The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 488 Spring is full of garden gates...... This verse is not for you to use!

Chapter 488 Spring is full of garden pass. This poem is not for you to use like this!
"Is this your maid?" Fang Qingrou surrounded Irene curiously and asked.

"Well, personal maid." Lu Qing nodded.

"It's pretty cute."

Fang Qingrou praised, then looked at Lu Qing, and whispered: "The people below are very powerful, we'd better keep our voices down when we speak."


Lu Qing nodded. Although she felt that Knight Merren and His Majesty the Pope would not be so bored as to eavesdrop on their conversation, it is always right to have a sense of precaution.

As for Char, it was only the first time she met the other party, so it's hard to say how good she is.

"Let me talk about it first." Sitting on a chair in the room, Fang Qingrou said, "My identity is Char's adopted daughter, and Char is the most famous hunter in Frey Mures."

"It is said that when 'I' was a baby, Charl picked up 'I' in the snow, and decided to adopt 'I' as an adopted daughter after failing to find his biological parents."

"I came to this dream world a month ago. According to the background given in the dream information, I had just become a hunter's disciple at that time, and I seemed to have been thinking about it because of my personality."

"The psychic ceremony was performed two days ago, and the skill I obtained is [Wind Spirit Walker.]"

[Wind Spirit Walker: Merge with the wind and master the mystery of the wind. 】

"Xiao Rou, you came to this dream world a month ago?" Lu Qing said in surprise after hearing Fang Qingrou's words.

You know, both she and Muir came to the dream world in the past few days, and she thought that all of them came to the dream world at the same time.

If you look at it this way, has Hao Meng entered the dream world now? Anything is possible before finding the other party. It is also possible that Hao Meng entered the dream world later than she and Muir matter.

"Hey!? You and Miu Miu have only been here for less than a week?" Fang Qingrou was a little surprised when she heard what Lu Qing said.

"Well, I met her before when I was in the capital, but we separated because of the psychic ceremony."

Lu Qing told Fang Qingrou what happened after she entered the dream world, and explained why she and the Pope came here.

"By the way, Xiaorou, do you know the relationship between Charles and the Pope?" Lu Qing asked curiously.

She has only been with the Pope for a few days, and she has never heard him say any hunter friends, and Fang Qingrou has been here for more than a month, maybe she heard Charles tell the story of him and the Pope.

"I really don't have this." Fang Qingrou shook her head and said.

Also, although Char and the Pope are friends, but in terms of Char's personality, he should not be the kind of person who likes to brag with others everywhere, and it is normal not to mention it.

"Well, so be it."

Lu Qing extinguished the [Magic Pipe] in her hand, and then walked in front of Irene.


She dubbed a voice for herself, and tapped the pipe on Irene's head lightly.


After being hit by Lu Qing, Irene immediately woke up.

But after she woke up, because of the unstable center of gravity of her body, she sat down on the ground, revealing two white silks hidden under the skirt.

"Irene, are you okay?" Lu Qing squatted in front of Irene worriedly, asking with a concerned voice.


Erin froze for a moment, but she didn't react.

What was she doing just now?

She thought about it carefully, and soon "remembered" what happened.

After coming to Fang Qingrou's room, Her Royal Highness had a cordial exchange with the girl named Fang Qingrou, and they chatted together soon.

But she accidentally tripped over something and sat on the ground.

"I, I'm fine." Looking at Her Royal Highness who was looking at her with great concern, Irene's cheeks turned pink in an instant, and she quickly explained.

"I just, don't know what tripped me up."

Having said that, Irene turned her head to look behind her, then stood up from the ground and looked around, but she couldn't find where the thing that tripped her was.


Irene froze for a moment, looking at the flat ground under her feet, she didn't know how she tripped for a while.

"It should be too tired. After all, I have been driving for several days." Lu Qing saw Irene's cute expression, and said with a snicker in her heart.

"But haven't we been sitting in the carriage?"

"It's normal to be tired after sitting bumpy in the carriage for so long."

"Then, maybe, it's because I'm too tired." Irene looked at her feet with some doubts, and there were no obvious bumps or other sundries.

In such a situation, he would still trip over, presumably because he was too tired.

"It's getting late, let's rest tonight." Seeing this, Lu Qing said.

"Okay, okay."

Irene glanced at Fang Qingrou, and then whispered: "Well, do you need me to help Her Highness change clothes?"


"No need, I'll do it myself." Lu Qing glanced at Fang Qingrou who was snickering, and said helplessly.

Although Irene had consciously lowered her voice just now, it was obviously impossible for Fang Qingrou to lose her hearing to this extent.

Taking off her coat, Lu Qing put on a loose pajamas, then looked at Irene and said, "Irene, you don't change clothes, do you want to wear a maid outfit to rest?"

"Me, I can just sleep on the floor, and I don't need to change clothes." Irene said with her two fingers entangled with each other.

"My bed is quite big, it's okay to sleep three people~" Fang Qingrou said at this time.

Lu Qing glanced at the wooden bed in the bedroom, obviously it wasn't big enough to sleep three people, but it wouldn't be a big problem if they squeezed together.

Before Irene wanted to say anything else, Fang Qingrou touched the back of the other party, and with a light pull of her fingers, she untied the belt on the other party's body.

"wait wait wait!"

Accompanied by Irene's somewhat panicked voice, the whole room suddenly fell into a spring scene.
the next day.

Lu Qing slowly opened her eyes, and was slightly taken aback after feeling the soft and warm body on both sides.

But she quickly recalled what happened last night, and gradually calmed down.

But it's rare, she actually got up earlier than Fang Qingrou and Irene, which is almost impossible to happen in normal times.

Maybe this is due to the fact that the three of them quarreled too late last night, and she was the most energetic?
Slowly pulling her arm away from Fang Qingrou's majestic spectacle, Lu Qing walked out of the bed with some reluctance.

Ah, don't get me wrong, the reluctance is because the bed is very warm, definitely not any other reason.

really not!

"Open Sesame."

After chanting the incantation of the locker, Lu Qing took out the things stored in it one by one, and then put them on her body.

In fact, there is a second reason why she got up so early today, and that is the training of [psychic] skills. Starting today, the Pope asked her to get up early to find him.

(End of this chapter)

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