The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 536 Can you lend me your sword?

Chapter 536 Can you lend me your sword?
"They're all dead, all of them?" Knight Myron frowned and said.

"Yes, all of them are dead, at least that's what has been discovered so far." Knight Saro nodded, and said with the same doubt: "The corpses of the dead believers all present a distorted and deformed appearance, but no matter what No matter what they become, there is only one way of death."

"Which one?" Knight Myron asked.

The Saro knight pointed to his head, and said: "He died with a headshot, as if there was a bomb in his head. All the heads of the Guiji believers we met exploded."

"We had doctors examine the bodies, but nothing was found."

"Headshot." Lu Qing thought for a while, and then asked, "Have you checked with a mage? Could it be that they died due to mental shock?"

"Spiritual shock can't produce that effect." Saro Knight retorted subconsciously.

"We came here together with His Majesty the Pope, but His Majesty's speed is much faster than ours. If it's the mental shock he unleashes, do you think it's possible?" Lu Qing looked at Knight Saro and said.

"Your Majesty the Pope?" Knight Salo froze for a moment, and then said seriously: "If it's that lord, it's really possible, but is it a little bit?"

Too violent. Before the four words were finished, Saro Knight wanted to say that he would at least leave something alive, when a soldier's voice came from his ear.

"Knight Salo, there is new news!" The soldier saw Lu Qing and Knight Myron beside him as soon as he finished speaking. He was stunned for a moment, and then immediately recognized their identities.

"Mai, Knight Myron, and Your Royal Highness, sorry to disturb you!" the soldier stuttered.

"It's okay, tell me what the news is first." Knight Myron waved his hand.

"It's like this. After we entered the prison, we explored to the lowest level of the prison, and there was a side there." After a pause, the soldier thought of a more appropriate way of saying: "We found a side, a living wall, it keep us out."

"A living wall?" Saro Knight asked.

"Yes, a blood-red wall made of flesh that is constantly moving on the surface." The soldier racked his brains to describe the wall with the vocabulary he had learned. Although he stuttered, everyone still listened. understood what he meant.

"Have you tried to break through that wall?" Saro Knight continued to ask.

"We tried it with swords, but we couldn't destroy that wall anyway, and our weapons couldn't penetrate it." The soldier recalled: "The accompanying mages used spells to attack, and all of them were absorbed by the wall. .”

"A wall that can absorb spells." Lu Qing frowned, and suggested: "No matter how much I say, I haven't seen it with my own eyes. Let's go down first."

"That's fine." Knight Saro nodded, then looked at Knight Myron and said, "With Knight Myron around, I can feel more at ease."

"Hehe, don't be careless. I can't guarantee everyone's safety in any dangerous situation." Knight Myron chuckled.

"Of course, I won't let my guard down." Saro Knight also smiled.

"Soldier, lead the way." Saro Knight looked at the soldier and said.

"Yes!" The soldier seemed a little excited because of Knight Merren.

The four of them walked into the prison and walked along the route that the soldiers had inspected. Almost every distance, they would encounter the corpse of a dead believer.

As described by the soldiers, the corpses of every Death Cultist had undergone drastic changes before they died, but their changes did not seem to be complete.

Lu Qing thought of one thing. The Pope once told her that after the death of a creature, the power of the void will quickly dissipate in a short time, and it can only parasitize in the living body.

There is a high probability that the bodies of these Guiji believers have undergone drastic changes due to the influence of the power of the void after death, but before the transformation is completed, the power of the void has dissipated on them, which is why they look so distorted and deformed .

"These corpses, I will find someone to burn them all afterwards." Saro Knight said while walking after seeing these corpses.

"This is the best." Knight Myron nodded.

The four continued to move forward, then descended the stairs, and soon came to the lowest floor of the prison, and saw the living wall that the soldier said.

Unlike other void creations, this wall doesn't emit any disgusting smell, it really looks like a wall made of meat.

Lu Qing pulled out Altaïr's sword from her waist, injected spiritual power into it, and stabbed vigorously.

Maybe it was because Altaïr's sword was sharp enough, or maybe it was because the spiritual power that Lu Qing injected into it played a role, she actually pierced a crack in the wall of flesh and blood.

However, when she continued to apply pressure inside, she found that the inner fibers of the wall were much finer than the outer ones, and her Altaïr's sword could no longer go deeper.

Pulling out Altaïr's sword, almost at the moment Altaïr's sword was pulled out, the wound on the wall healed again.

"It's really hard to deal with." Knight Myron said, looking at the wall of flesh and blood in front of him.

How sharp Her Royal Highness's saber is, he has experienced it with his own steel long sword that has been broken four or five times, and it is precisely because of this that they unify their sabers in the subsequent sparring.

However, such a sharp weapon can only cut such a crack. What's more, the healing speed of the wound
"If it can't be destroyed in one go, it will recover quickly, but the wounds caused by sword weapons are too small." Knight Myron said thoughtfully.

"Anyway, let me try it first."

Knight Myron stood up straight, and slowly pulled out the steel long sword at his waist with his right hand, and the momentum accumulated on his body continued to gather on the long sword.

The air seemed to freeze at this moment, and the strong sense of oppression emanating from Knight Meron made everyone hardly dare to speak.

The next moment, a huge sword light fell, and Altaïr's sword could only pierce a gap in the flesh and blood wall, and a huge wound was cut open in an instant. The way is presented to all.

"Huh" Knight Myron let out a long breath. He looked at the wall of flesh and blood exuding light gray steam due to the high temperature in front of him, shook his head and said, "It hasn't been split."

Yes, even so, Knight Merren failed to split the wall in front of him. As the flesh and blood continued to wriggle and heal, the wall returned to its initial appearance.

However, the keen Lu Qing noticed that the healing speed of this wall did not seem to be as fast as it was at the beginning.

Knight Myron naturally noticed this too. He threw away the twisted and high-temperature steel long sword in his hand, turned to look at Lu Qing and said:
"Your Highness, can you lend me your saber?"

PS: All orders are ordered, and people are broken.

(End of this chapter)

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