Chapter 437 Gunship

PS: Thank you book friend Hei Zhishou_Bai Zhimian for rewarding 5000 starting coins!
Thanks to book friend Fox Demon Xiaohan for rewarding 1500 starting coins!
Longbow Xiaosnail's body struggled on the ground for a while and then stopped. Just as Lu Qing was about to carry Hao Meng on her back and leave here, she found that Hao Meng had already picked up the dagger in her hand and swung it at her. come over.

"Not only corpses can be manipulated, but also people who have lost consciousness?" Lu Qing thought to herself, dodging Hao Meng's attack easily.

She couldn't deal with Hao Meng as violently as she did with Longbow Xiaosnail. She needed to think of another way.

The easiest way is of course to find a rope to tie Hao Meng up, but the problem is that she doesn't have a rope in hand, so this method can only be temporarily left behind.

Fortunately, Weiyin flew down at this time, and Lu Qing planned to ask his opinion.

This crow knows a lot, and asking him may give you a solution.

"Wein, can you see what's going on?" Lu Qing asked Wein in her heart while dodging Hao Meng's attack.

"It's just being manipulated by someone, what else could it be?" Wein said as he stopped on a streetlight not far away.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Of course I can see this kind of thing. I'm asking if you have a solution!" After hearing Wein's words, Lu Qing was a little speechless.

"It's simple, you just need to yell, little master." Wein replied to Lu Qing.

"Shout loudly, why?" Lu Qing asked with a confused face.

"Gah?" Wein was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Just like when you shouted last time, ah!"

"Which time was the last time?"

"It's the time you yelled, little master, in the cabin!"

Oh~ So that's the case. Lu Qing finally understood what Vinin meant. It turned out that the shout that the other party said was the voice she shouted when she experimented with [Dragon's Roar] in the wooden house last time.

Although I don't know why [Dragon's Roar] can relieve Hao Meng's controlled state, but since Wein said it, she should give it a try.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Qing stabilized her legs.


A deafening roar came from Lu Qing's throat. For some reason, the moment she used the skill, she seemed to see a figure soaring high above the sky.

A large amount of gravel was blown away, and even the windows on both sides of the street were shattered.

Hao Meng's body trembled, and then fell to the ground. Fortunately, Lu Qing reacted in time and did not let her fair face touch the ground.

"Huh, I didn't expect it to be so powerful." Lu Qing blushed slightly, thinking a little excitedly.

Although [Dragon's Roar] is a purple skill, Lu Qing really didn't expect it to be so lethal.

This kind of power is obviously impossible to rely solely on her physique. In fact, when using [Dragon's Roar], Lu Qing's mental power is also driven.

And it was precisely because of this mental power that Dragon's Roar was able to release Hao Meng's control. Lu Qing had actually felt it just now, as if her mental power had collided with something.

Well, obviously, she won the collision and hardly felt anything, but the person who was bumped by her probably felt quite uncomfortable.


Leng Yuyue sat on the sofa dizzy, feeling very sick.

There seemed to be something churning in her stomach, and she wanted to rush it out against her throat, but she forcibly held it back.

"Er" calmed down for a while, before Leng Yuyue asked into the walkie-talkie next to her ear, "How long are you going to prepare? If you keep dawdling, the other party will run away."

"The encirclement has been prepared, and there are people holding hands in all the alleys, and the other party will definitely not be able to escape!" A man's voice came from the earphones.

"Very well, so be it."

Leng Yuyue rubbed her forehead, and after thinking about it, she added: "Don't underestimate the other side, they are all super criminals with special abilities."


After answering Leng Yuyue, the man gestured to the surrounding partners, and then switched to the voice of the whole team: "All go forward, arrest the target person!"

"The opponent is a super criminal with special abilities. Don't be deceived by the appearance. Don't hold back. It doesn't matter if you kill him."

"Repeat, the other party has special abilities."

"Gah, little master, there are many people surrounding you." Wein said to Lu Qing while flying in the air above the tall building.

"Okay, I know."

There is no need to guess, these people must be the official forces of Haitesla City, and even Lu Qing must be cautious when dealing with these people.

No longer caring about camouflage, Lu Qing summoned the wooden cabinet of the hut, took out all the props that could be used in it, and armed herself as quickly as possible.

In fact, if she runs alone, there is still not much pressure, but it is a bit more difficult to bring along Hao Meng who has passed out.

Lu Qing carried Hao Meng behind her back, then summoned the wolf spirit, and shared the vision with Wein to observe the movements of these people outside.

She quickly ran through the entire streets of Hitesla City in her mind, and she thought of her escape route.

Instead of getting into the alley, Lu Qing chose to get into the tall building where Bing Kuo Le was before, preparing to escape to the roof.

Unexpectedly, this is my escape route!
Movies can show ordinary people running from the top of the building. My attribute is so high, there is no reason why I can't run on the top of the building.

I will be chased by police cars on the street, or even encounter a blockade. I run on the roof, what else can you do to me?
Thinking of this, Lu Qing came to the top of the building, only to find that besides Bing Kuo Le's body, there was another thing here.


Unable to resist swearing, Lu Qing went back into the corridor without hesitation, only to hear the sound of "da da da da" behind her, and the corridor door was torn into pieces in an instant.

"It turned out to be an armed helicopter!"

Lu Qing hid in the corridor with an ugly face, never expecting there to be such a thing on the roof.

"Why did you send out a gunship? I haven't stolen the artwork yet!"

If she knew that the last surviving player had such a high voice and was able to dispatch an armed helicopter, she wouldn't go to the roof without saying anything.

Just kidding, the machine gun on the helicopter gunship, let alone her, even a full-level blue player can't handle it.

Of course, it's one thing not to be able to bear it, but another thing to be able to solve it. After thinking about it carefully, Lu Qing decided to let the wolf spirit kill the pilot of the armed helicopter.

Anyway, physical attacks can't hit wolf spirits. No matter how powerful your gunship is, can you still kill things you can't hit?


Amidst the roar of the helicopter, Lu Qing suddenly heard a faint sound of footsteps, which sounded like they were coming down from upstairs.

"Could it be that someone got off the helicopter?"

Lu Qing closed her eyes tightly, listened carefully for a while, and judged the number of people who walked down.

"There are four people."

PS: I finished writing it a long time ago and forgot to post it.

There is also Chapter 2 tonight, but it will be very late, everyone should go to bed early and wait until tomorrow to watch it.

(End of this chapter)

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