The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 508 Walking in the Wilderness LV2

Chapter 508 Walking in the Wilderness LV2
PS: A small number of settings have been modified in this chapter. If you notice it, please don’t pay attention. If you don’t, it doesn’t matter. Please don’t pay attention.

"Char has become a spirit of resentment." At night, after dinner, Irene took Fang Qingrou to rest, the Pope took a deep breath and said.

"Are you sure?" Knight Myron looked at the Pope and asked.

"Yeah." The Pope nodded, recalling what Fang Qingrou said before: "The monster came out when there were still gravel at the entrance of the cave, but after it rushed out, it did not destroy the stone at the entrance. gravel."

"Fang Qingrou also said that she didn't hear any sound before being attacked, which fits the description of a spirit body very well, and I also said before that I sensed the power of the void and the spirit world on her wound."

"Indeed, but didn't you say before that the Void Worm was killed and turned into a Wraith due to the power of the Void? Why is it Char now, or the Soul of Resentment?" Knight Myron continued to ask.

"Instinct." The Pope glanced at Merren Knight lightly. He had never said before that it was the Void Worm that turned into a wraith. It was just Merren Knight's own speculation.

At that time, he became distracted because of the news of Char's death, and he didn't want to tell Knight Merren that it was impossible for the creatures that had been polluted by the void to become spirit bodies because their souls had been eroded.

As for why it is the soul of resentment and not the spirit of resentment
Then it is really based on intuition and experience. Thinking of this, the Pope looked at Lu Qing and said, "His Royal Highness, can I ask you to carve a wooden mask of Charle?"

For mortals, the meaning of the wooden mask represents death, and wearing a wooden mask for the dead is to not forget the dead.

For [psychics], the carved wooden mask is to hide the soul and let the restless soul be quiet again.

Regardless of whether Char has become a wraith or a soul of resentment, this wooden mask is necessary, but
"Aren't you going to carve it yourself?" Lu Qing looked at the Pope and said, Char is the Pope's younger brother, and carving his wooden mask should be more meaningful to the Pope.

The Pope shook his head, then stood up and said, "Go to rest early, and set off to find Charles at noon tomorrow."

"The movement trajectory of the soul of resentment is completely irregular. We must go to him early, before things become serious."

No matter where it is, the appearance of the spirit of resentment is a very fatal thing, because the pope often deals with these guys, the Pope knows very well that he cannot let this matter drag on for too long.

After everyone returned to the room to rest, Lu Qing took out a wooden board specially used to carve wooden masks that the Pope gave her.

I heard from the Pope that this kind of board is made of trees that grow near the sacred tree. Lu Qing secretly bit it with her teeth because of curiosity, and the hardness is stronger than the trees that grow in the dark forest.

The taste is almost the same, but there is a faint sweetness, eating a piece of wood can be worth more than a dozen ordinary wooden boards
cough cough.

Sometimes, Lu Qing can't help but think wildly, especially when she thinks about some embarrassing things.

She couldn't help but wonder if others would be able to see the thoughts in her heart, but she just pretended not to see them on purpose, and looked around with some guilt, Lu Qing silently breathed a sigh of relief, although she didn't know What are you nervous about.

"Open Sesame."

Summoning the locker of the hut, Lu Qing opened the bottom drawer and took out the stone knife inside.

She lightly tapped the wooden board in her hand with the back of the [Word of Rock], and a strange "sound" gradually entered her ears.

Lu Qing slowly closed her eyes, recalling Char's face, and gradually conceived the best carving route in her mind.

45 minutes later.

"Phew, it's finally over." Wiping the sweat that didn't exist on the top of her head, Lu Qing looked at the wooden mask in her hand, with a satisfied smile on her face.

The carving of the wooden mask was very smooth, and there were at least seven or eight images of Bichar's appearance.

In fact, it is not impossible for her to carve a mask that is exactly the same as Char's face, but if the mask is carved to be the same as a real person's face, then it is meaningless.

The reason why a mask is a mask is that it is different from a human face. In this world, it is very taboo to carve a mask that is exactly like a human face.

People think that such a mask is unlucky, and it will look very scary. For [psychics], using such a mask may also anger the spirit body, and the gain outweighs the gain.

So as long as it is like now, it is enough to carve a pair of wooden masks with seven or eight images.

Thinking of this, Lu Qing placed the carved wooden mask on the table in the room, cleaned up the carved wood chips, and lay down on the bed to rest.

At noon tomorrow, I have to go to find Char. Although it won't affect her too much if I don't sleep, let's take a rest in advance.

The next day, the four people who were ready to go went to the place where Char and Fang Qingrou had an accident.

Because of the avalanche that happened before, the road here is not easy to walk, and a thick snow pit will be stepped on almost every step, but the four of Lu Qing are not ordinary people, and walking on such terrain is not easy. How troubled I feel, but the speed will inevitably drop a little.

If this is the world of martial arts, maybe they can perform some light kung fu like floating on the snow, running on the snow without even leaving footprints.

But not here, even if the physical fitness is much higher than that of the characters in martial arts novels, but wanting to run on the snow without leaving any traces is purely a fart.

【Walking · Forest LV9-Walking LV2】

The word "skill upgrade" suddenly popped up in the diary. Lu Qing glanced at it and found that the original word "Walking in the wild · the forest behind the forest" had disappeared, and only the words "Walking in the wild" had changed, and the original LV9 had also become Got LV2.

This should be regarded as progress, after all, she has never seen the skills on the attribute panel retreat before.

I don't know if it's because her skills really haven't retreated, or is it because the players of the dream game, as long as they master the skills, they will never retreat?

Suddenly, Lu Qing saw a cave similar to what Fang Qingrou described.

This is what she saw with the help of Wein's vision. There are buried rubble at the entrance of the cave, which seems to be the one Fang Qingrou mentioned.

Besides the cave, she also saw a thick black aura in Wein's field of vision.

"Huh?" Wein's voice suddenly came into his head, and he seemed very happy to say: "What a strong negative energy!"

"Ga! My uncle wants to absorb that ball of negative energy completely. As long as I digest it, I will definitely be promoted to become a blue Ga!"

(End of this chapter)

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