Chapter 448
PS: Thank you book friend Xianxian for the 1500 starting point coins!

[Danger Perception Lv8-Lv10]

[Information Processing Lv8-Lv10]

[Advanced Dodge Lv6-Lv9]

[Pistol Advanced Lv4-Lv8]

[Advanced Throwing Lv4-Lv5]

[Rifle Basic Lv0-Lv3]

【Basic Explosion Lv0-Lv1】


After the advanced training was over, Lu Qing returned to the training room of the hut from the chaotic battlefield.

Until the end, she also failed to complete the goal of this advanced training.

No way, with the physical fitness of ordinary people, they can't control the situation of the war at all. They didn't break through the first line of defense until the end of the training.

[Basic Demolition] skills were also learned at that time. Unfortunately, what she blew up was neither a cannon nor a bunker, but just an ordinary barbed wire fence.

"A lot of skills have been upgraded." Lu Qing looked at her skill bar and thought.

The environment simulated by the advanced training was too realistic, which caused her to improve her other skills more or less when she trained the [Danger Perception] skill.

"Looking at it this way, advanced training is quite profitable."

Looking at the remaining dream coins, Lu Qing felt that she needed to plan her spending carefully.

Although advanced training is not bad, the simulated scene is not fixed every time. Who knows what skills will be trained next time?

Of course, the main reason was that it was too expensive. It was impossible for her to put all the dream coins into advanced training.

But after experiencing the effect of advanced training, she doesn't plan to experience the effect of intermediate training again.

Intermediate Training: Sure enough, love dies, right?
"Let's deduce the skills first." Lu Qing thought so.

Before coming to the slate for skill deduction, Lu Qing checked all the skills that could be deduced in her body, and finally chose the following skills.

[Dagger mastery (100 dream coins): You are a master in the field of daggers, no matter whether you are single-wielding or dual-wielding, you will not be troubled. If you can, you can even kill people with a dagger in your teeth. 】

[Fist and sword mastery (40 dream coins)]

[Aristocratic etiquette (20 dream coins)]

[Basic medicine (20 dream coins)]

[Emergency treatment (20 dream coins)]

A total of [-] dream coins were used up just like that. It is impossible to say that you don't feel bad, but Lu Qing is very clear that this kind of thing cannot be saved, and should be used when it is time to use it.

[Dagger Mastery] There is nothing to say about this skill. The purple dagger skill combines [Dagger Advanced] and [Dual Wield Daggers] together.

[Fist and Sword Mastery] This skill is used just in case, when daggers cannot be used.

As for the two skills [Basic Medicine] and [Emergency Treatment], what Lu Qing thought was that the cost of dream coins was not too much anyway, so she deduced them when they might be useful.

【Aristocratic Etiquette】It's not that Lu Qing is interested in this stuff, it's just that the next dream requires her to be active in a world that is probably a Western fantasy, and she may deal with the nobles in it or something.

In order to prevent the kind of plot in the novel that is hated because of improper etiquette, she deduced it by the way.

She doesn't plan to use the advanced training in the hut to learn this skill, she just plans to read more books and write it down.

In fact, the Ezio card has the skill of aristocratic etiquette, but she can only use it, and can't say it. It feels better to learn it.

"There are only 208 dream coins left."

There is nothing to say, [Dagger Mastery] select advanced training, and [Fist and Sword Mastery] use intermediate training.

What, no intermediate training in the future?When did I say this, don't talk nonsense~
Turning off the deduction interface, Lu Qing walked out of the training room, ready to go to the reading room to read for a while, and take a look at all the five newly deduced skills.

Pushing open the door of the study room, Lu Qing has been here once before, and is no stranger to the environment here.

In the process of looking for skill books, Lu Qing accidentally found two books that were not the skills she deduced.

The Rozen Princess and the Hog Rider

"Law of Wolves"

"what is this?"

Lu Qing picked up these two books with some curiosity, and found that the painting style of these two books did not match the painting style of other books in the bookshelf of the hut.

Among them, the book "The Rose Princess and the Hog Rider" is made of exquisite materials. On the cover is a black-haired princess wearing a dark red rose-patterned princess dress, saluting slightly tremblingly to a man riding a tall boar in front of her. .

Look at another "Law of Wolves", the same material, the cover is a lone wolf with a plain face walking in the snow.

"Is this an entertainment book?"

Lu Qing flipped through the two books curiously, but didn't see anything.

Thinking that she still had a skill book that she hadn't read, she could only suppress her curiosity and put it back on the bookshelf.

Speaking of which, isn't there a stove in the living room of the hut, and there is a sofa next to the stove, which feels a bit like a living room, and I don't know if I can invite others to sit here with her in the future.

The books are all there, will there be snacks and drinks in the future, Lu Qing is thinking with anticipation.

The time passed in a hurry in the middle of the night, and Lu Qing, who had read most of the books, let out a sigh of relief.


She has not yet reached the blue level, and she will feel sleepy in the dream game. It is already one o'clock in the morning, and it is time for her to rest.

After closing the skill book on the table, Lu Qing didn't tidy it up, and just quit the game directly.


In reality, she opened her eyes and looked at Hao Meng who was still awake.

A urge to urinate hit, and Lu Qing quietly got off the bed.

The white feet stepped on the slightly cold ground, which made her a little more energetic.

After putting on her shoes, she walked into the toilet, and returned to the bedroom after the toilet. Lu Qing walked to the window and slightly lifted the curtains to a corner.

The outside world was extremely dark, and she couldn't see anything without special abilities. After staring at the moon in the sky for a while, she lay down next to Hao Meng and really fell asleep.

The next morning, Lu Qing woke up from her sleep, feeling that she had not slept very well.

When she was sleeping, she felt like she was in a freezer. It was so cold, but after waking up, she didn't feel any coldness.

Looking at Hao Meng again, there seemed to be something wrong with her expression at this time, her brows were furrowed as if she had dreamed of something bad.

"Could it be a nightmare?" Lu Qing thought with some doubts.

And just when she thought so, Hao Meng opened her eyes, and she woke up!

"you're awake?"

"Did you have a nightmare?"

Lu Qing asked subconsciously, but she didn't realize it until she said the words, dreaming in this world means entering a dream, but at this time Hao Meng woke up, it was obviously not a dream.

Just when she was about to say something to prevaricate, Hao Meng nodded lightly.


PS: Inexplicably tired, I feel like I'm about to burn out.

I personally pay more attention to details, and the cabin also has many elements of simulated management in it.

Maybe it will become a castle in the future lol? (Shit, I don't like castles, I like small cabins)
(End of this chapter)

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