Chapter 544 The Shining Man
"Your Highness, the Holy Tree Festival is about to begin." At this moment, Irene looked at the time and said.

"Well, I see." Lu Qing nodded, looked at the three people in front of her and said, "Let's go."

Coming to the corridor in front of the root hair hall, Lu Qing saw the guard knights and priests who were ready to go, standing here with solemn faces.

Affected by them, the expression on Lu Qing's face also became solemn and solemn, matching with the festival costume on her, it looks quite authentic.

According to the knowledge about noble etiquette in her mind, she walked in the front of the team with a dignified manner, and Knight Myron, Hao Meng and Fang Qingrou followed closely behind her.

The time was eight o'clock in the morning. If there were no accidents, they would arrive under the roots of the sacred tree at two o'clock in the afternoon. But to be honest, Lu Qing felt that this was not realistic.

If the dream game really goes so smoothly, then he is not a dream game. During the holy tree festival, there will definitely be some accidents.

Even at worst, the actions she arranged last night may not have affected the ceremonial spells that the Jiji believers will hold at all.

According to Mo Luni's calculation, if the spell is successfully activated, it will definitely be at twelve o'clock noon, because only at that time, the stars in the sky covered by the sun can reach the position required for the ceremony to start.


Suddenly, the magic clock above the cathedral made a dull sound, and as the sound sounded, Lu Qing said with a solemn expression: "Everyone, get ready to go!"


When the second bell rang, everyone present immediately straightened their bodies, and slowly lifted their left leg according to the steps in the exercise a few days ago.


The third bell rang, and Lu Qing began to take the first step forward. Immediately afterwards, the guard knights in armor put their left hands lightly on the sword lattice, and took a big step forward. The heavy metal battle The boots stepped on the ground and made a neat sound.

Walking out of the Manulife Sam Cathedral, the soldiers standing on both sides raised their battle flags, while the priests, who were protected by the guard knights, put their hands together and prayed in a low voice.

Some priests in the second half of the team played melodious songs with wooden instruments such as harps and wooden flutes in their hands.

Lu Qing didn't see the king and queen, because they were standing on the balcony at the top of the cathedral, above her head and behind her, and it was impossible for her to turn her head to look at them at this time.

So she only saw the nobles. The two sides of the street at the exit of the Manulife Sam Cathedral were full of nobles who came to visit the sacred tree ceremony. Lu Qing remembered a sentence she had heard before.

"During the sacred tree ceremony, not all nobles will occupy the position at the entrance of the cathedral, but only the nobles can occupy the position at the entrance of the cathedral."

Slightly closing her eyes, Lu Qing put these distracting thoughts behind her mind, and walked on the street with a concentrated expression.

The warm sunlight shone on the blue and white ceremonial costumes, making the color more vivid. The precious silver-white metal pendants kept touching each other when Lu Qing moved, making crisp sounds. Overwhelmed by the singing composed of harp and wooden flute, only the nobles standing at the front of the street can hear it.
The nobles marveled at the beauty of Her Highness the Princess and the dignity of the Holy Maiden, while the commoners felt the majesty of the royal family and the sanctity of theocracy, but no matter what, there was no doubt that Lu Qing was the most dazzling one today.

Suddenly, Lu Qing saw a familiar figure in the crowd, and saw Irene, who was sweating profusely, standing behind the crowd and kept waving at her. It seemed that she ran all the way from the cathedral by herself. of.

Beside her, Muir emerged from the state of lurking in the shadows, and also waved at Lu Qing, wondering if she would be deducted wages because of this matter.
Lu Qing smiled at the two of them, but at this level, there would be no problem.

"Your Highness, I'm leaving the city soon." After walking for a long time, Knight Myron followed behind Lu Qing and whispered.

"Well, I know." Lu Qing nodded incredulously, and said.

The outside of the city is different from the inside of the city. Whether it's the rough roads or the monsters that will suddenly appear, they will cause a lot of trouble for this team.

But maybe because of the fact that they have to walk once a year, there will be a lot fewer monsters on this road, probably because they are afraid of being killed, knowing that human beings will walk this road every once in a while.

But even so, one cannot let down one's vigilance, especially at a time when the Death Sect is so active. There is no doubt that if Archbishop Angus appears at this time, no one among them can fight against him except Knight Merren.

The performances of the priests gradually stopped, and the guard knights standing on both sides of the team also tensed up, and the movement speed of the whole team suddenly accelerated.

Because they are all Transcendents, this level of acceleration will not cause anyone to feel tired.

In the sky, which is imperceptible to human beings, there are three or two people and one brain floating here.

"I, are we really not going to fall?" No. [-]'s legs trembled and hugged No. [-]'s thighs, his eyes looked at the clouds below, and his tone was full of horror.

"Can you have a little drama, No. [-], you are a core member of the Guiji sect, how can you be afraid of heights?" No. [-] said with a strange expression.

"Don't worry about the newcomer, I won't be able to fall." Archbishop Angus wriggled his scalp and said.

"It's not a question of whether you can't fall." Number Five said with a mouth on his cheek.

"Then you can continue like this. I want to see where the princess is." Archbishop Angus said, ignoring No. [-] and looking down through the thick clouds.

"The clothes are pretty." Archbishop Angus said suddenly.


"You, what did you say just now?" Number Five asked with some doubts.

"Nothing." Archbishop Angus shook his body and said.

Suddenly, as if he had noticed something, he turned his head and looked to the other side of the sky, but there was nothing there.

"Probably an illusion." Angus thought after checking and finding nothing.

However, what he didn't know was that there was indeed something watching him just now.

"Archbishop Angus is on top of our heads?" Lu Qing said in surprise in her heart. Just now, Wein had sent such a message to her, so she synchronized her vision with Wein without hesitation.

As a result, as soon as the synchronization passed, Archbishop Angus looked in the direction of Wein as if he had discovered something.

Fortunately, Lu Qing stopped visual synchronization at that moment, and Wein used magic to hide himself, so he was not discovered.

"Gah, this head is so vigilant." Wein said in Lu Qing's mind.

PS: This chapter has worked hard to describe the charm of Xiaolu. It took a lot longer than I expected, but I am quite satisfied with the final result.

What do you think.
Oh, by the way, I read the replies, and everyone thinks that 17:18 and [-]:[-] are better. Let me tell you here, it starts tomorrow, not today.

Don't wait for the update at 17:[-] today.

What, you said that I lost one day like this?
(End of this chapter)

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