "foreigner".

"Thank you!"

The young man took the signature, looked at the font that was exactly the same as that of the foreign novel, and showed a satisfied smile on his face.

As for why you said the font on this is the same as the font in the cabin novel?
Cough cough, Lu Qing will tell you that she has long imagined that someone will take care of the day when she has to sign, so has she practiced it specially?
This kind of thing is of course impossible. The reason why Lu Qing was able to write down her signature so proficiently is because, well, I'm sorry I can't make it up anymore.

"I didn't expect that I would be famous one day."

Looking at the young man who left, Lu Qing felt an indescribable feeling in her heart.

But if you are happy, you still need to check. After getting into the dormant cabin, Lu Qing opened the golden vertical pupil, and opened her perception to the maximum, and carefully checked every corner of the dormant cabin. again.

As for why you should be so cautious, it is because.
"Please put your clothes in the locker, and the hibernation will start within 3 minutes." A mechanical female voice sounded in the dormancy cabin.

The ordinary version of the dormant compartment usually does not have the function of drying clothes. In addition, there is a lot of traffic in Internet cafes. In the past, when the virus spread was serious, the virus would still remain on the body.

It was not absorbed at first, but it was absorbed after being soaked in the nutrient solution, and even caused the growth of viruses, so now the dormant compartment has a sterilization function, and the clothes are sterilized in the closet, and people standing in it must also be sterilized .
Why not let people wear clothes to sterilize?
Who knows, Lu Qing also wants to know why, but the rules are so, she still has to follow, anyway, after her careful inspection, there is nothing in this dormant cabin, even with the perception ability attached to her 50 points of mental power, there is nothing Can't feel it.


The light green nutrient solution rose from under the feet, and as the liquid overflowed Lu Qing's eyes, a drowsy feeling came to her heart, and within half a minute, Lu Qing fell into a deep sleep.

【Welcome to Dreamland Game! 】

PS: Alas, it is not easy to write daily, and few people like to read it. Judging from everyone's feedback, they don't like it very much.

I originally planned to perfect the various characters, and let Hao Meng integrate into the protagonist team by the way. After all, the part I know is also part of Xiaolu's experience.

But now it seems that it is better to speed up the progress a little bit.

Obviously writing the most brain cells in daily life, but the praise is not as good as the best game writing, it's numb.

Rubbish daily, miss my youth. (▼ヘ▼#)
(End of this chapter)

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