The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 533 A Brand New Order

Chapter 533 A Brand New Order

Looking at the pope whose face changed greatly after hearing what the guard said, Yorick said with a smile: "It seems that something very serious has happened."

"Hehe, I don't think a group of rats hiding in the shadows can break through the largest prison in the capital." The pope laughed dryly, looked at Yorick and said, "For me, the most important thing now is to catch you."

"If it's a prison under normal conditions, of course we can't break it, but what if the number of people in the prison is reduced by at least half?" Yorick said, looking at the soldier who rushed in, and said: "Otherwise, why is this soldier Why is Mr. Guard so anxious?"

"Perhaps." The pope did not refute Yorick's words this time, but turned his head to look at the guards and said, "Tell the guards who blocked the cathedral that the situation is urgent, and they must return to the Royal Capital Prison immediately. The believers successfully hijacked the prison."


Although the guards hadn't figured out the situation until now, he could still understand what the Pope said, and hurriedly ran out of the Roots Hall after a reply.

"Oh, have you succeeded?" Suddenly, Yorick thought in his heart as if he felt something.

"It seems that we have no chance to fight for the time being." Yorick looked at the Pope and said suddenly.

"What?" The Pope looked at Yorick with some doubts, and said, "You don't think you can run away from me, do you?"

"Hehe." Yorick chuckled twice and said, "We will meet again in the future."

After finishing speaking, a hot steam was released from the top of Yorick's head, and with a "bang!", Yorick's brain exploded instantly!
"This..." the Pope, whose body was covered with pieces of meat, looked at the scene in front of him with an ugly expression, then immediately turned around and said, "Quick, let's go to Wangdu Prison!"

He wouldn't think that Yorick committed suicide after giving up the idea of ​​escape, and the scene before him could only explain one thing.

Yorick is gone!
"Bishop Hammer, please take care of this corpse, I will be back as soon as possible." The Pope said when he came to a bishop of Manulife Sam.

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Bishop Haimer to reply, the Pope got into the spiritual passageway opened in front of him and disappeared into the cathedral.

"Knight Myron, let's go too!" Lu Qing reacted immediately, looking at Knight Myron.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness!" Knight Myron immediately responded.

"Will it affect your running speed if you bring someone with you?" After the two ran out of the cathedral, Lu Qing looked at Knight Myron and asked.

Her own movement speed is still too slow compared to the pope's movement speed in the spiritual passage. In order to reach the destination as soon as possible, it might be a good way to let the knight of Myron take her for a ride.

"It doesn't have any influence," Knight Myron replied with a strange expression when he heard Lu Qing's words.

Broken, I became a mount.

"If it doesn't have any effect, then. No need, I have a solution!" Lu Qing looked at the buildings on both sides, recalled the location of Wangdu Prison in her mind, and said with a sudden light in front of her eyes:

"Knight Myron, go to the Wangdu Prison first, I will catch up."

"What?" Knight Myron was about to say something when Lu Qing suddenly threw a silver-white silk thread from his left hand and wrapped it around the bulge of a building in the distance. It was only a blink of an eye. She stood on the roof of the street building.

"??" Knight Myron watched Lu Qing fly up to the roof with a blank expression, and then disappeared from his sight.

"Does the instructor of the royal family even teach you how to fly over eaves and walk over walls?" Knight Myron thought in confusion.

Of course he can climb walls. In fact, if he wants to, he can jump directly to the top of the building next to the street, but that's the way to do it.
Knight Myron looked at the heavy armor on his body, and felt that he had better not do this.

Thinking of this, he turned around and got into the side alley, and ran fast. Amidst the continuous "bang bang", a road left by someone who was trampled on the ground of the alley was left behind. trace.
The situation is urgent, presumably His Royal Highness will not fine me.

"Wow!" The granulated flower transformed by No. [-] spit out the corroded 'prison cell' on the ground, and the prison originally made of the branches of the holy tree had lost all its strength at this time.

The flesh and blood kept wriggling, and Number Two quickly returned to his human form. His expression looked a little weak, and there was no trace of blood on his pale cheeks.

"Is that the state when No. [-] is fully liberated?" No. [-] recalled what he saw just now, thinking in his heart.

As we all know, all members of the Guiji sect are lunatics who have been infected by the power of the void. The stronger the Guiji sect, the higher the degree of infection by the void.

Their normal human form is actually a manifestation of the suppression of the void power. As for the extra parts on their bodies, it is because of incomplete suppression.

For example, the extra face on No. [-]'s cheek, or the extra eyes and tentacles on some of the Quiet Cultists.

As for those human beings who could not maintain their human state at all and turned into monsters after being infected by the void, they belonged to the type that could not communicate at all, and they were guys that would not even be accepted by the Guiji Sect.

Of course, in a sense, becoming that kind of monster is better than dying directly after being infected by the void.

"Um, what are we going to do next?" No. [-] asked, looking at the destroyed 'cell' on the ground where the archbishop was held.

"Of course we left here before the guards surrounded us." Number Two said weakly.

"The 'prison cell' has just been destroyed, the archbishop may not have woken up yet, I will take him with him." As number two said, his right hand squirmed and turned into an emerald green vine, which would have been destroyed by decay. The cell' tangled up.

"Let's go," Number Two said.

Walking out of the lowest level of the prison, a Guiji believer guarding here immediately reported the situation to No. [-]: "Master No. [-], this prison has been controlled by us. According to the information provided by the scouts, everyone The people from the church have already rushed over."

"It also includes the pope and the first knight of the kingdom." After a pause, the dead believer asked, "Do we need to release everyone in the prison to create chaos?"

"No, if the chaos is too much, it's hard to say whether this year's Sacred Tree Festival will be held on a large scale." No. [-] said.

"Ah?" The Guiji believer didn't realize it for a while. They are cult members, and they don't hold the sacred tree ceremony. It has nothing to do with them whether it is held on a large scale.

But soon he thought of something, and said: "I see, everything is to create greater chaos!"

"Hehe." Glancing at the Ji Ji believer, No. [-] smiled softly and said, "No, everything is for a new order."

(End of this chapter)

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