The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 554 Psionic Climbing and Spiritual Fire

Chapter 554 Psionic Climbing and Spiritual Fire
"What's going on here?" Lu Qing wanted to ask subconsciously.

"Chirp, chirp, tug" came out of his mouth, and inexplicably turned into a sound similar to that of a small animal.

"Huh?" Lu Qing raised her left hand suspiciously, and found that her left hand had turned into a white and fluffy appearance.

Looking down at the body again, the belly with blue and white stripes, and the festival costumes on the body have shrunk several times.

Except for the festival costumes, the other props are all the same, but they are all scaled down many times. Lu Qing took out the dark dagger, and felt that the size of this thing is only the finger length of an adult male.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp!"


Lu Qing gave up thinking.

At this moment, Ling's voice sounded from Lu Qing's mind, saying: "Your body has been soaked in the holy tree spring water for 50 years, and some special changes have taken place."

"You are now like an elf who looks like a human, but the last step of transformation has never been completed, which is why you will pass out."

"After I came here, I used my power to wake you up in advance, which made it impossible for you to use the elf's ability like an instinct."

"But if you let me help you, you can use all these elves' powers."

"So it's so strange!" Lu Qing complained in her heart: "There are so many flaws that I don't know where to start."

Let alone the fact that the spring water soaked in the sacred tree for 50 years will turn into a human-shaped elf, it seems quite reasonable, no, why do I think this is reasonable.

After thinking about it, Lu Qing asked, "Then can I learn these abilities by myself?"

"Chirp chirp, chirp chirp chirp" said, and it suddenly changed into another language. This is probably... um... is it... bird language?

Wein who followed behind shook his head, expressing that he did not understand what Lu Qing was saying.

Fortunately, Ling understood Lu Qing's words, and said, "Just collect the magic essence, it's everywhere outside now."

"Mosu?" Lu Qing asked with some doubts, she had never heard the Pope or Merren Knight mention this thing.

"It is the magic power that will escape after the death of creatures with magic power. Now there are mutated creatures everywhere outside. Kill them to get magic essence." Lingwei Lu Qing explained:

"Please don't pity them. The process of being eroded by the void is very painful. Letting them free is the best help."

"How do I collect magic essence?" Lu Qing asked.

"I'll collect it for you. Just tell me what you want to learn." After hearing Lu Qing's words, Ling replied.

Almost at the moment when the spiritual words were finished, a light blue window popped up in front of Lu Qing's eyes.

"This is the skill tree?" Lu Qing asked, looking at the square patterns on it.

Ling didn't answer Lu Qing. In fact, when the skill book was opened, Lu Qing found that everyone around her stopped as if the pause button was pressed, and even she couldn't move.

"This is really a bit like a game." Lu Qing thought with some emotion.

After the previous system card BUG incident, her threshold of surprise for herself has increased a lot, isn't it just opening the skill interface to pause, drizzle.

Thinking of this, Lu Qing turned her gaze to the three lit skills on the skill bar.

Currently, only these three skills can be viewed, and the rest of the black squares cannot see anything.

The first skill, which is displayed below, is learned. Its name is [Spiritualization]. As the name suggests, it can turn into an elf after being used, and it will change back when used again.

Lu Qing clicked, and the knowledge of how to use [Spirit Transformation] immediately appeared in her mind.

She looked at the other two skills, both of which could be learned after learning [Elf Transformation], but she didn't have any magic energy at this time, so she couldn't learn it even if she wanted to.

【Spiritual Climbing (Blue)】

[Climbing with psionic energy can connect any part of the body to the wall, even if it is a smooth wall that goes straight down, it can move freely. 】

[100 magic elements to unlock. 】

【Fairy Fire (Blue)】

[Concentrate spiritual energy to form flame emission, and it will dissipate by itself after the spiritual power is exhausted. Because of its characteristics, it is difficult to cause fire, and it is the most commonly used attack method by elves. 】

[100 magic elements to unlock. 】

"Using spiritual power to climb on the wall, why does it feel a little familiar, can it still float on the water?" Lu Qing couldn't help complaining while looking at the introduction on the skill panel.

She doesn't have any magic essence now, and she can't learn it even after seeing it, so let's talk about it later.

Thinking of this, Lu Qing turned off the skill panel, and crawled into the gap on all fours.

Maybe it's because of becoming an elf, or maybe it's Lu Qing's proficiency in manipulating the body, the way of moving on all fours doesn't make Lu Qing feel so uncomfortable.

According to the spirit, when the elves are in the physical state, they run the fastest on all fours.

"Oh, by the way, did Wein catch up?" Lu Qing glanced behind her curiously, and found that Wein had shrunk to about the same size as her and followed behind her.

"It's just magic to make the body smaller, it's easy." Seeing Lu Qing looking over, Wein said in a female voice quite proudly.

For some reason, Lu Qing suddenly imagined Wein, who looked like a girl, saying these words with pride.

"Hiss, what's the matter with being a little cute?" Lu Qing wiped the saliva that didn't exist at the corner of her mouth.

This time she didn't say anything to hurt Wein, but rolled her eyes, turned around and continued walking forward.

After walking for about 5 minutes, the three of them, one person, one bird, and one elf, came out of these collapsed ruins. With a thought, Lu Qing regained her human appearance based on the knowledge of [Elf Transformation] she had learned before.

Not long after Wayne came out, he returned to his original size.

Going forward, within half a minute, Lu Qing saw the familiar blue steel door.

"This is the gate we built in ancient times. Only elves and psychics can pass through." Ling floated beside Lu Qing, and said after seeing the blue-patterned steel gate in the distance.

"That bad guy is right outside the door, you have to be careful!" The light on Ling's body flickered violently, reminding him.

"Well, I will be careful." Lu Qing nodded, injecting spiritual power into the blue steel door.


With a heavy sound, the gate that had been closed for 50 years slowly sank into the ground.

"Well..." The pungent smell of blood poured into her nostrils, Lu Qing frowned subconsciously, and looked at the elf sacrificial field that had changed greatly.

Blood is everywhere, and the once clean and tidy elf sacrificial field is full of traces of battle.

And in the center of the square, a tall, blood-stained humanoid armor was half-kneeling here full of majesty.

(End of this chapter)

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