Chapter 540 The Truth
"What happened?" Seeing how irritable No. [-]'s reaction was, Lin asked with some doubts.

"That's right." Hearing Lin's inquiry, No. [-]'s expression became serious. He threw the letter paper he had just written halfway into the stove, and told what he had seen and heard in the meeting.

"Archbishop Angus, you actually released him." Lin said in great surprise.

"Why are you so surprised? Logically speaking, shouldn't you have known this kind of news?" Number Three said helplessly.

"No, I actually don't know much," Lin said with a slightly embarrassed expression.

After the Pope's death, Lu Qing directly burned the Pope's body on the spot, and then said to the outside world that all the dead believers had been shot dead by the Pope's crown.

Although there are some doubts about such a statement, such as why the Pope did not leave a life alive or something, but because the soldiers present at the time saw the corpses of the dead believers, they would not doubt anything, and at worst, just use " His Excellency the Pope must have deep intentions in doing this." Just fool around.

Afterwards, the news of the Pope's death was announced by Lu Qing and Knight Myron in person before the king. In other words, there were only four people in this world who knew the Pope's death.

Under such circumstances, Lin wanted to go to the pope for a connection, but found that the pope seemed to have forgotten himself, and he couldn't find him no matter where he went.

At this time, she had already noticed something was wrong, so she tried to get close to Her Royal Highness, only to see densely packed shadow assassins hiding in the shadows.

It is said that it is not easy to be a spy, and few people know Lin's undercover identity. Others can't detect the emptiness on her body, so can those shadow assassins not detect it?
Lin was afraid that she would be torn apart by these shadow assassins before she had time to explain. It just so happened that it was time to connect with No. [-], so she came here first to connect with No. [-]. After getting the information from No. [-], she Go find Her Majesty the Princess again.

"Okay, that's all the information I want to say, have you written it down?" Number Three asked Lin after telling all the information he knew.

"I remember everything. I won't write down this news." Lin said confidently.

"Well, that's good." No. [-] nodded, then seemed to remember something, and hurriedly stopped Lin who was about to leave.

"Is there anything else?" Lin asked, looking at number three.

"I may have been suspected. Don't believe the information I said 100%. You must act with caution." Number Three said with a serious expression. .

"I feel like I'm being suspected and I can still laugh, you." Lin rolled her eyes speechlessly and said.

"I will remember, you have to be careful." Lin subconsciously clenched her left hand, turned and left.

If what No. [-] said is true, he has already been suspected, then this time the information is passed to her, and after the kingdom takes action, he will be exposed.

"He knows this himself, and he will definitely take action. Why should I worry about it." Shaking her head, Lin put this matter behind her.

"Is there someone outside who wants to see me?" Inside the cathedral, Lu Qing looked at the shadow assassin who appeared in front of her with some doubts.

"Yes, the other party claims that she is an undercover agent in the Guiji sect, so she has the aura of void power on her body. In addition, she also said that she knows the Pope." The shadow assassin lowered his head, loyal Said.

"Let her in, if what she said is true, then we can't miss it." Lu Qing said to the shadow assassin in front of her.


The shadow assassins disappeared in front of Lu Qing in an instant, and about a minute later, a woman who Lu Qing looked familiar came to her under the watchful eyes of the shadow assassins.

"Long time no see, Your Royal Highness, or should I call you a saint?" Lin looked down at Lu Qing, who had just reached her chest.

"You can do whatever you want." Lu Qing shook her head, feeling inexplicably sad, damn it, is it great to be tall? Speaking of being called a saint, why would she feel like being called a "leftover girl" for no reason?
Speaking of which, if she wants to grow taller, it seems that it is not impossible. If she transforms into the form of a black rose vampire, then her height can probably grow to be about the same height as the woman in front of her.

Shaking her head, Lu Qing looked at the familiar woman in front of her and said, "So you are."

"Oh, it's only been three months, have you already forgotten about me? Obviously, I still remember what you did back then." Lin pretended to be a little surprised and slowly raised her right hand .

An ominous premonition suddenly rose in Lu Qing's heart, and soon, she knew the source of this ominous premonition.

"Wait, wait a minute, there are still so many people watching!" Lu Qing soon knew what the other party was going to do.

"It seems that you are thinking of me." Seeing Lu Qing's reaction, Lin stopped her movements and said.

"It's true that I remembered, but I remember that you are not in charge of checking the blessing of the holy tree?" Lu Qing asked with some doubts.

Regarding this matter, Lin didn't want to go into too much detail, saying: "That can only be regarded as one of the jobs."

"Okay." Lu Qing didn't want to discuss with Lin how many jobs she had, so she didn't continue to ask, but changed the subject and asked:

"So you came to see me today, is there something for you?" When Lu Qing said this, she waved to the shadow assassins in the room, signaling them to go out first, and there may be some of them in the following conversation. What shouldn't be heard.

Regarding this, the Shadow Assassins didn't say anything, and left the room obediently. With Myron, the Kingdom's number one knight, by their side, Her Royal Highness's safety would not be a problem.

Of course, if they find any abnormality in the room, they will react immediately.

After seeing those shadow assassins exuding murderous aura leave, Lin also heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "I actually came to find His Majesty the Pope, but I don't know why, but I couldn't find the Pope's tiara at all the meeting places." Next, there are no instructions on what to do next."

"The outside world said that the Pope was injured, but no matter how I searched, I couldn't find the place where the Pope healed. It was all false news."


There was silence in the room for a while, Lu Qing looked at Lin standing in front of her, and asked, "So you came to find me?"

"Yeah." Lynn nodded.

"Okay." Shaking her head helplessly, Lu Qing said, "I can't tell you the specific news about His Majesty the Pope. You can tell me first, and I will pass it on to His Majesty the Pope."


Lin was silent for a moment, she looked at Lu Qing, and said slowly: "Actually, His Majesty the Pope is no longer here."

(End of this chapter)

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