The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 463 Myron Knight's Retirement Life

Chapter 463 Myron Knight's Retirement Life

PS: Thank you book friend Haoxia Zhaomu for the 1500 starting point coins!

"Whatever you look at, give me a good training!"

A knight in charge of training couldn't help but angrily scolded the soldiers under his command who could not stop looking at the two girls.

Although he also watched it himself, but he is the captain, and he doesn't need to concentrate on training at this time, what's wrong with taking a peek!
On the contrary, these soldiers dared to be distracted when he directed the training. No, they must be severely punished.

"Practice an extra hour today!"

Not to mention the wailing soldiers on the other side, Lu Qing and Irene walked all the way to the old man in knight armor.

"Are you His Royal Highness Lu Qing?" the old man looked at Lu Qing who was walking in front of him and asked.

"En." Lu Qing nodded, and then asked, "Are you the knight Myron Zahad?"

"Well, it's me." Myron Zahad nodded, and then said: "I heard from the soldiers under him, did His Majesty the King ask you to deliver the letter to me?"

"Yes, here is your letter."

Lu Qing took the letter from the king out of her pocket and handed it to Myron Zahad.

"Well, it hasn't been opened yet." Knight Myron took the letter from Lu Qing, looking at the traces on it that hadn't been opened and thought.

"It really looks like the queen, it seems that it is indeed Her Royal Highness." Myron glanced at Lu Qing's hair again and thought.

After opening the letter, Myron took out a folded white paper and slowly unfolded it.

In the lower right corner is the king's autograph and the royal seal. This thing cannot be faked. With the strength of the legendary knight of Myron, he can see every detail of the seal.

The reason why he was surprised that the letter had not been opened was that Lu Qing could actually open the letter and show the royal seal inside to the soldiers guarding the gate.

In this way, the other party will definitely let her in, but the contents of the letter may be exposed.

Well, even if the content of this letter is exposed, it doesn't matter.

It should be regarded as a kind of test for the king to his own daughter. Knight Merren is also very satisfied with the answer sheet submitted by Lu Qing.

is the content of the letter
"My boy, why did I ask the princess to deliver the letter in person? I'm retired, and I still have to work for your royal family, right?" Knight Myron looked at the contents of the letter and laughed out loud.


Lu Qing looked at Knight Myron suspiciously, and after noticing the gray hair on the top of his head and the wrinkles on his cheeks, he understood.

Indeed, looking at the appearance of the Knight of Myron, you can tell that the opponent should be very old, and it is normal to want to retire.

However, why does it always feel strange that the number one knight in the kingdom is retiring?
Also, what does it mean to continue working for the royal family after retirement?
Just when Lu Qing was puzzled, the knight Myron in front of her suddenly pulled out the long sword hanging from her waist, which startled her, and she couldn't help but took two steps back.

If she hadn't been wearing a princess dress and wasn't carrying a weapon, she might have pulled out the weapon directly.

"Hehe, don't be nervous, didn't the king tell you about the contents of the letter?" Knight Myron said with a smile.

"No, no." Lu Qing thought for a while, the Knight of Myron would probably not do anything to her, so she put away her appearance of running away.

Of course, secretly she was ready to escape, the number one knight of the kingdom, who knows how powerful it will be.

"I didn't say anything."

Myron stroked the beard on his chin, then didn't say much, just knelt down on one knee, and raised the unsheathed knight sword with both hands.

"I swear by my sword and my life, my princess."

"I will remember humility, honor, sacrifice, valor, mercy, spirit, honesty, justice."

"I will be your sharp sword, cutting off all obstacles for you, and I will be your shield, and I will never back down until the last drop of blood is shed."

"My loyalty, my soul, and the sharp blade in my hand will be wielded only for you. I put it here. The holy tree blesses it to be sharp forever, and its owner will never bow its head, and it will never break. "


Lu Qing's brain froze for a moment before realizing what it was.

After hesitating for a moment, she gracefully took the long sword in the hands of Knight Meren with both hands.

【Noble Etiquette LV9-LV10】

The diary in her mind trembled a little to destroy the atmosphere, and told her the news that the aristocratic etiquette skills had been upgraded.

"Well, that's all right." Knight Myron returned to his previous appearance at this time, stood up and said.

"So what's going on here?" Lu Qing looked at Knight Myron and asked.

"Well, can you give me back my sword first, Your Royal Highness?" Knight Myron looked at the knight sword Lu Qing was holding in his hand and said.

"According to what you just said, this sword is mine now." Lu Qing blinked and said.

Myron: "."

"That's what all the knights would say when they swear allegiance to the nobles just now. I just followed the rules, that is, common rhetoric, you understand." Myron coughed softly twice.

"I don't care, anyway, you said so, the number one knight of the dignified kingdom, Myron Zahad, won't go back on what he says, what he says doesn't mean anything, just bully me, a child." Lu Qing said fiercely.


The corner of Myron's mouth twitched, thinking why the kid didn't know how to respect the elderly.

After thinking for a while, he handed the letter that the king had given him to Lu Qing, and said seriously: "His Royal Highness, this sword is very important to me, can you give it to me as a gift?"

"As for your question, please take a look at this letter. After reading it, you will know everything."

"Well, for the sake of your loyalty, I will give you this sword as a gift." Lu Qing also had a clear understanding of the character of the Merren Knight at this time, and said.

Myron Zahad, on the surface, looks like a burly old man, but his personality is a bit out of the ordinary.

However, when he was doing business seriously, he was quite majestic and charming. When he took the oath before, Lu Qing could tell that the other party was serious.

This is one of the reasons why she took over the knight sword.

As for other reasons?
In order to promote the plot, the allegiance of the first knight in the kingdom is more attractive, maybe there are some, anyway, Lu Qing thinks it is not a bad loss.

Returning the knight sword to the other party, Lu Qing took the letter in Meren's hand and read it carefully.

Only after reading the letter did she know the reason why Myron suddenly pledged allegiance to her.

Just as she had guessed before, Myron Zahad, who is the number one knight in the kingdom, has to retire from the kingdom's knights because of his growing age and internal injuries caused by years of fighting.

These reasons are very reasonable, and the king did not want to refuse, but what Myron Zahad will do after retirement becomes a problem.

At the beginning, it was originally planned to let Myron Zahad do nothing and live comfortably on his own pension.

As a result, Myron felt that there was nothing to do every day, so he found the king and asked to go to the army to train recruits.

Of course, the king happily agreed to this, but within two months, Myron wrote a letter, saying that everything in the barracks was almost done, and he had nothing else to do, and wanted to find a new job.

Well, the requirements are not too high, it is better to be the kind that is more leisurely, but not the kind that has nothing to do, oh yes, no groceries.

Good guy, the king was overjoyed when he saw it. Your request is not high.

But after thinking about it, he really thought of a good task.

That is to be the guard knight of the princess, so there was the scene just now.

"Guardian knight." Lu Qing glanced at Myron, and felt that it would be nice to have one of the strongest knights in the kingdom as her guard.

(End of this chapter)

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