The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 558 The 3 Overlords of the Elf Forest

Chapter 558 The Three Overlords of the Fairy Forest


Lu Qing returned to the ground and gently touched her head with her hand.

It didn't hurt that much, but the main reason was more embarrassment. After all, Wein and Ling were watching, but he bumped his head against a tree.

"We must find time to practice more in the future." Lu Qing looked at the depression on the trunk of the big tree that she knocked out and thought.

"That's not right, my little master, when did you learn these skills?" Suddenly, Wein noticed something was wrong, and looked at Lu Qing and asked.

"I just learned it, haven't you seen it all?" Ling looked at Wein in confusion.

"Huh?" Wein was even more puzzled.

"I just learned it. When I am learning skills, the time in the dream world will be suspended, and the cognition of the spirit will be modified, just like the time when the Knight of Mellon and the Pope were stuck." Lu Qing thought in her heart Said to Wayne.

"Is that so?" Wein thought with some confusion.

She felt like she understood, but not fully.

"It seems that the system has no way to modify Wein's cognition." Seeing Wein's confused expression, Lu Qing thought.

I don't know what will happen to Fang Qingrou and the others. Although Hao Meng's memory about the Knight of Merren last time may have been modified by the dream game, what will happen if he just learns a skill?

"Don't think about that for now." Shaking her head, Lu Qing looked at Ling and said, "Where shall we go next?"

She hasn't forgotten what the main goal of this dream world is, and they still have to check the state of the core of the holy tree.

"We are going to the crown of the sacred tree, there is a tree hole there." The spirit flashed a light blue light, and said: "There is the overlord of the sky, the nest of the white eagle Maeveline, but after the sacred tree withered, She doesn't live there anymore."

"The overlord of the sky?" Hearing Ling's words, Wein instantly regained his energy. Before she could speak, Lu Qing punched her on the head, interrupting what she wanted to say.

"Don't talk." Lu Qing looked at Ling and said, "Is the overlord of the sky one of the three overlords of the Forest of Elves?"

"Yes." Ling nodded, and said, "In addition to Maeveline, the overlord of the sky, there is also the overlord of the night and the forest, the ghost wolf Calis, and the overlord of the river and deep water, the spirit frog Bolton."

"The three of them are the three strongest creatures in the Elven Forest, and together they manage the order of the Elven Forest. However, after the sacred tree withered, I heard that their lives were not very good."

"Then where are we going to find the overlord of the sky?" Lu Qing asked curiously.

It is impossible to go to the canopy of the holy tree with only the strength of the three of them. After all, the holy tree is so tall, and she and Ling can't fly, so they can't climb up by relying on spiritual power. Just think about it. unrealistic.

"Well..." Ling thought for a moment, then slowly said, "I don't know."


I don't know why, but Lu Qing didn't feel very surprised when she heard Ling's answer, maybe it's because she was almost used to Ling's character?
"Will the other two overlords know where the overlord of the sky is?" Lu Qing asked after thinking about it.

"Well, the overlord of the rivers and deep waters, Bolton should know that he is responsible for managing all the rivers and lakes in the Forest of Elves, and he is a very smart and wise man." After thinking for a while, Ling gave Lu Qing this answer.

"Frog wise man, I think this image is quite classic." Lu Qing thought with some relief in her heart, she was afraid that Ling would say "I don't know", and it would be really troublesome.

"How do we find that Spirit Frog Bolton?" Lu Qing asked.

"Just find a river or lake at random. All creatures living in the water know the spirit frog Bolton." Ling said cheerfully.

"Then where is the nearest river or lake?" Lu Qing asked again.

"I do not know."


This is not a big problem. After thinking about it, Lu Qing let Wein fly in the air and started to scout around them.

About half an hour later, Wein said to Lu Qing in his mind: "My little master, I found the lake, but the lake looks a little strange."

"What's weird?"

Lu Qing synchronized her eyes with Wein, and immediately saw the lake in the distance, and at the same time understood why Wein said that the lake looked weird.

Because the water in that lake turned out to be black!

"Anyway, we've found the lake, let's go and have a look first." Frowning, Lu Qing told Lingdao about Wein's discovery.

"Is the water source also polluted by the power of the void?" After hearing Lu Qing's description, Ling looked a little frustrated.

"Probably so." Lu Qing comforted Ling, "I don't know the details yet, let's go and have a look first."

"En." Ling regained his spirit and said.

"Elves are really pure-minded, they can change their moods whenever they want." Lu Qing recalled what Archbishop Angus once said.

They ran towards the lake that Wein had found, but after halfway forward, Lu Qing found that she and Ling were being targeted by two creatures.


A mass of dark purple liquid splashed towards Lu Qing and Ling. Fortunately, they reacted extremely quickly and avoided the opponent's attack.

Lu Qing looked in the direction from which the attack was launched, and found that what attacked her was a plant with pink buds and dark green rhizomes.

In addition to this plant, there is also a huge insect with hard horny horns on the top of its head.

"They are creatures that have been polluted by the power of the void, and they are extremely aggressive towards any creature that has not been polluted by the void." Ling Ling floated beside Lu Qing, reminding.

"Ok, I know."

Lu Qing nodded, and decided to test the power of the spirit fire.

She controlled the spiritual power in her body to gather in her palm, forming a pale flame, then raised her hand and threw it towards the pink flower bud in the distance.

However, what she didn't expect was that this pink flower bud stood up suddenly, and moved several roots under her body to avoid the attack of her elf fire.

And after avoiding the attack of the spirit fire, the pink bud opened its petals again, facing Lu Qing, it was a dark purple corrosive liquid.

After thinking about it, Lu Qing didn't dodge the opponent's attack, but summoned the guardian shield of the guardian mask.


The silver-white guardian's shield blocked the corrosive liquid emitted by the pink flower buds, making a slight sound. After the corrosive liquid dissipated, there were no overly conspicuous marks left on its surface.

I don't know if the corrosive liquid emitted by this pink flower bud is too weak, or because the guardian's shield is stronger, but Lu Qing is quite satisfied with the test results for the time being.

Thinking of this, she fired another ball of pure white spirit fire, this time the movement speed of the spirit fire was much faster, and the pink buds had no time to dodge before being burned to ashes.

As for the huge insect with striking horns, Lu Qing withstood the opponent's impact with one hand, kicked hard on a big tree and died.

To be honest, she didn't expect her strength to be so strong, or should it be said that this insect's defense ability is not very strong?
【Magic element +80】

(End of this chapter)

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