The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 466 Only, I'm not attracted by the fragrance!

Chapter 466 Only, I'm not attracted by the fragrance!

PS: Thank you for the 3000 starting coins rewarded by book friends who concentrate on being in a daze!
Thanks to book friend Shuoyue Chengwang for the reward of 1500 starting coins!
"Uh, so, you are leaving today?" Saro Knight changed the subject.

"Well, let's go today." Knight Myron glanced at Lu Qing and said.


Knight Salo was silent for a while. Although he had known for a long time that Knight Myron would not stay in the barracks for too long, he did not expect the day of parting to come so soon.

But soon, he suppressed the reluctance in his heart and showed a sincere smile.

"Okay, I'll help you with this!"

"Hahaha, thank you." Knight Myron also laughed and said.

"It's a good job to be the princess's guardian knight."

"Damn, what's the matter with being a little envious all of a sudden?"

Seeing the smile of Knight Myron, Salo couldn't help but think, but he is not as good as Her Royal Highness in swordsmanship. Wouldn't it be a bit embarrassing to be a guardian knight?

"Anyway, wait until I'm gone before you tell others about it. I don't want to be blocked by a group of people saying goodbye at the gate of the barracks." Knight Myron lowered his voice slightly to prevent being heard by other people in the barracks.

"I see, then... when are you leaving?" Saro Knight nodded and asked.

"Of course it depends on the wishes of Her Highness the Princess." Knight Myron looked at Lu Qing and said.

"I don't care, it's okay to be earlier or later." Seeing the two people looking at her, Lu Qing said.

She is not a real princess, she just came out this time to carry out the mission of the king, and collect information about this world by the way.

As long as there is information, it can be anywhere.

"Then let's do it now. There's nothing interesting in this barracks. I'm going to get tired of it." Knight Myron suggested.

"Then let's do it now." Lu Qing nodded.

Indeed, apart from the soldiers being trained, there was nothing worth noting in the barracks.

As for intelligence
What all soldiers know, may Myron not know?
"Don't forget what you promised me, Saro." Before leaving, Myron patted Saro on the shoulder and said.

"I know, I won't forget, you go quickly." Saro Knight waved his hands impatiently.

Knight Myron didn't mind, and said with a smile, "Then I can rest assured."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at Lu Qing behind him, and said, "Let's go, Your Highness the Princess."


Lu Qing nodded, and then left the barracks with Irene and Knight Myron.

The departure of the three did not attract much attention. The soldiers in the barracks simply thought that they were going out to do something.

It wasn't until the afternoon that Knight Salo told the truth about Knight Merren's departure, which made most of the knights in the barracks feel sorry for not being able to say goodbye.

In the center of the capital, a black noble carriage slowly stopped.

Irene pushed the door of the carriage open and stepped down, followed by Knight Myron, guarding the door.

There is an inexplicable feeling in her heart, one thing to say, two lives, and it is the first time for Lu Qing to experience this feeling when she grows up.

He walked down slowly with his skirt in hand, but did not attract much attention.

After all, there are a lot of noble children on the street, and they are not the only ones in this carriage. In addition, there are so many people here. Apart from attracting the attention of some nearby people, there will be nothing.

Of course, maybe one day when she was in a good mood, she asked someone to make a carriage by herself, and put a royal pattern on it, which would definitely attract people's attention.

At that time, I am afraid that people will be watching the carriage wherever it goes. Lu Qing just thought about it and discarded this idea.

Who would do such a thing if they have nothing to do?

"Let's go, let's take a stroll in the street." The carriage left slowly, and Lu Qing turned to look at the two behind her and said.

"Yes." Erin replied.

Knight Myron didn't say anything, just quietly looked at the street, and followed behind the two of them.

The king said she was free to move about today, but a psychic ceremony would be held tomorrow.

While in the carriage, Lu Qing had already asked about it, and she had a general understanding of what the psychic ritual was.

What she asked at that time was what needs to be paid attention to when holding a psychic ceremony, and Knight Myron explained it to her almost.

The psychic rite is a national ceremony that Fan Husda holds once a year.

On this day, teenagers and girls in every city and village have to go to the nearest local Manulife Sam Church by themselves.

At that time, there will be staff of the Holy See who are in charge of psychic ceremonies to hold a ceremony for them.

If I had to say it, it was similar to the awakening rituals in the novels she read in her previous life.

But what is awakened here is not talent, nor martial soul, but skill!
People in this dream call these skills the blessing of the holy tree, and they will arrange different positions according to the skills acquired by each person.

But one thing to note is that not everyone can receive the blessing of the holy tree, no matter who you are.

However, if both parents have received the blessing of the holy tree, the probability of their offspring receiving the blessing of the holy tree will be higher.

Well, Lu Qing has already guessed that she can definitely get the blessing of the holy tree.

After all, it has been said in the dream information that she has the talent of psychic, and she will be favored by the Pope of Manulife Sam in the future, and will become the saint of Manulife Sam.

Hiss. Why does it feel weird?

Is the relationship between the royal family and the church so friendly in this world? As the only daughter of the king, can I become the saint of Manulife Sam?
"Well, what does it smell like? It smells so good."

Shrugging her nose, Lu Qing, who was thinking about something, suddenly smelled a seductive fragrance.

Move your eyes to the place where the fragrance emanates, and a snack bar that looks a little rough appears in front of you.

I saw the owner of the shop holding the gauze net in one hand, taking out the fried dough sticks in the oil pan and putting them on his booth.

The footsteps moved over involuntarily, and when she came back to her senses, she found that she had already walked into the store.


"What would you like to order?"

The boss in the store saw the clothes Lu Qing was wearing, as well as the servants and guards behind him, and quickly asked in a soft voice.

"Uh, involuntarily."

Subconsciously rubbing her stomach, Lu Qing felt that she was indeed a little hungry.

The time was about the same, the speed of the carriage was not very fast, after returning from the barracks, it was almost time for lunch.

And speak the truth.
The breakfast she had at the castle in the morning was not enough for her to squeeze between her teeth.

"Oh, let me see"

Lu Qing carefully observed the snacks in the shop, and the saliva in her mouth couldn't help secreting.

Then, after judging by intuition and taste, she made her own choice.

"I want four fried dough sticks, two bags of fried meatballs, ten kebabs, and four burritos." Lu Qing said crisply.

"Oh, you are so considerate, you even ordered us." Knight Myron smiled and said.

"Um, this is the portion I eat alone," Lu Qing said with a little embarrassment.

Myron: "."

Erin and the boss: "."

PS: emmmmm, I don't know why recently, I can't help but watch some dirty things.

27: Addicted to yellow waste
28: Addicted to yellow waste
No. 29: No, I want to cheer up, I want code words, I want double updates!
No. 30: hey hey hey hey hey hey
(End of this chapter)

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