The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 506 Woo.......I feel so distressed

Chapter 506 Woo. My heart aches
"Finally back." Walking on the pure white snow, Lu Qing looked at the hunter's hut road that gradually appeared in the distance.

Perhaps because of the hut in her mind, Lu Qing somewhat likes this unique wooden building.

Staying in a small but not crowded room, standing on the edge of the window and looking out at the snow scene, might not be a beautiful thing.


While thinking this way, a slightly sweet smell floated into his nostrils.

"This is." Lu Qing frowned, and an almost instinctive intuition told her that this was the smell of human blood!
In the cold ice and snow, the smell of blood is not strong. The reason why she can smell it is also affected by the skill of Black Rose Vampire.

Although it is under normal conditions, the sensitivity to blood has increased a lot.

"Why does the smell of fresh blood feel a little familiar?"

Lu Qing was inexplicably flustered, she couldn't help speeding up her pace, and then ran even faster.

"His Royal Highness?" Knight Myron noticed that Lu Qing's expression was not quite right, so he hurriedly followed up. The Pope didn't say anything when he saw this, but also accelerated his pace.

Hao Meng didn't know what happened, but after seeing the three of them running quickly, they quickly followed up.


Stepping on the loose snowflakes with both feet, from a distance, Lu Qing saw a blood-red figure collapsed on the ground.

The long gray hair was scattered in the icy snow, and the warm blood dyed the nearby snow red. With the traces of the wind, the blood gradually solidified and turned into dark red ice crystals.


Lu Qing's pupils widened suddenly, and her brain stopped thinking for a moment, but she soon came back to her senses, and hurried to Fang Qingrou's side.

"Get lost!" She glared fiercely at the pack of wolves that were wandering not far away, attracted by the smell of blood.

"Aw~" The wolves howled one after another, their bodies limp from fright, and they ran away without looking back.

Ignoring the scared wolves, Lu Qing gently picked up Fang Qingrou's soft body, and then quickly ran to the hunter's hut.

"This is." The Pope followed behind Lu Qing, and was slightly taken aback when he saw this situation.

He followed the blood trail behind Fang Qingrou and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"She is bleeding a lot and needs to be stopped as soon as possible." Knight Myron said beside Lu Qing.

"Something may have happened to Charles." The Pope said with a serious expression, withdrawing his gaze.

If nothing happened to Char, then Fang Qingrou would not have come back with such a serious injury alone.


Fang Qingrou was held in Lu Qing's arms, she unconsciously groaned in pain, and then curled her body tightly against her chest.

This was due to excessive bleeding, coupled with the drop in body temperature caused by the cold weather outside, Lu Qing, who had learned a lot of medical skills, knew this very well.

So she hugged Fang Qingrou tightly, and ran to the hunter's hut with all her strength.


Kicking open the wooden door of the hunter's hut, Lu Qing walked into the hut and placed Fang Qingrou beside the warm fireplace.

"My lord, Your Royal Highness, are you back?"

Irene, who hadn't rested all night, heard the noise downstairs, and hurried down the stairs, and then saw Fang Qingrou who was hugged by Lu Qing.

"Yes, is there anything I can do?" Irene said as she watched Lu Qing place Fang Qingrou by the fireplace.

"Help me boil a pot of hot water." Lu Qing took a deep breath to calm herself down.

She carefully observed Fang Qingrou's injuries, and recalled the medical knowledge she had learned in her mind, and found that although Fang Qingrou had many wounds, none of them were fatal enough.

But these are like wounds that have been cut open by some kind of blunt blade, and it must be very painful just by looking at the surface, plus I passed out in the snow and was frozen all night
Lu Qing stroked Fang Qingrou's pale cheek with some distress, and then found the medicine to stop bleeding from Char's hut.

Stop the bleeding first, wait for Irene to boil the hot water, then use hot water to clean the dirt in the wound, and finally use herbs to disinfect.

After looking at it for a while, the Pope knew that Lu Qing could handle this kind of wound by himself, so he led the knight Merren out of the hut.

Of course, there is healing magic in this world, but neither the pope nor the knight Myron can use it.

Let’s not talk about the Knights of Myron, but the Pope
After he received the blessing of the holy tree back then, he unexpectedly discovered that his talent in magic was not very good.

Just learning the knowledge and abilities of [Spirituality] talent is very strenuous, how can there be time to delve into healing magic.

When he got older and became the pope, he would be even more lazy to learn healing magic if there were as many people around him who knew healing magic.

It's not that he hasn't thought about learning it, but he always procrastinates and forgets it.

However, healing magic is actually not as easy to use as imagined. This thing is not a panacea. It can speed up the healing of the wound, but it cannot clean the dirt in the wound.

For example, dust, or some gravel, wood chips and the like, if you see someone injured, you don't even think about shooting it with a healing magic, maybe something will happen instead.

As for the reason why he and Myron Knight came out
Although he and Knight Myron are both very old, they are still men after all, and they should be avoided at this time.

"Did you feel it?" After walking out of the room, Knight Myron looked at the Pope.

"Of course." The Pope nodded after hearing what Knight Myron said.

"There's a lot of void power left in her body," Knight Myron said.

"More than that." The Pope shook his head and said, "There is also a taste that belongs to the spiritual world."

"You mean spirits?" Knight Myron frowned. As a knight, he hated dealing with spirits.

"It's most likely a wraith." The pope was silent for a while, as if he had thought of something.

"Char has most likely encountered a void worm, and the wound on Fang Qingrou's body also looks like it was caused by a void worm."

"You mean, after the void worm was killed by Char, because of the power of the void, its soul became a wraith?"

"It should be." The Pope felt a little irritable, and Charle's failure to come back made him very worried.

When his father died at the hands of the Void Worm, he was still very weak, but now that he has great strength, is he going to witness the death of his relatives again?

And after all, it was he who sent Char to find the void creatures.
"Calm down, Char's strength is very strong, maybe he just can't come back for some reason." Knight Myron patted the Pope on the shoulder, comforting his old friend.

"I hope so." The Pope sighed.

He found a stone at the door and sat down, looking at the snow scene with erratic eyes, wondering what he was thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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