The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 517 The Pope and the Knights of Myron

Chapter 517 The Pope and the Knights of Myron

【Bug Hunter Mask】

[A shocking experiment, an unspeakable encounter, the insect hunter has been searching for a lifetime, and finally got a spy. 】

[Development degree: 25%]

The insect hunter's mask wrapped in dark black mist slowly floated in front of Lu Qing, and a very special link connected Lu Qing with it.

Lu Qing could feel the powerful power hidden in the mask. She stretched out her right hand and slowly grasped the edge of the pitch-black mask with five slender fingers. The next moment, a phantom of a dark black earth worm that had shrunk countless times came from Lu Qing. The feet came out and circled around her body.

The way she controls the soul of resentment seems to be different from what the Pope said.
The pope never said that the mask of the soul of resentment has a development speed, not even a similar statement, such as with continuous practice, the soul of resentment in the mask can become stronger, etc., according to According to the Pope, how strong the soul of resentment is before it is eliminated, then how strong the soul of resentment summoned by the mask will be.

As for the mask she made. Lu Qing frowned. She felt that the power in the mask was much smaller than she imagined. Is this the meaning of her follow-up development?

"Except for the gap in strength"

Lu Qing tried to activate the mask twice, and found that she couldn't summon the soul of resentment in the mask at all, and instead, the phantom of the earthworm surrounded her.

She poked the phantom of the earth worm around her with her finger, and found that it was really just a phantom, she couldn't touch it with her fingers, and she would not be affected by any stones thrown from above the phantom of the earth worm. Obstructed to fall to the ground.

Looking down at her palm, Lu Qing squeezed it vigorously, but she didn't feel any increase in her strength.

"The panel doesn't show the specific use of the mask." Lu Qing glanced at the diary in her mind. The description of the Bug Hunter's mask on it ended in the column of development. Could it be that the diary didn't show its use? Is the reason for this mask really useless?
"It can't be a decoration." Lu Qing said to herself, then, as if she remembered something, she looked up at the sky, but she didn't find the figure she was looking for: "Vin, come here Take a moment." She called to Wein in her heart.

"Gah, I'm here, I'm here." Wein said in his heart, while flying quickly from afar.

"Where did you go just now?" Lu Qing saw Wein flying over, and asked with some doubts. She had shared vision with Wein for a while, and found that he was flying at low altitude in the forest.

"Oh yes, I just discovered a rather strange thing, and I wanted to tell the little master that you were here, but at that time you were fighting fiercely with that monster, so I didn't say anything, I almost forgot about it just now." Because he remembered the strange thing he discovered before, he said quickly:
"Something happened to the Pope and Knight Meron!"

"What happened to the Pope and Cavalier Mellon?" Lu Qing was slightly taken aback when she heard Wein's words, and then quickly asked, "What happened to them?"

"Gah, they might be..." Wein recalled what he had seen before, and said with some hesitation, "Stuck?"


"Gah, the phantom on your body, little master, seems to be a layer of magic immune shield." Wein stood on Lu Qing's shoulder, carefully observing the phantom of the earthworm on her body.

"Magic immune shield?" Lu Qing listened to what Wein said unexpectedly, and said, "Do you mean it can resist magic attacks for me?"

"It's not just attacks, but any magical effect will be blocked, including spiritual attacks. Ga, whose strength is at a medium white level, can be immune to all magical effects lower than the shield, and can be immune to a magical effect of the same level once. "

"Gah, but after encountering high-level magic, the effect is not very good." Wein Luqing explained.

"I see." Lu Qing nodded suddenly, quite satisfied with the effect of this shield.

It doesn't matter if the strength of the shield is relatively low. Anyway, the current development rate is only 25%. If the development rate is increased in the future, the strength of the shield will most likely be improved, and some new functions may be added.

The overall strength is still good, but this time, taking such a big risk, and then getting trapped in Charle's memory and feeling the feeling of being treated as an experimental subject, it feels a bit bad to get such a magic immunity shield.

"By the way, are you sure that both the Pope and Knight Merren are stuck?" Lu Qing hesitated for a while, then looked at Wein and said.

"Gah, don't question this bird's judgment. I just flew in front of the two of them and pecked their heads twice, but they didn't respond." Wein opened his eyes wide and looked at Lu Qing. Said.

"." For a moment, Lu Qing didn't know whether to complain about the state of the Pope and Knight Myron, or whether it was better to complain about Wein's behavior of pecking their heads.

"Ah." Sighing, Lu Qing couldn't help worrying about the status of the Pope and the Knights of Myron. There is a high probability that Wein would not lie to him, so what happened to the Pope and the Knights of Myron?

In the previous battle with the Soul of Resentment, because both sides moved very fast, she deviated a lot from her original position when she hit her. She thought that the Pope and the Knight of Myron would always follow her later.

But according to Wein, the Pope and Knight Myron stayed where they were after she fought the Soul of Resentment. No matter what happened, there was no reaction. The opponent was really stuck in place, no matter how he charged, the body of Merren Knight did not respond.

"Could it be that Knight Myron and the Pope are really stuck?" Lu Qing couldn't help but have this strange thought in her heart.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that it is not impossible. It is not impossible for a dream game, a dream game, and a bug in the game to cause the character to get stuck.

She also doubted whether the dream world was the real world before, but in fact, after contacting the sleeping people in the dream, Lu Qing discovered that these dream worlds were really just human dreams.

This time, the dream world was entered by Hao Meng using special props. Perhaps it can also be regarded as an artificial dream created by the system. Since it is a dream maintained by the system, it is not impossible for a bug to get stuck!
Wait, when a bug appeared, Lu Qing suddenly thought of something, the stupid hair on the top of her head immediately stood up, and her expression couldn't help but become a little cute.

Before the player breaks through to blue, all attributes cannot break through to more than 50. The skills that can increase attributes that Lu Qing learned in the dream before have not allowed the spiritual attributes to break through until
In the dream of the abyss, after the skill breakthrough brought to her by the existence in the darkness, her spiritual attribute broke through the system's limit and reached 51 points.

"I couldn't have caused this bug, could it?" Lu Qing thought with a guilty conscience.

(End of this chapter)

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